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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Man, beast or daemon, Drachenfels lies mouldering in a filthy sepulchre.
▪ Resurrection, therefore, means that moment when one bursts forth from the sepulchre of the old man.
▪ The lid of his now-gone sepulchre remains, a marble piece with Grifo's carved effigy.
▪ They find the stone gone and enter the sepulchre.
▪ They see that the stone guarding the entrance to the sepulchre has been rolled away.
▪ What finer sepulchre of honour could any Marine ever aspire to?
▪ With all her best efforts, she was whitewashing a sepulchre.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sepulcher \Sep"ul*cher\, Sepulchre \Sep"ul*chre\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sepulcheredor Sepulchred; p. pr. & vb. n. Sepulcheringor Sepulchring.] To bury; to inter; to entomb; as, obscurely sepulchered.

And so sepulchered in such pomp dost lie That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.


Sepulcher \Sep"ul*cher\, Sepulchre \Sep"ul*chre\, n. [OE. sepulcre, OF. sepulcre, F. s['e]pulcre, fr. L. sepulcrum, sepulchrum, fr. sepelire to bury.] The place in which the dead body of a human being is interred, or a place set apart for that purpose; a grave; a tomb.

The stony entrance of this sepulcher.

The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher.
--John xx. 1.

A whited sepulcher. Fig.: Any person who is fair outwardly but unclean or vile within. See
--Matt. xxiii. 27.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also sepulcher, c.1200, "tomb, burial place," especially the cave where Jesus was buried outside Jerusalem (Holy Sepulcher or Saint Sepulcher), from Old French sepulcre "tomb; the Holy Sepulchre" (11c.), from Latin sepulcrum "grave, tomb, place where a corpse is buried," from root of sepelire "to bury, embalm," originally "to perform rituals on a corpse," from PIE *sep-el-yo-, suffixed form of root *sep- (2) "to handle (skillfully), to hold (reverently);" cognates: Sanskrit saparyati "honors." No reason for the -ch- spelling, which dates to 13c. Whited sepulchre "hypocrite" is from Matt. xxiii.27.


n. A burial chamber. vb. (context transitive English) To place in a sepulchre.


n. a chamber that is used as a grave [syn: burial chamber, sepulcher, sepulture]

Sepulchre (comics)

Sepulchre (also known as Shadowoman) is a fictional superhero published by Marvel Comics. She first appeared in Quasar #45 (April 1993), and was created by Mark Gruenwald and Grant Miehm.

Sepulchre (Mosse novel)

Sepulchre is a novel by the English author Kate Mosse. The story is based in two time periods, 1891 and present day (2007), and follows two female protagonists. It was published in 2007.

Sepulchre (disambiguation)

A sepulchre is a type of tomb or burial chamber.

Sepulchre may also refer to:

  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus, in Jerusalem.
  • Sepulchre (comics), a fictional superhero published by Marvel Comics
  • Sepulchre (novel), a 2007 novel by Kate Mosse

See also right of sepulchre

Usage examples of "sepulchre".

The curved architraves rise at each extremity like two menacing horns, pointing upward toward the far-off blue canopy of the star-spangled sky, as if they would communicate to the gods the knowledge they have acquired in the depths of their foundations from the earth, full of sepulchres and death, which surrounds them.

The age of the tomb, however, implied it had preceded the advent of the noble bastardy which lifted the Scorpioni to possession of this ground -or, more strange, that the sepulchre had been brought with them from some other spot, a brooding heirloom.

In the days of pomp, the crowds had kept to this side of the hall, avoiding the misproportioned sepulchres along the farther wall.

The old lord had given up the ghost two days before, and now lay in grim state in the hall under a splendid mortcloth till such time as he could be moved to the family sepulchre.

When this was done wee packed up our treasure, which we committed to the sepulchre to keepe, and got out of the bounds of Platea, thus thinking with our selves, that there was more fidelity amongst the dead than amongst the living, by reason that our preyes were so surely kept in the sepulchre.

Francis and Holy Sepulchre chapels, and probably the Presepio, Adoration of the Shepherds, and Circumcision chapels--though it may be doubted whether these last contained the figures that they now do--were in existence before the year 1500.

Carlo lay when he came to visit the Sacro Monte, and the stone which is said to be a facsimile of the one rolled in front of the Holy Sepulchre itself.

Amongst them all the father of the child remooved with his owne hands the stone of the Sepulchre, and found his Sonne rising up after his dead and soporiferous sleepe, whom when he beheld, he imbraced him in his armes, and presented him before the people, with great joy and consolation, and as he was wrapped and bound in his grave, so he brought him before the Judges, whereupon the wickednesse of the Servant, and, the treason of the stepdame was plainely discovered, and the verity of the matter revealed, whereby the woman was perpetually exiled, the Servant hanged on a Gallowes, and the Physitian had the Crownes, which was prepared to buy the poyson.

Hundreds of paintings in the tombs show souls undergoing their respective allotments in the other world while their bodily mummies are quiet in the sepulchres of the present.

Jacobites has persevered for ages to cast stones against his sepulchre, and to propagate the foolish tradition, that it was never watered by the rain of heaven, which equally descends on the righteous and the ungodly.

Without the gates of Hamadan, a short distance from the city, was an enclosed piece of elevated ground, in the centre of which rose an ancient sepulchre, the traditionary tomb of Esther and Mordecai.

It might seem that if the guards told the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, of the miracles which occurred at the sepulchre, they must immediately have believed and proclaimed their belief in the Messiahship and resurrection of the crucified Savior.

They would find Meureille, they would leave Sherreen, with its red diamonds, its spying nits, its open carts rumbling between Sepulchre and hungry Kokotte.

At the Tomb of Napoleon Before the Elections in America -- November, 1912 I stood beside his sepulchre whose fame, Hurled over Europe once on bolt and blast, Now glows far off as storm-clouds overpast Glow in the sunset flushed with glorious flame.

But as sworn brethren of the Cross, military pilgrims, who, laying aside the pomp and pride of this world, are hewing with our swords the way to the Holy Sepulchre, I myself, and the other princes, have renounced to King Richard, from respect to his high renown and great feats of arms, that precedence which elsewhere, and upon other motives, would not have been yielded.