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Crossword clues for heart

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a back/heart/kidney etc problem
▪ He was born with heart problems.
a donor heart/liver/kidney etc
▪ The technique keeps the donor heart beating while it is transported.
a heart defect
▪ Laura was born with a rare heart defect.
a heart patient (=one with heart disease)
▪ Some heart patients have to wait between three months and a year for surgery.
a heart/liver/kidney etc donor
▪ There is a shortage of kidney donors.
a heart/lung/skin etc condition
▪ I’m taking some medicine for a heart condition.
a knee/heart/stomach etc operation
▪ He is almost back to full fitness after a knee operation.
a lonely hearts columnBritish English (= with advertisements for a new lover or friend)
▪ Some men place advertisements in the lonely hearts columns.
bleeding heart
cry your eyes/heart out (=be extremely sad and cry a lot)
▪ Lucy read the letter and cried her eyes out.
dicky heart/ticker (=a heart that is weak and not very healthy)
▪ It will gladden the hearts of my friends to see you.
had a special place in...heart
▪ Her second son had a special place in her heart.
have/suffer a heart attack
heart attack
▪ You almost gave me a heart attack there!
heart disease
heart failure
heart pounding in her chest
▪ She ran, her heart pounding in her chest.
▪ Tim’s heart was aching for her.
heart/knee/brain etc surgery
▪ She is now fit again after knee surgery.
heart/liver/kidney disease
▪ He is being treated for kidney disease.
▪ My heart just melted when I saw her crying.
in the heart of a city
▪ The cathedral is right in the heart of the city.
jack of hearts/clubs etc
lonely hearts
massive stroke/heart attack etc
▪ He suffered a massive stroke.
pour out your heart/soul (=tell someone all your feelings, including your most secret ones)
Purple Heart
sb’s heart/pulse rate (=the number of beats per minute)
▪ A miner’s resting heart rate can be between 40 and 60 beats a minute.
soft heart
▪ He has a soft heart beneath that cold exterior.
stab sb in the heart/arm etc
▪ She had been stabbed in the chest repeatedly.
strike terror into sb’s heart
▪ His fearsome appearance strikes terror into the hearts of his enemies. the heart of
▪ Such prejudices strike right at the heart of any notions of a civilized society.
suffer a heart attack/stroke
▪ He died after suffering a massive heart attack.
the heart/crux of the matter (=the most important part of something)
▪ The crux of the matter is: how do we prevent these floods from happening again?
the very heart of sth
▪ The hotel is located in the very heart of the city.
touched the hearts
▪ Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world.
weak heart/lungs etc
▪ My grandfather had a weak heart.
your heart/pulse/breathing quickens (=your heart beats faster because you are afraid, excited etc)
▪ She caught sight of Rob and felt her heart quicken.
▪ The system caused many a broken heart over the generations.
▪ It was the universal panacea for a broken heart.
▪ Harald died three months later, I believe of a broken heart.
▪ This was after David had split up with Hermione and was nursing a broken heart.
▪ Eating never fixed a broken heart!
▪ Neither miscarriages nor broken hearts, feuds or fainting fits, had ever managed to extinguish the footlights.
▪ Some said she'd left with a broken heart.
▪ No broken heart, you're free.
▪ Discussion Overall we found that periodontal disease was associated with a small increased risk of coronary heart disease.
▪ For coronary heart disease alone, the death rate in that same 10-year period declined by 26 percent.
▪ Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with hypercholesterolaemia.
▪ We found no association between extent of active dental decay and risk of coronary heart disease.
▪ The essential question is whether the association between dental disease and coronary heart disease is causal.
▪ Similar differences in relative risks between young and old have been observed in studies of other risk factors for coronary heart disease.
▪ That diet is associated with the group's continuing lower coronary heart disease rates, despite higher blood pressure.
▪ The incidence of coronary heart disease was the primary outcome measure in our analyses.
▪ Performance-related pay is obviously dear to the hearts of the authors of the Patient's Charter.
▪ Again, the golden rule is only pick a cause that is dear to your heart.
▪ He stole your dear heart away with his lies.
▪ This pretension was to be dear to the heart of Philip Augustus.
▪ The question of establishment raised mutatis mutandis other causes dear to radical hearts.
▪ You've all the enthusiasm needed to campaign for a cause or idea that's near and dear to your heart.
▪ Eve had spent the day wandering around Dublin with a heavy heart.
▪ Here is a soldier who was waiting, with a heavy heart, to suffer and die in battle.
▪ I bowed to superior will and entered journalism with a heavy heart.
▪ Even so, he felt heavy of heart.
▪ They walked together towards the street, her body heavy but her heart lighter than when she had come.
▪ Virginia went up to her bedroom with a heavy heart, to change out of the clothes she'd worn all day.
▪ She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever see her sister again.
▪ Data integration is especially a problem for geographers because information synthesis is at the very heart of the discipline.
▪ Fifteen acres of rich, tropical gardens in the very heart of the city.
▪ The implications of its absence in animals permeate to the very heart of our everyday talk about them.
▪ This site is next to our great national cathedral - the very heart of the capital city.
▪ Catalysts lie at the very heart of the chemicals industry.
▪ Will the Secretary of State answer that question truthfully because it strikes at the very heart of democracy?
▪ Enigmatic, delicate and beautifully understated, this is a book that will draw you into its very heart.
▪ The point at the very heart of anti-insider dealing legislation is the prohibition on the use of valuable information.
▪ Is it surprising that he should die a natural death from a heart attack?
▪ When she had a heart attack, with no health insurance, they were evicted and ended up homeless.
▪ One had had a suspected heart attack, another had a broken leg.
▪ Gave Mrs Grote a heart attack.
▪ He later was rector of two other Norfolk parishes and retired in 1979 after a heart attack.
▪ The drug, called tPA, is a blood-thinner widely used to break up the clots that cause heart attacks.
▪ She thought of those other, milder heart attacks and felt afraid for him.
▪ For two decades, research has re-ported that anger is related to an increased risk of heart attack.
▪ Still she said nothing, but she could feel her heart beating faster.
▪ Otherwise it is an ordinary day, the curtains billowing, house empty, heart beating. 3.
▪ Paige could feel her heart beating like a trapped bird in her chest and her senses reeled.
▪ Her heart beating erratically, she obeyed, clasping her hands together to prevent her fingers from straying into his black hair.
▪ Only a machine keeps the heart beating. 5.
▪ She felt her body, the sweat that held them together, Nathan's heart beating frantically against her chest.
▪ I listened to my heart beating.
▪ She went with him, her heart beating heavily.
▪ He was put down early in 1986 at the age of eighteen when an incurable heart condition was diagnosed.
▪ Two passengers with minor cuts and a man with a heart condition were taken to hospitals.
▪ It was unlike her to miss a heart condition in a special patient.
▪ But it did not work at all well for the degenerative diseases such as cancer, lupus, or various heart conditions.
▪ She turned to the dealers and complained this time about her heart condition.
▪ Sinai Hospital Geriatrics Department identified 233 older adults with heart conditions, all of whom should have been receiving the drugs.
▪ He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition.
▪ Instead all she had was a heart condition, which progressively weakened her until she died at fifty-five.
▪ Continual weight fluctuation increases the risk of heart disease and early death.
▪ The ability of skin cholesterol to predict heart disease is similar to that of blood cholesterol.
