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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a brief silence
▪ After a brief silence, she made another suggestion.
a deathly hush/silence (=complete silence)
▪ A deathly hush fell over the room.
a vow of silence/poverty/celibacy etc
▪ People close to him have finally broken their vow of silence.
an embarrassed silence
▪ There was an embarrassed silence, then Gina laughed loudly.
awkward silence
▪ an awkward silence
companionable silence
▪ They sat together in companionable silence.
glum silence
▪ After dinner, Kate lapsed into a glum silence.
long silence/pause/delay etc
▪ There was a long silence before anybody spoke.
ominous silence
▪ ‘How long will she be ill?’ he asked. There was an ominous silence.
shocked silence
▪ There was a moment of shocked silence.
Silence reigned
Silence reigned while we waited for news.
stony silence
▪ a stony silence
stony-faced silence
▪ Tony stared at me in stony-faced silence.
stunned silence
▪ The audience sat in stunned silence.
thoughtful silence
▪ a thoughtful silence
▪ But the countryside! Absolute deafening silence.
▪ The lights, the stillness, the absolute silence can capture the soul.
▪ The air was delicate and there was a complete, absolute silence.
▪ Everything seemed to conspire to an absolute stillness and silence.
▪ As soon as he had the paper in his hand the door slammed again. Absolute silence reigned.
▪ The woods were in absolute silence.
▪ But there was absolute silence in the house.
▪ There was a smell of disinfectant. Absolute silence.
▪ An awkward silence fell between them.
▪ When we got to the restaurant, there was an awkward silence as I took out my tape recorder.
▪ There was another awkward silence, broken by the laughter from the bar.
▪ Spider said after an awkward silence.
▪ There was an awkward silence which Maidstone might have broken with some amiable remark to save Sandison's face.
▪ An awkward silence would do them both good.
▪ If Jack had been at all concerned that his impulsive gesture would result in an awkward silence he need not have worried.
▪ She figured the awkward silence was partly the result of people believing that only big topics were worthy of being discussed.
▪ There was a brief, tense silence.
▪ I had to wait for a brief silence between cuts to pound on the doorframe.
▪ There was a brief silence like an indrawn breath.
▪ The other three pairs came from the trees and down the sloping fields in complete silence.
▪ The crowd was stunned, and Bachelor's Button returned to unsaddle in almost complete silence.
▪ Once again he had gained complete silence.
▪ The air was delicate and there was a complete, absolute silence.
▪ They drove home in almost complete silence.
▪ The rest of the drive home passed in almost complete silence.
▪ The boy moved quickly, just ahead of Allen, guiding him more than walking with him, in complete silence.
▪ The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip.
▪ There was only the sound of their own firing, then a dead silence.
▪ In dead silence Harley surveyed his putt and Jefferson took up his usual position beside the pin.
▪ The dead silence made contact impossible.
▪ A dead silence greeted this unusual flow of words from Mr van der Luyden.
▪ Then there was a dead silence.
▪ But the question was met by dead silence.
▪ She knew that if she didn't speak Carla would get more and more nervous, eventually breaking the heavy silence herself.
▪ Not a bird, not an insect, not a zephyr relieves that hot, heavy silence.
▪ For at least two minutes a heavy silence filled the hut.
▪ There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
▪ A heavy silence sank down on them.
▪ Most unwillingly they went and stood before the hero in heavy silence.
▪ There was a long silence, both of them sobered by the knowledge that casualties were likely.
▪ After more hushed discussion and an even longer silence, the driver got back into the truck and started up.
▪ There was running and shouting outside, then a long wait in silence.
▪ There was a long silence in the room.
▪ In the long silence that stretched between them she could almost hear her heart pounding like a sledge-hammer in her chest.
▪ Eventually the ground seemed to stabilize and there was a long silence during which the mist curled slowly upwards.
▪ There was a long silence as Merrill fought a desire to drop the subject which had goaded her ever since Elise died.
