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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Durham was a gofer, a nothing!
▪ I started out as a gofer, running errands for him and doing odd little jobs.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"errand-runner," 1956, American English coinage from go for (coffee, spare parts, etc.), with a pun on gopher.


n. (context informal English) A worker who runs errands; an errand boy.


n. an employee whose duties include running errands

Gofer (disambiguation)

A gofer is an errand runner.

Gofer may also refer to:

  • Gofer (programming language), educational version of Haskell
  • GOFER, mnemonic device for a decision-making discipline

A gofer, go-fer or gopher is an employee who specializes in the delivery of special items to their superior(s). The special items may be anything from a cup of coffee to a tailored suit or a car. Outside business the term is used to describe a child or young adult who is learning how to do tasks and is sent to fetch items. A similar job is that of peon in Commonwealth countries.

Gofer (programming language)

Gofer ("Good For Equational Reasoning") is an implementation of the programming language Haskell intended for educational purposes and supporting a language based on version 1.2 of the Haskell report. It was replaced by Hugs.

Its syntax is closer to the earlier commercial language Miranda than the subsequently standardized Haskell. It lacks some of features of Haskell (such as the deriving clause in data type definitions) but includes a number of features which were not adopted by Haskell (such as generalizing the list comprehension syntax to support any Monad).

Usage examples of "gofer".

There were no megastars parading complete with an entourage of press agents and gofers, no studio executives with ponytails and designer stubble chins, no fashionable catering, no upstairs rooms where pretty young boys, shapely girls, and little bowls of white powder were arrayed for guests to help themselves.

She was quite junior, of course, so the other members of the bestiary exhibition team often used her as a gofer, I think you call it.

He treated Kellie and Hutch as if they were lackeys and gofers, persons whose sole purpose was to make the world comfortable for people like himself.

Steering Committee, five of them, including young Clay Carter who felt quite out of place, and behind them were all manner of assistants and associates and gofers employed by Mr.

There were no megastars parading complete with an entourage of press agents and gofers, no studio executives with ponytails and designer stubble chins, no fashionable catering, no upstairs rooms where pretty young boys, shapely girls, and little bowls of white powder were arrayed for guests to help themselves.

Suddenly there were people all around her, assistants, trainers, verrul grooms, second-string bench-warmers, gofers, and hangers-on.

At the first dress rehearsal I was standing in the wings, keeping my mouth shut, and I was shushed -- shushed, I tell you -- by one of those damned gofers when Albert Greenlaw was snickering and whispering, as he always is!

All he wanted, Catlett had mentioned this time, was some kind of small credit up on the screen, head gofer, anything, his friends would get a kick out of seeing.

Beyond that, there were a handful of other high school boys, acting as gofers for the Grand Old Man of the group—.

I could go to work as a gofer, or they'd send me off to Port Angeles.

The warfighters were relying on not dozens but hundreds of highly skilled personnel backing them up: aircraft mechanics, survival shop specialists, weapons orderlies, fuel handlers, cooks, clerks, security people, communications whizzes, drivers, and gofers.