▪ It may be that a relaxed and cheerful attitude to socializing is the real protective against heart disease.
▪ She recently became a spokeswoman for the cause of reducing heart disease in women.
▪ Excess flab causes heart disease, strokes, cancers, arthritis and a tendency to find Jo Brand funny.
▪ Emphysema and valvular heart disease have left him debilitated and physically dependent.
▪ There will also be targets aimed at reducing the incidence of strokes, heart disease and preventable cancers.
▪ Overweight children and adults have increased heart disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
▪ Muscle cramps, kidney and even heart failure are the physical results of prolonged bulimia.
▪ Patients with liver or heart failure frequently have a primary respiratory alkalosis.
▪ Any great degree of such aortic valve incompetence will place an unacceptable work-load on the heart, with resulting heart failure.
▪ Starting soon, some one from the Massachusetts center will check up several times a week on senior citizens with congestive heart failure.
▪ But fainting, and heart failure, is possible.
▪ If the patient develops early overt congestive heart failure it is contraindicated, but do seriously consider it later.
▪ In addition, hypocalcemia has been associated with cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure.
▪ Susan's cousin, Craig O'Mahoney, was born with heart problems and had to be rushed to a hospital on Tyneside.
▪ Yeltsin, 66, suffers from heart problems, recently underwent bypass surgery and was stricken with pneumonia last month.
▪ Later that year came the first signs of health trouble when he was taken to hospital with a heart problem.
▪ However, Seldane may cause heart problems if taken with certain antibiotics or anti-fungal drugs, warns Choi.
▪ There is often associated muscle weakness and sometimes heart problems can occur.
▪ The disorder is not a type of heart problem, neurosis, or depression, how-ever.
▪ If caught during the early weeks of pregnancy it can cause deafness, blindness and heart problems in the baby.
▪ His family told authorities Daniels had no history of heart problems.
▪ Then our heart rate climbs, steadily, until our ears are gulping on the new blood.
▪ After a minute of this, your heart rate has slowed by 20 percent.
▪ This increases your heart rate and encourages more oxygen into the body as you breathe more quickly.
▪ Prolonged high levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart rate tax the cardiovascular system.
▪ The study was stopped if symptoms became severe or if heart rate rose above 140 beats per minute.
▪ Hypothermia weakens muscles and slows heart rate, which may stop if body temperature falls below 90 degrees.
▪ This is displayed on the electro-cardiograph screen, along with heart rate.
▪ Like digestion, heart rate, respiration, or perspiration, sleep is an involuntary function of the autonomic nervous system.
▪ The following is an example of some cognitive objectives for teaching the nursing care of a patient recovering from heart surgery.
▪ Has the price of heart surgery gone up in the last five hundred years?
▪ Tiny Kane Elmore died after becoming infected with the bacteria following heart surgery.
▪ Among many recent attempts to measure spirituality in relation to health, heart surgery patients help make a point.
▪ With today's 99 percent success rate the future for most open heart surgery patients is rosy.
▪ Galway who has made a full recovery after heart surgery a year ago, now follows a careful diet.
▪ Under the current arrangements, the priorities within open heart surgery are decided solely by the clinicians concerned.
▪ In May this year he had heart surgery.
▪ The beating heart of labor was enchanted to a stone.
▪ I waited and heard the beating of my heart.
▪ Here l am, at my age, and I never heard the beating of my heart before.
▪ They can go deep into it, on foot, and still find the beating heart of wilderness there.
▪ I knew Marcus needed me and it was breaking my heart.
▪ It was part sadness, like a broken heart.
▪ A terrible, impersonal courtesy had crept into Luke's manner, and it was breaking Maria's heart all over again.
▪ This bread is so popular that it broke my heart having to throw it out.
▪ Nothing worth breaking your heart over.
▪ As she goes through bottles, bands and boyfriends, she leaves a trail of her broken heart behind her.
▪ And I didn't break any hearts - they all knew the score.
▪ And, now, they race with broken hearts.
▪ Gossip has it that Madonna has also captured Beatty's heart.
▪ They remember history by evoking magical names from the past, players who captured the hearts of the nation.
▪ If only he hadn't captured her heart.
▪ If a stock-oriented ports folio makes you nervous and more likely to die young from a heart attack, forget it.
▪ Of course, he defied doctor's orders, and in 1977 he died of a massive heart attack, aged sixty.
▪ Then he died suddenly of a heart attack in 1983 at the age of 53.
▪ Then I sow one of my colleagues die from a heart attack and two others crack up under the strain.
▪ The autopsy report stated that Agit Salman died of a heart attack.
▪ A day or so later, his father died of a heart attack.
▪ Eric Clapton eat your heart out.
▪ Pablo Picasso, eat your heart out.
▪ Philip Schofield, eat your heart out.
▪ We all know those clergymen and their choirboys, don't we? Eat your heart out, Socrates!
▪ The square tango had to be seen to be believed - eat your hearts out, disco dancers!
▪ Kate is obviously eating her heart out for a colour changer and an intarsia carriage.
▪ Keith Floyd eat your heart out!!
▪ Ruth looked, feeling her heart thump.
▪ My head was resting against his chest and I felt his heart beating against my eye and cheek.
▪ She turned away, feeling sick at heart, even though she knew she should be glad.
▪ He could feel his heart beating in his throat.
▪ When he talked to me, I felt my heart jump.
▪ Jess swallowed, feeling her heart pump and thud.
▪ She felt her heart thump in reaction to the stress she had been under.
▪ The allure of diamonds lies at the heart of the issue.
▪ Unlike some Straussians, however, he highlights the persistent waltz rhythms that lie at the heart of the horror.
▪ Though selection of countries lies at the heart of comparison, selection without reflection may lead to serious problems of inference.
▪ Therein, lies the heart, the pity and the anguish of this initial collaboration between Strauss and poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
▪ The village lies in the heart of Winifred Holtby country, between the main Wolds area and the contrasting lowlands of Holderness.
▪ Supporters claim the policy lies at the heart of their efforts to impose financial hardships on the Castro regime.
▪ The job description lies at the heart of good recruitment and selection practice.
▪ It is one that lies close to the heart of any study of the interaction of religion and society.
▪ It took some effort for Charles not to lose heart.
▪ Like their rivals, they expect no gifts, no walkovers against an opponent who has lost heart and given up.
▪ How easy it was to lose heart.
▪ Knowing the examination is a written one, he loses heart.
▪ But the London Planetarium has not lost its heart.
▪ I really lost heart when I realized that you could probably eat the chemicals spread across my table.
▪ It was Niki who had lost heart.
▪ People who participate only in theory lose heart.
▪ After the war, black GIs came home with opened eyes and hearts full of pride.
▪ She was friendly and easy to talk to and, after a while, I opened up my heart.
▪ She felt guilty, always guilty, thinking how she should be opening her whole heart to him.
▪ But incredulity it was that popped my eyes open and stopped my heart, swept away my slightest consciousness of pain.
▪ He was close to tears when he started to read a statement in which he opened his heart as never before.
▪ We opened our hearts and wept.
▪ He stopped on the stairs, all his old fears returning, feeling his heart beginning to pound.
▪ His heart pounded as he hung up the receiver.
▪ I hurried home, my heart pounding and my hands trembling in spite of myself-I could not believe it.