▪ Click, pause, click, a long silence.
▪ An ominous silence.. now intervened...
▪ There is a deep, ominous silence.
▪ But the first few readings he had assigned had produced an ominous silence.
▪ The short silence encourages the audience to take notice and concentrate.
▪ During the short silence the audience was to try to put together the images of Auschwitz and Agincourt.
▪ Whatever their hairstyles, serious critics mostly maintained a stony silence.
▪ To avoid further childishness Leonora took refuge in stony, obdurate silence.
▪ Mutinously she flicked her gaze back to where he was surveying her in stony silence.
▪ Ned appeared to be whispering sweet nothings in her ear but his attentions were being met with a stony silence!
▪ They were immediately followed by a stunned silence.
▪ A stunned silence fell over the racecourse as he lay motionless in the grass while Heraldic galloped on.
▪ The visitor would understandably back off quickly and there would either be pandemonium or an utter, stunned silence.
▪ In stunned silence, her eyes huge, disbelieving, she stared at him.
▪ There was to be no stunned silence, no aghast staring and, it seemed, no dramatic response from Greg.
▪ He stared at her for a second in stunned silence, breathing hard, his eyes dazed.
▪ Mrs Palichuk was reduced to stunned silence for a moment.
▪ There was a moment of stunned silence.
▪ At the mention of Hilary Frome a sudden silence fell over the room.
▪ The Poole family, grouped rather self-consciously round the birthday cake on Earth, lapsed into a sudden silence.
▪ Such a traveller may sleep soundly and awaken refreshed - that is, unless the train stops and the sudden silence wakes him.
▪ In the sudden silence Isabel thought she could almost hear the life of the garden, preparing for its spring blossoming.
▪ Mafouz fell heavily to earth amidst sudden, devastating silence.
▪ In the sudden silence that followed, she realized that something was wrong.
▪ All at once he was disturbed by a sudden silence.
▪ The meal was held virtually in tense silence.
▪ So they sat in tense silence together, reading.
▪ The scary bits created tense silence, while relieved cheers followed the good moments.
▪ Laura and I sat in tense silence, listening to the creak of the stairs.
▪ Inside the room, tense silence reigned.
▪ It was a long drive from the airport, made tedious by the unnatural, tense silence in the cab.
▪ When he sat down again there was a long, tense silence.
▪ Everyone worked in tense silence, concentrating on their own particular task.
▪ He was greeted with massive and ironic cheers from the Opposition and listened to in almost total silence by our own benches.
▪ The civilian crew of the Kora Sea observed strict social segregation, so Hicks and Gaylord played in nearly total silence.
▪ In a nine or ten acre plot crammed full with people, there was total, blanket silence.
▪ They eat in total silence and shuffle out again.
▪ Just one thing dough don't buy ya in this town, fella; total silence.
▪ There was a total silence in the house, and the room was full of moonlight.
▪ Probably the most frequently used rejection is total silence.
▪ The roar of a furnace engine broke the silence.
▪ The sound of stockinged legs moving across the room finally broke the silence.
▪ Finally Shelley felt she had to break the silence.
▪ A footstep broke the silence and approached to within ten paces of Blackburn and waited.
▪ It may be tempting to break the silence, but you can only do that by being more dogmatic or by compromising.
▪ It is that shout that needs to break the silence.
▪ A drumroll breaks the silence: loud, insistent, nerve-shattering.
▪ When they travelled together in a police car they had driven around in silence.
▪ They drove in silence, back to Kalkara.
▪ We drive on in subdued silence.
▪ Felipe drove in silence and they were soon back - a fact that brought a slight tinge of regret to her face.
▪ We had driven in silence and walked in silence and eaten fish in silence.
▪ They ate quickly and in silence.
▪ As usual, after the first appreciative murmurs, we sat and ate our meal in silence.
▪ They ate their toast in silence.
