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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And then the genie told him about the magician disguised as the holy woman.
▪ As a child of the 1960s and 1970s, the nuclear genie still looms large for me as a powerful analogy.
▪ The genie is out of the bottle.
▪ The creative genius of artist, composer, or writer is a kind of genie.
▪ The princess passed on her request to Aladdin, who passed it on to the genie.
▪ There is no genie to snap its fingers and whiplash me out of this world I am living in.
▪ Well, when he has his own personal genie, he has options.
▪ When they ran out of food, they asked the genie for more silver dishes, which they sold to buy food.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

genie \ge"nie\ (j[=e]"n[=e]), n. [F.] Same as jinnee.


Jinnee \Jin"nee\, Jinni \Jin"ni\(j[i^]n"n[=e]), n.; pl. Jinn (j[i^]n). [Ar.] (Arabian & Mohammedan Myth.) A genius or demon; one of the fabled genii, good and evil spirits, supposed to be the children of fire, and to have the power of assuming various forms. [Written also jin, djinn, djinnee, genie, etc.]

Note: Jinn is also used as sing., with pl. jinns.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, "tutelary spirit," from French génie, from Latin genius (see genius); used in French translation of "Arabian Nights" to render Arabic jinni, singular of jinn, which it accidentally resembled, and attested in English with this sense from 1748.


n. 1 (context Islam English) An invisible spirit mentioned in the Qur'an and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals, of pre-Islamic Arabian mythological origin. 2 A fictional magical being that is typically bound to obey the commands of a mortal possessing its container.


n. (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals [syn: jinni, jinnee, djinni, djinny]


GEnie (General Electric Network for Information Exchange) was an online service created by a General Electric business, GEIS (now GXS), that ran from 1985 through the end of 1999. In 1994, GEnie claimed around 350,000 users. Peak simultaneous usage was around 10,000 users. It was one of the pioneering services in the field, though eventually replaced by the Internet and graphics-based services, most notably AOL.

Genie (disambiguation)

A genie or jinn is a spiritual creature mentioned in Islamic theology. The English word derives from the Latin genius and is also used for this kind of guardian spirit from ancient Roman religion.

Genie may also refer to:

Genie (Dungeons & Dragons)

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, genies are outsiders composed in part of the element of their native Elemental Planes.

Genie (programming language)

Genie is a modern, general-purpose high-level programming language in active development since 2008. It was designed as an alternative, simpler and cleaner dialect for the Vala compiler, while preserving the same functionality of the Vala language. Genie uses the same compiler and libraries as Vala; the two can indeed be used alongside each other. The differences are only syntactical.

Genie's syntax is derived from numerous modern languages like Python, Boo, D and Delphi. In the vein of Python, Genie uses indentation rather than curly brackets to delimit blocks.

Like Vala, Genie uses the GObject type system to create classes and interfaces declared in Genie source code, without imposing additional runtime requirements (i.e., unlike Python, Java or C#, it does not require a virtual machine).

Genie allows access to C libraries, especially those based in GObject (like GTK+), without using a different application binary interface (ABI). During compilation, the code is first translated to C source and header files, which are then compiled to platform-specific machine code using any available C compiler like GCC, thus allowing cross-platform software development.

Although both Vala and Genie are being developed and promoted by GNOME, programs developed in Genie don't depend on the GNOME Desktop Environment, usually requiring only GLib.

Genie (Terex)

Genie is an American company owned by Terex which manufactures work lifts and platforms used in construction, maintenance, warehouse stocking, and equipment installation. Founded in 1966 by Bud Bushnell, the company operated independently until acquired by Terex in 2002. Genie operates in locations worldwide, headquartered in Redmond, Washington, United States.

Genie (pinball)

Genie is a widebody pinball machine designed by Ed Krynski and released in 1979 by Gottlieb. It features a jinn theme and was advertised with the slogans "Gottlieb's WIDE and Beautiful BODY" and “A Wide-Body Pinball absolutely bulging with player appeal and proven massive profit earning capacity!”.

Genie (feral child)

Genie (born April 18, 1957) is the pseudonym for a feral child who was a victim of severe abuse, neglect, and social isolation. Her circumstances are prominently recorded in the annals of linguistics and abnormal child psychology. When Genie was a baby her father concluded that she was severely mentally retarded, a view which intensified as she got older, causing him to dislike her and withhold care and attention. At approximately the time she reached the age of 20 months her father decided to keep her as socially isolated as possible, so from that time until she reached the age of 13 years and 7 months he kept her locked alone in a room. During this time he almost always kept her strapped to a child's toilet or bound her in a crib with her arms and legs completely immobilized, forbade anyone from interacting with her, provided her with almost no stimulation of any kind, and left her severely malnourished. The extent of Genie's isolation prevented her from being exposed to any significant amount of speech, and as a result she did not acquire language during childhood. Her abuse came to the attention of Los Angeles child welfare authorities on November 4, 1970.