▪ I jumped, a small, involuntary hop in place, my heart pounding.
▪ She forced her eyes open, and at once her heart was pounding.
▪ He wanted to pretend cool detachment, but his heart was pounding.
▪ I felt my own blouse sticking to my back, my heart pounding fast.
▪ We may pour out our hearts about the situation in which we find ourselves, expressing our trust, hope and confidence.
▪ Amid all the purple, there was cardinal and gold, spilling from guts and pouring from hearts.
▪ He poured out his heart to me.
▪ She would regularly pour out her heart to the kind-hearted friend who she has known since her teenage days.
▪ I think he poured his heart and soul into dance.
▪ Andrus had gone to Zoser and poured out his heart.
▪ On the back of this publicity, a range of young artists arose, set to conquer our hearts and minds.
▪ He was not a man to give way easily and he had clearly set his heart on making her recognise her father.
▪ Thoughts of the night that had just passed set her heart pounding and the blood rushing to her face.
▪ It fell with a crash which rattled her composure and set her heart thudding.
▪ The desire to reform, to set the human heart in harmony with principles of virtue produced moral plays.
▪ So now, after all, there was something she had set her heart on.
▪ The thought of running to catch a bus may be enough to set your heart racing.
▪ She stopped breathing but her heart kept on thudding its own wild race.
▪ I wish I could call you now but a ringing phone at such an hour stops the very heart.
▪ She stopped immediately, her heart thumping in sudden fright as she saw that the chapel was occupied.
▪ The first drug paralyzed his lungs; the second stopped his heart.
▪ The fire to a Gruncher is like your heart is to you. Stop your heart and you die at once.
▪ The look on the dead man's face was ghastly, as if some phantom of the night had stopped his heart.
▪ Thomas Cotterill had stopped breathing and his heart had stopped.
▪ Shiona stopped breathing, her heart pounding inside her.
▪ I predicted that a dramatic event would soon strike at the heart of the Royal Family.
▪ We want to set up an event that will make it appear they have struck at the heart of our government.
▪ The Slav opposition collapsed almost immediately, as if the very name of Charles had struck terror into their hearts.
▪ Every crisis would strike terror into the hearts of people everywhere.
▪ If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.
▪ The very physical description of the Huns proved sufficient in and of itself to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies.
▪ Those two little hyphenated words struck terror in the heart of some one eager for a weekend of yoga classes and silent breakfasts.
▪ The man whose very name struck terror in the hearts of managing directors?
▪ He suffered a heart attack early in the game.
▪ In Connecticut, a Waterbury man suffered a fatal heart attack Sunday night after going outside to fill his snowblower with gasoline.
▪ The swop did not come to light until Arlena, who suffered from a congenital heart defect, had to undergo surgery.
▪ Finally, at eighty-six, she suffered a very severe heart attack that killed her.
▪ In Britain one in ten men under the age of retirement will suffer a heart attack.
▪ Before it could be resolved, Alsop suffered a heart attack.
▪ And in Dusseldorf police said a member of the Republican party suffered a heart attack after being beaten up by demonstrators.
▪ In the spring of 1993, Li suffered a heart attack and was relieved of more duties.
▪ It tore her heart to see him go.
▪ If they start building here, it will be like tearing my heart out.
▪ Long and slow, powerful enough to tear the heart right out of her.
▪ Well, sir, what they saw inside, it just tore their hearts out, it was so horrible.
▪ Why do I tear my heart by recalling our words then?
▪ Brewer reveals why the burning of Sarajevo's National Library tore out the heart of the city.
▪ A torn heart also causes earthquakes.
▪ That despairing bleat touched a heart she hadn't been sure still existed.
▪ The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.
▪ Shiona felt a cold hand touch her heart.
▪ George Burns' sense of timing and captivating smile touched the hearts and funny bones of more than three generations.
▪ He touched he heart, awakening the love, stirring the pain.
▪ He wanted her to be permanent, an edifice whose piles touched the heart of the earth.
▪ Peace on Earth as he lets his light shine, he touched my heart and now he's mine.
▪ It was enough to touch my heart.
▪ From a slightly more elevated plane of cinematic endeavour comes news to warm the heart of Woody Allen.
▪ And the biographies warmed the heart.
▪ If it's the latter then there was plenty more at the show to warm any enthusiast's heart.
▪ This is an inspirational tale that would warm the heart of Joseph Campbell.
▪ Satisfaction warmed her heart as she watched two healthy pups suckling contentedly.
▪ It warmed my heart that nearly all their favorite musicians were females.
▪ It warmed our hearts and fed our faith.
▪ Words, smiles, laughs and hugs can warm the heart of another.
▪ Since its conception, the Format has been winning hearts and minds as a useful mechanism.
▪ Their charm and informality immediately won many hearts in circles high and low.
▪ Was this going to be the man who won Madeleine's heart?
▪ Robbie Williams won our collective heart years ago.
▪ Take your audience by the hand and lead them along with you. 7. Win hearts - then minds 8.
▪ This year a mere sprat of a northern lass won my heart playing hers out on a mighty and sonorous trombone.
▪ The urgent appeal won the hearts and minds of all who love and know Snowdon, and the response has been incredible.
(heart) bypass operation/surgery
a broken heart
▪ According to legend, anyone who ever fired the weapon died of a broken heart or cardiac arrest.
▪ Harald died three months later, I believe of a broken heart.
▪ He has to find a way to heal a broken heart and help hold his family together.
▪ It was part sadness, like a broken heart.
▪ It was the universal panacea for a broken heart.
▪ Sindham dies and then Ana dies of a broken heart.
▪ The system caused many a broken heart over the generations.
▪ This was after David had split up with Hermione and was nursing a broken heart.
a light heart
▪ He sat down to his dinner with a light heart.
▪ I pitched into the chores with a light heart, singing to myself as I worked.
▪ The breakdown of his marriage to Anna and remarriage to Wendi Deng were not done easily or with a light heart.
absence makes the heart grow fonder
bad heart/leg/back etc
▪ A sweetheart, this little lady, not bad legs either.
▪ For Joshua, at sixty-two, and suffering from a bad leg, distances had begun to take on an extraordinary significance.
▪ He had a bad back as well, you know, just like Rich.
▪ He had a bad leg and they kept on at him to hurry up.
▪ Medical deferment for a very bad heart.
▪ That coming from him who would go sick with a bad back whenever a job tired him.
▪ The problems-from bad backs to carpal tunnel syndrome to headaches-have made the headlines of every health magazine in the country.
be engraved in/on your memory/mind/heart
▪ The date was engraved on his heart.
break sb's heart
▪ It'll break your father's heart if you tell him you're quitting the team.
▪ It breaks my heart that his career has been ruined.
▪ It really broke his heart when she told him it was over.
▪ It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone house where she'd lived for so long.
▪ When Annie left him, it broke his heart.
capture sb's heart
clutch at sb's heart
cross my heart (and hope to die)
▪ I didn't take it, cross my heart!
do sth to your heart's content
▪ I was able to browse through the bookstore to my heart's content.
▪ And I can go fishing to my heart's content.
▪ He could come and argue to his heart's content.
▪ Instead she took refuge in the library where she could read and research to her heart's content.
▪ Once you've stuck your shapes and text on the page you can rotate and repeat they to your heart's content.
▪ She had lazed around the pool to her heart's content - and she had played tennis with Carlos three times.
▪ Throw it around to your heart's content.
eat your heart out