▪ Resigned to bananas, Fong ate thern in silence, with chopsticks.
▪ Jack ate in silence before returning to his position.
▪ We ate our breakfast in silence, rolled up our blankets, and patiently waited for orders.
▪ Agnes Resker refused to eat anything, while Mavis Pellington ate her meal in silence.
▪ They eat in total silence and shuffle out again.
▪ They were immediately followed by a stunned silence.
▪ Next he heard footsteps going up the stairs, followed by silence.
▪ Benjamin whispered to her and I heard her hissed reply, followed by silence.
▪ The shape it made created its own following silence, and they sat, both in the ease of it.
▪ The shuffling stopped, followed by a long silence.
▪ There followed the longest silence I can ever recall at a seance.
▪ There followed a silence that Nicandra could neither interrupt nor question - they were the Grown-Ups.
▪ First you hear the silence and then you hear it.
▪ For a long while she heard them in silence.
▪ We must be silent talking with angels we must hear silence if we are to speak to it.
▪ Have you ever heard a silence in a room at night or a great silence alone in the middle of a wood?
▪ The listeners are trained to hear and interpret silences, sighs, sobs and so on.
▪ Nestled beside his cooling body, she slept, until she heard silence and realized her eyes were open.
▪ Let us hear those sounds we have heard in that silence when we have put a handkerchief to our eyes.
▪ Jack listened, but all he heard was silence.
▪ He, too, has decided to keep a public silence.
▪ But for the most part Monet kept her usual sullen silence.
▪ Adam kept his silence and cursed his helplessness.
▪ She, too, probably knows a lot of what went on behind Palace doors but has kept a dignified silence.
▪ The one unshaded light bulb shone continuously down at her, and she was kept in complete silence.
▪ Do not feel it is up to you to keep filling the silence if you have nothing more you want to say.
▪ As the rest of the tawdry tale emerged the Foreign Office and Downing Street lapsed into embarrassed silence.
▪ But ultimately, words fail them and they lapse into silence.
▪ Edward lapsed once more into strangled silence.
▪ The Poole family, grouped rather self-consciously round the birthday cake on Earth, lapsed into a sudden silence.
▪ He had lapsed into a frozen silence which she found more worrying than his screams.
▪ Without my prompting, Jack often lapsed into silence.
▪ I would talk and laugh with my companions but withdraw, lapsing into silence, when I was offered any food.
▪ She lapsed into a deep silence which I did not try to disturb.
▪ Tallis, listening to the silence, realized that Wynne-Jones was whispering to Old-woman-who-sang-to-the-river.
▪ It did little to relieve; everyone listened in silence to the words and watched Saiii Fong.
▪ I ask the House to listen in reasonable silence for the next two minutes.
▪ I stood in that bathroom, water off, and listened to the silence of the tile.
▪ They sat in his room whilst the wind whistled about the eaves of the Manse, and listened to him in silence.
▪ I let up on it, listened to the silence, then buzzed again, a little longer this time.
▪ Lessing listened in silence and said he was staying.
▪ I stood on that porch listening to the silence, watching the white clouds in the dark blue summer sky.
▪ Whatever their hairstyles, serious critics mostly maintained a stony silence.
▪ Her chapped lips maintained a shrieking silence.
▪ Pooley's Piaget wristwatch had now ceased its ticking for good and all and maintained a sullen rusting silence.
▪ The new arrangement caused much criticism of the administrative board members, who maintained a discreet silence.
▪ They hoped to maintain radio silence.
▪ Red Cloud himself, now an old man, maintained an ambiguous silence.
▪ On the subject of all these movements the radio maintained an obstinate silence.
▪ Their tactics were to be to maintain a tight-lipped silence punctuated by claims that the new job was harder.
▪ A pin dropping in the attic would have shattered the silence.
▪ Her loud wails shattered the silence of the willow grove.
▪ Road-block salvo shatters Bucharest's fragile silence.