In the first several years after Genie's early life and circumstances came to light, psychologists, linguists, and other scientists focused a great deal of attention on Genie's case, seeing in her near-total isolation a unique chance to study many aspects of human development. Upon finding that Genie had not yet learned a language, linguists saw Genie as providing an opportunity to gain further insight into the processes controlling language acquisition skills and to test theories and hypotheses identifying critical periods during which humans learn to understand and use language. Throughout the time scientists studied Genie, she made substantial advances with her overall mental and psychological development. Within months of being discovered Genie had developed exceptional nonverbal communication skills, and gradually learned some basic social skills, but even by the end of their case study she still had many behavioral traits characteristic of an unsocialized person. She also continued to learn and use new language skills throughout the time they tested her, but ultimately remained unable to fully acquire a first language.

Authorities initially arranged for Genie's admission to the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, where a team of doctors and psychologists managed her care for several months, and her subsequent living arrangements eventually became the subject of rancorous and protracted debate. In late June 1971 she left the hospital to live with her teacher at the hospital, but a month and a half later authorities placed her with the family of the scientist heading the research team. Soon after turning 18, in mid-1975, she returned to live with her mother, who after a few months decided she could not adequately care for Genie. Authorities then moved her in the first of what would become a series of institutions for disabled adults, and the people running it cut her off from almost everyone she knew and subjected her to extreme physical and emotional abuse. As a result, her physical and mental health severely deteriorated, and her newly acquired language and behavioral skills very rapidly regressed.

In early January 1978 Genie's mother suddenly forbade all scientific observations and testing of Genie, and since that time little is known of her circumstances. In 2008, ABC News reported that she was living in California, "in psychological confinement as a ward of the state—her sixth foster home. And again, she is speechless." Psychologists and linguists continue to discuss Genie, and there is considerable academic and media interest in her life and the research team's methods. In particular, scientists have compared Genie to Victor of Aveyron, a nineteenth-century French child who was also the subject of a case study in delayed psychological development and late language acquisition.

Genie (Disney character)

The Genie is a jinn appearing in the Aladdin franchise from Disney. He is never given a proper name. He was portrayed by Robin Williams in the first film. Following a contract dispute between Williams and the Walt Disney Company, Dan Castellaneta voiced the Genie throughout the direct-to-video feature The Return of Jafar, as well as the television series, before Williams reprised the role for the final installment, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, as well as for the character's own mini-series, Great Minds Think for Themselves. Castellaneta voiced the Genie in Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge and later the Kingdom Hearts series of video games by Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios for both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II (with archived audio used in other Kingdom Hearts games). Jim Meskimen took over the role in Disney Think Fast (2008) and Kinect Disneyland Adventures (2011) and currently voices him, after Williams' death in 2014.

Usage examples of "genie".

Gnarled strands of smoke rose upwards to filter and tease apart the morning light, like dozens of genies released from flanched bottles scattered from Smithfield to Ratcliff and for as far along the estuary as the eye could see.

Despite his position Shah Zaman smiled like the Genie through his pearly beard and declared that Scheherazade was right to think love ephemeral.

Presently they saw a wondrous quivering flash divide the Genie, and his heels and head fell together in the abysses, leaving Shagpat prone on great brasiers of penal flame.

I wear, and the amulets, I wear them as a protection from that Genie, and a safeguard, he that carrieth off the maidens and the young sucklings, walking under the curse of mothers.

Feshnavat and Shibli Bagarag, feared greatly being left with the Genie, for he became all colours, and loured on them each time that he ceased sneezing.

I took the Ring and hung it on a hair of my own head over the head of the Genie, and saw one of the thin lengths begin to twist and dart and writhe, and shift lustres as a creature in anguish.

Philip, he had materialised like an evil genie and swept them back with the other guests.

His closing exclamation is jerked out of the venerable gentleman by the suddenness with which Mr. Squod, like a genie, catches him up, chair and all, and deposits him on the hearth-stone.

Work This is what it would take for the United States alone, or with a small coalition of allies, to have some chance of putting the sanctions genie back into the bottle.

On decerne la palme du genie a l'artiste grec qui a su resoudre le plus delicat des problemes, orner le corps humain, c'est a orner la perfection meme, et l'on ne veut voir qu'une affaire de chiffons dans l'essai de collaborer a la plus belle oeuvre de Dieu, a la beaute de la femme!

A mighty descendant of genies communed with dead ancestors and distant gods.

The monarchists and the anti-monarchists, the Republicans and the anti-Republicans, the Bonapartists and the Bourbons, all carried the word around as if it was a genie trapped in a bottle and they were the sole possessors of the world's corkscrew.

Genie herself had overcome many faults in a forty-year, twenty-step program of her own design, and was thinking about gearing up for another pass soon, to clear up the leftovers and start in on a new set of faults.

Efreet statues supported iron braziers where crabs boiled and peppers sizzled, oathbinder genies frowned from building-spanning mosaics overlooking the market's transactions, marids clung to high corners as gargoyle waterspouts, harim servant genies glared from doorknockers, even noble djinn swung as string puppets from the kiosks of toymakers.

But that plan had been scotched when he had to rush home to take over the business after the tragedy involving his father, when the older man had been buried under tons of mud while inspecting the workings of a balky Squeeze Genie Plus at the bottom of a faultily shored ditch.