▪ I just bought a new convertible. Eat your heart out, Jay.
▪ Eric Clapton eat your heart out.
▪ Kate is obviously eating her heart out for a colour changer and an intarsia carriage.
▪ Keith Floyd eat your heart out!!
▪ Pablo Picasso, eat your heart out.
▪ Philip Schofield, eat your heart out.
▪ The square tango had to be seen to be believed - eat your hearts out, disco dancers!
find it in your heart/yourself to do sth
▪ For this alone, I may find it in my heart to forgive her.
▪ He hoped the moon could find it in its heart to overlook his sins as it climbed the heavens.
▪ To his grief, Donny's widow would not find it in her heart to speak to him again.
from the bottom of your heart
▪ I hadn't, June, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
▪ It's what I've always wanted from the bottom of my heart...
give sb/have a heart attack
▪ Doctors at Leicester Royal Infirmary are to assess the benefits of giving magnesium to heart attack victims immediately after an attack.
▪ I will surely give some one a heart attack ... I have varicose veins in my legs.
▪ That ought to give Francois a heart attack.
harden your heart
▪ And then Nancy will harden her heart against him.
▪ But difficulties did not harden his heart.
▪ He hardened his heart and turned on his computer, smiling acidly at the screen.
▪ He tried to harden his heart in advance, but knew it was just a front.
▪ She hardened her heart and thought she should swiftly make it clear she had not come in search of him.
▪ The girl had hardened her heart so much; there was no point in giving her further cause.
▪ Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
▪ When he had left her with a tiny baby, she had hardened her heart somehow.
have your heart/sights set on sth
▪ Teng is thought to have her sights set on the Board of Supervisors' presidency.
▪ But do the public have their sights set on an Urbanizer?
▪ If you have your hearts set on a joint endowment, you have two alternatives to cashing in the present one.
▪ Many of the Keishinkai parents have their hearts set on Keio.
▪ Movie sniper Jude Law and Rachel Weisz are covered in mud but still have their sights set on desire.
lie at the heart/centre/root of sth
▪ As we shall find, this distinction lies at the root of Anselm's movements in his last years as archbishop.
▪ Basic compassion, not just for the old but for the younger generation too, lies at the heart of this idea.
▪ That is the issue which lies at the heart of Mr. Thorpe's case.
▪ That question appears to lie at the heart of the highly publicized battle raging between Hasbro Inc. and Mattel Inc.
▪ That view lies at the root of a government drive against the racist right.
▪ The creation of a modernised democracy therefore lies at the heart of all our proposals.
▪ They overlook the human ability to negate, which lies at the root of thinking.
▪ We found that two key resource uses and two basic technologies lay at the root of lunar industry.
lonely hearts club/column/ad
▪ He met Dominique through a lonely hearts ad.
▪ How would you describe yourself in a lonely hearts ad?
▪ They talked about books, the theatre, cinema, where they lived, lonely hearts columns.
open your heart (to sb)
▪ For her part, she felt that he was some one to whom she could open her heart and who would understand.
▪ He was close to tears when he started to read a statement in which he opened his heart as never before.
▪ Just allow your intuitive faculties to operate, open your heart and be honest with yourself and the landscape.
▪ Robbie opened his heart after a secret charity gig at London's Equinox club on Thursday.
▪ She thought about it and decided it was a sign, and what it meant was: open your heart.
▪ Three quarters of all the teenagers questioned would open their hearts at home.
▪ We opened our hearts and wept.
out of the goodness of sb's heart
▪ Surely even an idiot must realise that they wouldn't donate this huge amount out of the goodness of their hearts.
pierce sb's heart
sb's heart misses a beat
▪ When Caroline smiled at Eddie, his heart missed a beat.
set your heart/mind/sights on (doing) sth
▪ But where there are sellers there are buyers, and it was this latter rare species we had set our sights on.
▪ Gazing intently into her computer screen, Christine Montgomery has set her sights on the next generation of electronic language translators.
▪ He knew he was bound to pull any girl he set his mind on - he always had.
▪ Heath had set her sights on the U. S. Senate seat from Colorado.
▪ Her youth and beauty elicited a predictable reaction from my father, who set his sights on her at once.
▪ Sofa Head's greatest asset is the realisation that you don't have to set your sights on one target.
▪ Wagner set his sights on a degree in electrical engineering, and he followed his star with a fervid intensity.
▪ Yes, she thought, if Tamar had set her mind on something she would never rest until it was accomplished.
sick at heart
▪ All the cruelty and injustice made her sick at heart.
▪ But Aeschylus too was sick at heart.
▪ He struggles against it, he rejects it, he grows sick at heart.
▪ I was alone, dry of mouth, sick at heart.
▪ She turned away, feeling sick at heart, even though she knew she should be glad.
▪ They were sick at heart, weak in the bones.
steal sb's heart
strike terror/fear into sb's heart
▪ Believe me, all those cannon, mortars and volley guns should strike fear into the heart of the enemy.
▪ Every crisis would strike terror into the hearts of people everywhere.
▪ Nothing here to strike fear into the hearts of the people.
▪ The Slav opposition collapsed almost immediately, as if the very name of Charles had struck terror into their hearts.
▪ The very physical description of the Huns proved sufficient in and of itself to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies.
tear sb's heart (out)/tear at sb's heart
tug at sb's heart/heartstrings
▪ The sight of the puppies in the cages tugged at the women's hearts.
▪ Charity had felt something tug at her heart the moment she had first seen this cove.
warm the cockles of sb's heart
▪ It warms the cockles of my female heart to know that such womanly wiles still continue to manipulate and convince.
wear your heart on your sleeve
with a heavy heart
▪ Eve had spent the day wandering around Dublin with a heavy heart.
▪ Here is a soldier who was waiting, with a heavy heart, to suffer and die in battle.
▪ I bowed to superior will and entered journalism with a heavy heart.
▪ Lisa glanced defeatedly at the pile of papers, then with a heavy heart she gathered them up.
▪ Many Opposition Members who will obey the three-line Whip and vote against the motion will do so with a heavy heart.
▪ She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever see her sister again.
▪ She made her way to the cells with a heavy heart.
▪ Virginia went up to her bedroom with a heavy heart, to change out of the clothes she'd worn all day.
worm your way into sb's affections/heart/confidence etc
young at heart
▪ Arthur's 96, but he's still young at heart.
▪ It's ideal for children aged over five and adults who are young at heart.
▪ Obtain a fifty five Plymouth for the young at heart.
your heart sinks
your heart/stomach lurches
your heart/thoughts go out to sb
▪ Eating too many fatty foods is bad for the heart.
▪ Let's stop talking about irrelevant issues, and get to the heart of the matter.
▪ Money always lies at the heart of our fights.
▪ My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst.
▪ Put your hand on your heart and repeat after me.
▪ This new book gets to the heart of the controversy over nuclear power.
▪ After visiting a heart specialist, Tom discovered she had heart valve damage, court papers said.
▪ And her heart gave just a little kick of worry as she turned to Ted Morgan again.
▪ Doctors said that while his heart was fine, his vascular system had given up the ghost.
▪ It lacks light and shade, the conviction and theatrical intensity that drives words straight into people's hearts.
▪ It was a Series that played at the heart of the modern entertainment dilemma.
▪ Therefore I have no heart, and can not love.
▪ We have your interests at heart.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Heart \Heart\ (h[aum]rt), v. t. To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage; to inspirit.

