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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Busy \Bus"y\ (b[i^]z"z[y^]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Busied (b[i^]z"z[i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Busying.] [AS. bysgian.] To make or keep busy; to employ; to engage or keep engaged; to occupy; as, to busy one's self with books.

Be it thy course to busy giddy minds With foreign quarrels.


vb. (en-pastbusy)

  1. adj. actively or fully engaged or occupied; "busy with her work"; "a busy man"; "too busy to eat lunch"; "the line is busy" [ant: idle]

  2. overcrowded or cluttered with detail; "a busy painting"; "a fussy design" [syn: fussy]

  3. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" [syn: interfering, meddlesome, meddling, officious, busybodied]

  4. crowdedwith or characterized by much activity; "a very busy week"; "a busy life"; "a busy street"; "a busy seaport"

  5. (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line); "her line is busy"; "receptionists' telephones are always engaged"; "the lavatory is in use"; "kept getting a busy signal" [syn: engaged, in use(p)]

  6. [also: busied, busiest, busier]

  1. v. keep busy with; "She busies herself with her butterfly collection" [syn: occupy]

  2. [also: busied, busiest, busier]


See busy

Usage examples of "busied".

She replied that a wife, if a good one, would have been only too happy to alleviate my troubles by sharing in them, but her mother observed that a woman of parts, after seeing to the safety of my baggage and my coach, would have busied herself in taking the necessary steps for setting me at liberty, and I supported this opinion as best indicating the real duty of a good wife.

I wrote to my friends at Venice, announcing my arrival at Trieste, and for the next ten days I kept my room, busied in putting together the notes I had made on Polish events since the death of Elizabeth Petrovna.

I was in the drawing-room, busied in arranging my notes, when the Captain opened the door and appeared.

By the aid of these we then busied our souls in dreams - reading, writing, or conversing, until warned by the clock of the advent of the true Darkness.

And up and down the spiral galleries were scattered numerous moon people, pallid, faintly luminous beings, regarding our appearance or busied on unknown errands.

Whilst the maid busied herself at the refrigerator, Paula threw the leaf in the rubbish bin and washed her hands at the kitchen sink.

She replied that a wife, if a good one, would have been only too happy to alleviate my troubles by sharing in them, but her mother observed that a woman of parts, after seeing to the safety of my baggage and my coach, would have busied herself in taking the necessary steps for setting me at liberty, and I supported this opinion as best indicating the real duty of a good wife.

We thought the matter settled, and busied ourselves with preparations for our departure.

Cathy busied herself about the departure so that she wouldn't have to see the looks of total shock on the twins' faces.

He held it cold in his mouth for the first thirty minutes of the session, busied himself through the next fifteen by filling it with tobacco and tamping it down, scrutinizing the bowl, tasting the stem, studying the bowl again, re tamping the tobacco, and so on, before he finally caved in and set it burning.

Bessie busied herself affectionately in removing Jane's hat and jacket, then withdrew that father and child might converse in private.