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The Collaborative International Dictionary

djinnee \djin"nee\ djinni \djin"ni\, djinny \djin"ny\(j[i^]n"n[=e]), n.; pl. djinn (j[i^]n) or djinns (j[i^]nz). A spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals. Same as djinni and Jinnee. See Jinnee, Jinn.

Syn: genie, jinn, jinni, jinnee, djinn, djinni.


n. (alternative spelling of djinn English)

  1. n. (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals [syn: genie, jinni, jinnee, djinny]

  2. [also: djinn (pl)]

Usage examples of "djinni".

I had just been confronted by an evil djinni who had threatened me, and forced words to come unbidden to my lips.

There, above us, was the head of the evil djinni, having appeared this time without even the beneficial warning of violet smoke.

The street, which was my true home, and had offered me a freedom I had never realized until I stepped inside that house of marvel tales, exotic foods, and djinni curses.

For example, as a particularly fine specimen of a djinni, I treat other djinn and anything above my rank with a certain degree of courtesy, but give foliots and imps short shrift.

On one notable occasion, Asmoral the Resolute was instructed by his master to destroy the djinni Ianna.

As the magician repeats the incantation, the bands grow tighter and tighter until the helpless djinni trapped inside begs for mercy.

But I was quietly confident: entrusting a mission to a djinni who knows your name is like tossing lit matches into a fireworks factory.

For the moment, the djinni would have to be left to its own dubious devices.

Nothing showed up in his lenses, admittedly, but the djinni would have changed its form on each of the first four planes.

A type of djinni much favored by the Assyrian magicians for their unintelligent devotion to violence.

Whether the djinni had gathered proof or not, he ought to get rid of the Amulet fast.

Nathaniel performed the summoning three times that morning, and three times the djinni did not appear.

At length he became aware that the djinni had come close again, and was sitting on its haunches, idly stirring a long sliver of wood in the fire.

The djinni began clearing a space among the debris of the floor with the side of its boot.

Humming gently, the djinni wandered to the window, reigniting the fire casually as it passed.