My cause is hearted; thine hath no less reason.


Heart \Heart\, v. i. To form a compact center or heart; as, a hearting cabbage.


Heart \Heart\ (h[aum]rt), n. [OE. harte, herte, heorte, AS. heorte; akin to OS. herta, OFies. hirte, D. hart, OHG. herza, G. herz, Icel. hjarta, Sw. hjerta, Goth. ha['i]rt[=o], Lith. szirdis, Russ. serdtse, Ir. cridhe, L. cor, Gr. kardi`a, kh^r. [root]277. Cf. Accord, Discord, Cordial, 4th Core, Courage.]

  1. (Anat.) A hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.

    Why does my blood thus muster to my heart!

    Note: In adult mammals and birds, the heart is four-chambered, the right auricle and ventricle being completely separated from the left auricle and ventricle; and the blood flows from the systemic veins to the right auricle, thence to the right ventricle, from which it is forced to the lungs, then returned to the left auricle, thence passes to the left ventricle, from which it is driven into the systemic arteries. See Illust. under Aorta. In fishes there are but one auricle and one ventricle, the blood being pumped from the ventricle through the gills to the system, and thence returned to the auricle. In most amphibians and reptiles, the separation of the auricles is partial or complete, and in reptiles the ventricles also are separated more or less completely. The so-called lymph hearts, found in many amphibians, reptiles, and birds, are contractile sacs, which pump the lymph into the veins.

  2. The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; -- usually in a good sense, when no epithet is expressed; the better or lovelier part of our nature; the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character; the moral affections and character itself; the individual disposition and character; as, a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart.

    Hearts are dust, hearts' loves remain.

  3. The nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within; the inmost or most essential part of any body or system; the source of life and motion in any organization; the chief or vital portion; the center of activity, or of energetic or efficient action; as, the heart of a country, of a tree, etc.

    Exploits done in the heart of France.

    Peace subsisting at the heart Of endless agitation.

  4. Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.

    Eve, recovering heart, replied.

    The expelled nations take heart, and when they fly from one country invade another.
    --Sir W. Temple.

  5. Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.

    That the spent earth may gather heart again.

  6. That which resembles a heart in shape; especially, a roundish or oval figure or object having an obtuse point at one end, and at the other a corresponding indentation, -- used as a symbol or representative of the heart.

