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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dab \Dab\ (d[a^]b), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Dabbed (d[a^]bd); p. pr. & vb. n. Dabbing.] [OE. dabben to strice; akin to OD. dabben to pinch, knead, fumble, dabble, and perh. to G. tappen to grope.]

  1. To strike or touch gently, as with a soft or moist substance; to tap; hence, to besmear with a dabber.

    A sore should . . . be wiped . . . only by dabbing it over with fine lint.
    --S. Sharp.

  2. To strike by a thrust; to hit with a sudden blow or thrust. ``To dab him in the neck.''
    --Sir T. More.


vb. (en-pastdab)


See dab

  1. v. apply (usually a liquid) to a surface; "dab the wall with paint" [syn: swab, swob]

  2. hit lightly; "pat him on the shoulder" [syn: pat]

  3. [also: dabbing, dabbed]

  1. n. a light touch or stroke [syn: tap, pat]

  2. a small quantity of something moist or soft; "a dab of paint"; "a splatter of mud" [syn: splash, splatter]

  3. [also: dabbing, dabbed]

Usage examples of "dabbed".

She dabbed at them with the edge of the dish towel she had had in her hand when she heard Kelly arrive.

Fordeliton dabbed at his mouth with his napkin and looked anywhere but at Sassinak.

Willow said as she dabbed at the few scratches that had broken the skin on Jamas' neck.

Then she remembered her first-aid kit and dabbed them with the yellow liquid It stung briefly but she knew that the Cat disinfectant would reduce any chance of infection.

She smoothed her hair, dabbed on a bit more of the heavy musk scent she preferred, and burnished her nails for a few moments before she heard a discreet knock on the door.

The men shuffled their feet and the women hastily dabbed at their eyes.

Her belly was distended from the morning's meal and F'nor dabbed it with sweet oil.

Jaxom dabbed it on his hands and face, and the shiny parts of his accoutrements.

She laughed and blew him a kiss as he dabbed at the blood seeping from his nose.

The cylindrical landscape stretched out in front of her, dabbed with curving smears of flushed red cloud.

An office cube was an office cube, no matter what cosmetics it dabbed on.

Ian sat huddled on the deck, his dark head bent over Rollo as he dabbed at the dog's neck with his wadded shirt.

He dabbed it away, then stood up and pulled his belt loose, letting the plaid fall in folds around his feet.

Roger dabbed his fingers in the water and awkwardly touched both head and heart, with something that might have been a prayer.

Bradley was composed now, though she occasionally dabbed at her eyes with the edge of the apron.