  7. One of the suits of playing cards, distinguished by the figure or figures of a heart; as, hearts are trumps.

  8. Vital part; secret meaning; real intention.

    And then show you the heart of my message.

  9. A term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address. ``I speak to thee, my heart.'' --Shak. Note: Heart is used in many compounds, the most of which need no special explanation; as, heart-appalling, heart-breaking, heart-cheering, heart-chilled, heart-expanding, heart-free, heart-hardened, heart-heavy, heart-purifying, heart-searching, heart-sickening, heart-sinking, heart-sore, heart-stirring, heart-touching, heart-wearing, heart-whole, heart-wounding, heart-wringing, etc. After one's own heart, conforming with one's inmost approval and desire; as, a friend after my own heart. The Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart. --1 Sam. xiii. 14. At heart, in the inmost character or disposition; at bottom; really; as, he is at heart a good man. By heart, in the closest or most thorough manner; as, to know or learn by heart. ``Composing songs, for fools to get by heart'' (that is, to commit to memory, or to learn thoroughly). --Pope. to learn by heart, to memorize. For my heart, for my life; if my life were at stake. [Obs.] ``I could not get him for my heart to do it.'' --Shak. Heart bond (Masonry), a bond in which no header stone stretches across the wall, but two headers meet in the middle, and their joint is covered by another stone laid header fashion. --Knight. Heart and hand, with enthusiastic co["o]peration. Heart hardness, hardness of heart; callousness of feeling; moral insensibility. --Shak. Heart heaviness, depression of spirits. --Shak. Heart point (Her.), the fess point. See Escutcheon. Heart rising, a rising of the heart, as in opposition. Heart shell (Zo["o]l.), any marine, bivalve shell of the genus Cardium and allied genera, having a heart-shaped shell; esp., the European Isocardia cor; -- called also heart cockle. Heart sickness, extreme depression of spirits. Heart and soul, with the utmost earnestness. Heart urchin (Zo["o]l.), any heartshaped, spatangoid sea urchin. See Spatangoid. Heart wheel, a form of cam, shaped like a heart. See Cam. In good heart, in good courage; in good hope. Out of heart, discouraged. Poor heart, an exclamation of pity. To break the heart of.

    1. To bring to despair or hopeless grief; to cause to be utterly cast down by sorrow.

    2. To bring almost to completion; to finish very nearly; -- said of anything undertaken; as, he has broken the heart of the task.

      To find in the heart, to be willing or disposed. ``I could find in my heart to ask your pardon.''
      --Sir P. Sidney.

      To have at heart, to desire (anything) earnestly.

      To have in the heart, to purpose; to design or intend to do.

      To have the heart in the mouth, to be much frightened.

      To lose heart, to become discouraged.

      To lose one's heart, to fall in love.

      To set the heart at rest, to put one's self at ease.

      To set the heart upon, to fix the desires on; to long for earnestly; to be very fond of.

      To take heart of grace, to take courage.

      To take to heart, to grieve over.

      To wear one's heart upon one's sleeve, to expose one's feelings or intentions; to be frank or impulsive.

      With all one's heart, With one's whole heart, very earnestly; fully; completely; devotedly.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English heorte "heart; breast, soul, spirit, will, desire; courage; mind, intellect," from Proto-Germanic *herton- (cognates: Old Saxon herta, Old Frisian herte, Old Norse hjarta, Dutch hart, Old High German herza, German Herz, Gothic hairto), from PIE *kerd- "heart" (cognates: Greek kardia, Latin cor, Old Irish cride, Welsh craidd, Hittite kir, Lithuanian širdis, Russian serdce "heart," Breton kreiz "middle," Old Church Slavonic sreda "middle").\n

\nSpelling with -ea- is c.1500, reflecting what then was a long vowel, and remained when pronunciation shifted. Most of the figurative senses were present in Old English, including "intellect, memory," now only in by heart. Heart attack attested from 1875; heart disease is from 1864. The card game hearts is so called from 1886.


n. 1 (context anatomy English) A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be the seat of emotion. 2 (context uncountable English) emotions, kindness, moral effort, or spirit in general. vb. 1 (context transitive poetic or humorous English) To be fond of. Often bracketed or abbreviated with a heart symbol. 2 (context transitive obsolete English) To give heart to; to hearten; to encourage. 3 (context transitive masonry English) To fill an interior with rubble, as a wall or a breakwater. 4 (context intransitive agriculture botany English) To form a dense cluster of leaves, a heart, especially of lettuce or cabbage.

  1. n. the locus of feelings and intuitions; "in your heart you know it is true"; "her story would melt your bosom" [syn: bosom]

  2. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly" [syn: pump, ticker]

  3. the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball" [syn: mettle, nerve, spunk]

  4. an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm" [syn: center, centre, middle, eye]

  5. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story" [syn: kernel, substance, core, center, essence, gist, heart and soul, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty]

  6. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart" [syn: spirit]

  7. a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines; "he drew a heart and called it a valentine"

  8. a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal); "a five-pound beef heart will serve six"

  9. a positive feeling of liking; "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt"; "the child won everyone's heart" [syn: affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, warmheartedness]

  10. a playing card in the major suit of hearts; "he led the queen of hearts"

Heart (band)

Heart is an American rock band that first found success in Canada and later in the United States and worldwide. Over the group's four-decade history, it has had three primary lineups, with the constant center of the group since 1974 being sisters Ann Wilson (lead singer) and Nancy Wilson (guitarist). Heart rose to fame in the mid-1970s with hits " Magic Man" and " Barracuda" as music influenced by hard rock and heavy metal, as well as folk music. Their popularity declined in the early 1980s, but the band enjoyed a comeback starting in 1985 and experienced even greater success with album-oriented rock hits and hard-rock ballads into the 1990s. With Jupiter's Darling (2004), Red Velvet Car (2010), Fanatic (2012), and Beautiful Broken (2016) Heart made a return to its hard rock and acoustic folk roots.

To date, Heart has sold over 35 million records worldwide, including over 22.5 million in album sales in the U.S. The group was ranked number 57 on VH1's " 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock". With Top 10 albums on the Billboard Album Chart in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2010s, Heart is among the most commercially enduring hard rock bands in history. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013.

Since 2002, the band has had six members.

Heart (disambiguation)

A heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood in various species.

Heart may also refer to:

  • Heart (symbol), ♥, representing love, the organ, or a card suit
  • Heart (Chinese medicine), 心, a zàng-fǔ organ stipulated by traditional Chinese medicine
Heart (Chinese medicine)

The Heart ( 心, ) is one of the zàng organs stipulated by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is a functionally defined entity and not equivalent to the anatomical organ of the same name.

Heart (L'Arc-en-Ciel album)

Heart is the fifth album by L'Arc-en-Ciel, released on February 25, 1998. It is the band's first album with yukihiro on drums, and marked the band's return to mainstream attention following the arrest of the former drummer sakura. It reached number one on the Oricon chart and sold over a million copies, being certified by the RIAJ.

The first single to be released from this album was " Niji".


The heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. The heart is located in the middle compartment of the chest.

In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into four chambers: upper left and right atria; and lower left and right ventricles. Commonly the right atrium and ventricle are referred together as the right heart and their left counterparts as the left heart. Fish in contrast have two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, while reptiles have three chambers. In a healthy heart blood flows one way through the heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow. The heart is enclosed in a protective sac, the pericardium, which also contains a small amount of fluid. The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.

The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, with a rhythm determined by a group of pacemaking cells in the sinoatrial node. These generate a current that causes contraction of the heart, traveling through the atrioventricular node and along the conduction system of the heart. The heart receives blood low in oxygen from the systemic circulation, which enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae and passes to the right ventricle. From here it is pumped into the pulmonary circulation, through the lungs where it receives oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide. Oxygenated blood then returns to the left atrium, passes through the left ventricle and is pumped out through the aorta to the systemic circulation−where the oxygen is used and metabolized to carbon dioxide. The heart beats at a resting rate close to 72 beats per minute. Exercise temporarily increases the rate, but lowers resting heart rate in the long term, and is good for heart health.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most common cause of death globally as of 2008, accounting for 30% of deaths. Of these more than three quarters are a result of coronary artery disease and stroke. Risk factors include: smoking, being overweight, little exercise, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and poorly controlled diabetes, among others. Cardiovascular diseases frequently have no symptoms or may cause chest pain or shortness of breath. Diagnosis of heart disease is often done by the taking of a medical history, listening to the heart-sounds with a stethoscope, ECG, and ultrasound. Specialists who focus on diseases of the heart are called cardiologists, although many specialties of medicine may be involved in treatment.

Heart (Stars album)

Heart is an album by the Canadian indie rock band Stars, released on Paper Bag Records in Canada and on Arts & Crafts in the USA.

The album features three regional covers: the Canadian cover features a man embracing a woman resting on his lap, the US cover features a billboard with a girl's eyes gazing onward and the European cover features three girls spying out of a porthole.

The album was originally released with a bonus promotional sampler of acts with current releases on Paper Bag, including Matthew Barber, Hawaii, The FemBots and Uncut. Two tracks from Heart were repeated on the sampler, along with a non-album bonus track, "Timeless."

The US release includes a hidden bonus track, a live version of " The Comeback", originally taken from the 2001 EP of the same name. The track "Look Up" uses an English horn solo from the beginning of the third movement of Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz and the track "The Woods" contains quotes from the movie Grey Gardens, the famed cult-classic documentary from 1975. Videos for the songs "Elevator Love Letter" and "Look Up" were shot to promote this album.

The album was recorded in the bedroom of keyboard player Chris Seligman on Avenue Mont-Royal in Montreal.

Heart (symbol)

The heart shape is an ideograph used to express the idea of the "heart" in its metaphorical or symbolic sense as the center of emotion, including affection and love, especially (but not exclusively) romantic love.

The "wounded heart" indicating love sickness came to be depicted as a heart symbol pierced with an arrow ( Cupid's), or heart symbol "broken" in two or more pieces.

Heart (symbolism and metaphor)
  1. redirect Heart (symbol)
Heart (Do As Infinity song)

"Heart" is Do As Infinity's second single, and the first of four singles with remixes, released in 1999.

This song was included in the band's compilation albums Do the Best and Do the A-side.

Heart (Pet Shop Boys song)

"Heart" is a song recorded by Pet Shop Boys which reached #1 on the UK Singles Chart for three weeks in April 1988 (see 1988 in music), becoming their last native number 1 song to date. The song was included on the group's second studio album, Actually.

Heart (Chinese constellation)

The Heart mansion (心宿, pinyin: Xīn Xiù) is one of the Twenty-eight mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the eastern mansions of the Azure Dragon.

Heart (novel)

Heart is a novel written by the Italian author Edmondo De Amicis who was a novelist, journalist, writer and poet. The novel is his best known work to this day, having been inspired by his own children Furio and Ugo who had been schoolboys at the time. It is set during the Italian unification, and includes several patriotic themes. It was issued by Treves on October 18, 1886, the first day of school in Italy, and rose to immediate success.

Through its investigation of social issues such as poverty, Heart shows the influence of left-wing ideologies on De Amicis' work (he was later to join the Italian Socialist Party). Because of this, the book remained influential (and the staple of many textbooks) in countries of the Eastern Bloc. On the other hand, the book's strong evocation of Italian nationalism and patriotism also made it very welcome in Fascist Italy.

Heart (Heart album)

Heart is the self-titled eighth studio album, released by the American rock band Heart. Released in 1985, the album continued the band's transition into mainstream rock, a genre that yielded the band its greatest commercial success. Marking the band's Capitol Records debut, it spent 92 weeks on the U.S. Billboard 200 and became the only Heart album so far to hit number one, reaching quintuple platinum status. It also yielded the first number-one single for the band, " These Dreams", along with four other hit singles: " What About Love", " Never", " Nothin' at All" and " If Looks Could Kill". The first three cuts also made the U.S. top ten.

In 1986, the album was nominated for a Grammy Award in the category Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal.

Heart (journal)

Heart is a biweekly peer-reviewed medical journal covering all areas of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. It is the official journal of the British Cardiovascular Society. It was established in 1939 as the British Heart Journal and is published by the BMJ Group. The name was changed from British Heart Journal to Heart in 1996 with the start of volume 75.

Topics covered include coronary disease, electrophysiology, valve disease, imaging techniques, congenital heart disease (fetal, paediatric, and adult), heart failure, surgery, and basic science. Each issue also contains an extensive continuing professional education section ("Education in Heart").

The journal is available online by subscription, with archives from before 2006 accessible free of charge. The editor-in-chief is Catherine Otto ( University of Washington).

Heart (radio network)

Heart is a radio network of 21 adult contemporary local radio stations operated by Global Radio in the United Kingdom, broadcasting a mix of local and networked programming. Eighteen of the Heart stations are owned by Global, while the other three are operated under franchise agreements.

Heart (Yuna Ito album)

Heart is the debut album of artist Yuna Ito, released on January 24, 2007. It comes in a CD version, and a limited CD+DVD Version, that includes a 32-special-page-booklet and music videos. Heart debuted at number 1 on the Oricon Weekly Charts for Japan.

Heart (Amanda Lear album)

Heart is a studio album by French singer Amanda Lear, first released in 2001 by Le Marais Prod.

Heart (2006 film)

Heart is a 2006 Indonesian film directed by Hanny R Saputra and starring Nirina Zubir, Irwansyah and Acha Septriasa. The film's soundtrack features the popular duet "My Heart" between Irwansyah and Acha Septriasa, which won Best Song at the MTV Indonesia Movie Awards in 2006. Heart also won Most Favourite Movie and Most Favourite Heart Melting Moment at the awards show.

Heart (1987 film)

Heart is a 1987 film directed by James Lemmo.

Heart (Elisa album)

Heart is the sixth studio album from Italian singer–songwriter Elisa. It was released on 13 November 2009 in Italy.

Heart (Heart Evangelista album)

Heart is the debut studio album by Chinese-Filipino singer, actress, TV show host, VJ and an endorser Heart Evangelista.

Heart (Audrey Assad album)

Heart is the second studio album from contemporary Christian music artist Audrey Assad, released on February 14, 2012. The album features songwriting contributions from Matt Maher, Derek Webb, Christopher Stevens and Sandra McCracken. The first single from the album, "Sparrow," was released on November 2, 2011 and is based on the classic hymn " His Eye is on the Sparrow."

Heart (Mobile design)

HEART is a framework for mobile design and metrics. It is an acronym that stands for happiness, engagement, adoption, retention and task success. Included by Gartner as a design approach that accommodates mobile interface issues such as partial user attention and interruption.

Heart (EP)

♥ (Heart) is the fourth EP by the Norwegian electronic dance music producer Aleksander Vinter, and his third under the alias "Savant". It was released on 13 March 2013. Its total length of 30:44 comprises five tracks.

Heart (Glee)

"Heart" (stylized as "♥" in Fox's video preview materials) is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the American musical television series Glee, and the fifty-seventh overall. Written by Ali Adler and directed by co-creator Brad Falchuk, the episode aired on Fox in the United States on February 14, 2012, and features Valentine's Day love songs performed by the McKinley High glee club. It also features the debuts of special guest stars Jeff Goldblum and Brian Stokes Mitchell as Rachel's two fathers and The Glee Project winner Samuel Larsen as transfer student Joe Hart.

Whitney Houston's version of Dolly Parton's " I Will Always Love You" is performed by Mercedes ( Amber Riley) in the episode, and the completed episode had been delivered to the network and was scheduled to run in three days when Houston died unexpectedly on February 11, 2012; a dedication to her was added in the episode's end credits. Reviewers gave Riley's rendition a very positive reception, the best of those given to the ten songs that were heard in the episode, though the performances in general were well received. It was one of two songs from the episode to chart on the Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian Hot 100, along with " Stereo Hearts", while the other six singles did not chart.

Reviews of the episode varied widely, but there was more positive reaction than not. The greatest enthusiasm was for Rachel's fathers, though Principal Figgins ( Iqbal Theba) was complimented on his brief scenes, and the scene with Kurt ( Chris Colfer) and Karofsky ( Max Adler) was also praised. The episode was also significant because it featured an on-screen kiss by Santana ( Naya Rivera) and Brittany ( Heather Morris), which was the show's first lesbian kiss.

Upon its initial airing, this episode was viewed by 6.99 million American viewers and received a 2.8/8 Nielsen rating/share in the 18–49 demographic, the lowest rating of the third season to date. The total viewership was down over 11% from the previous episode, " The Spanish Teacher".

Usage examples of "heart".

A shadow seemed to settle on his heart as he thought of the Aberrant lady they had met in Axekami.

Then the witch with her abhominable science, began to conjure and to make her Ceremonies, to turne the heart of the Baker to his wife, but all was in vaine, wherefore considering on the one side that she could not bring her purpose to passe, and on the other side the losse of her gaine, she ran hastily to the Baker, threatning to send an evill spirit to kill him, by meane of her conjurations.

But now hold up thine heart, and keep close for these two days that we shall yet abide in Tower Dale: and trust me this very evening I shall begin to set tidings going that shall work and grow, and shall one day rejoice thine heart.

Her heart pounding so violently she physically shook, Abigail clawed at his arm.

We are willing to absolve you from them provided that first, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, in our presence you abjure, curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and every other error and heresy contrary to the Catholic and Apostolic Church in the manner and form we will prescribe to you.

Eminences and of all faithful Christians this vehement suspicion justly conceived against me, I abjure with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, I curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and generally all and every error and sect contrary to the Holy Catholic Church.

The Powers aboon can only ken To whom the heart is seen, That nane can be sae dear to me As my sweet lovely Jean!

Heart beating too fast, Abrim suited up and stepped into the personnel lock.

Seitas had been preaching to the converted in all that she had saidabout a clean surgical abscission of what went on in the loins from what went on in the heart.

Now it is evident that in Penance something is done so that something holy is signified both on the part of the penitent sinner, and on the part of the priest absolving, because the penitent sinner, by deed and word, shows his heart to have renounced sin, and in like manner the priest, by his deed and word with regard to the penitent, signifies the work of God Who forgives his sins.

These fugitives, who fled before the Turkish arms, passed the Tanais and Borysthenes, and boldly advanced into the heart of Poland and Germany, violating the law of nations, and abusing the rights of victory.

Republican Palace and the complex of government buildings and luxury villas that abutted the Tigris River, thus seizing the administrative heart of the capital.

Still, her heart ached a little at the thought of that innocent victim.

The heart and facial features were clearly outlined with bright red achiote and the entire figure was torn with lance marks.

When there is great acidity of the stomach, which may be known by heart burn, saleratus may be taken in water, to neutralize it, but should not be drunk within an hour of the time for taking other medicines.