▪ Its shrill jangle shattered the intense silence.
▪ After a good few minutes, I shattered this silence by asking what we should do.
▪ A dropped pin would shatter the silence in bars during televised lottery draws.
▪ So they sat in tense silence together, reading.
▪ Reagan sat in silence for another moment.
▪ Enigmatically, Boon sits in silence for a while.
▪ They sat in silence for a while.
▪ How he could just sit there in that silence was the hardest thing I have ever tried to figure out.
▪ We sat in silence, peering out the window.
▪ We sat in silence as the trap entered the estate grounds.
▪ They stood close together in silence, listening.
▪ The hall is gone, and in its place only a dark ruin stands, with the silence of death about it.
▪ The Norderns looked at Marx who stood before them as if he was quite happy to stand there in silence all day.
▪ The world stood by in silence.
▪ The pub stood back in silence.
▪ If I can stand the silence Ive got it licked.
▪ They all stood around in silence.
▪ When Mrs Wade returned with a sack for Petey, she stood beside Lois in silence and then pointed.
▪ However, there is no need to continue suffering in silence.
▪ This time we would not give in, we would take the pain and suffer in silence.
▪ One in six women are believed to be victims of domestic violence, yet many are suffering in silence.
▪ When this happens, the wives are ignored, left to suffer in silence.
▪ It was more than he could bear to see the stupidity around him and just suffer it in silence.
▪ Should Janice suffer in silence in the face of continued unfair treatment by her head?
▪ Some of them may be men like John, forced by their male pride and their self-image to suffer in silence.
▪ She clenched her fists, determined to suffer in silence.
▪ They walked a little way in silence.
▪ We walked along in silence, the snow crunching beneath our feet.
▪ They walked in silence while he absorbed this new twist.
▪ One may be visiting with a fried, as Cooley imaginatively walks in the silence of the woods with Thoreau.
▪ Agnes and the priest walked in embarrassed silence for a while.
▪ Simon walked beside him in silence.
▪ They walk in silence for a moment.
▪ We walked in silence for a long time.
▪ Everyone was watching in silence, awaiting his verdict.
▪ Deborah watched in silence as I pinched his fingers, his ears, even nudged the responsible organ.
▪ They watched in silence for a time.
▪ The girls sit and watch in silence.
▪ Yesterday afternoon onlookers watched in silence as the mangled Land Rover was removed from the Newcastle / London line.
▪ She watched him in self-righteous silence.
▪ Gosse had been watching all in silence, his jaw clenched, his neck muscles taut.
▪ We watched in silence as the first two items were dealt with.
break the silence
▪ A footstep broke the silence and approached to within ten paces of Blackburn and waited.
▪ Finally Shelley felt she had to break the silence.
▪ Only the eerie tinkle of leg irons and shouted commands break the silence.
▪ Protestant voices now and then broke the silence.
▪ She would have to think of something to say in a minute to break the silence.
▪ The only sound to break the silence of the night was the soft mutter of my engine.
▪ The roar of a furnace engine broke the silence.
▪ The sound of stockinged legs moving across the room finally broke the silence.
conspiracy of silence
▪ There has been a conspiracy of silence about violations of regulations.
▪ Curiously enough the Dunrossness District Plan avoids mentioning these negative aspects, so was there a conspiracy of silence here?
▪ Should you be acting as the peacemaker in your family, or the one who breaks the conspiracy of silence?
▪ Sometimes children need to break the conspiracy of silence.
▪ The conspiracy of silence about teenage sexuality had many results.
▪ The overall effect is precisely the same as if there were an organised conspiracy of silence among churchmen.
▪ The whole thing sometimes appears such an enigma that there might almost have been a conspiracy of silence.
▪ Then, there is the conspiracy of silence which is part of the legacy of Northern Ireland.
▪ There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening, says Christina Hardyment That's entertainment.
deafening silence
▪ Activists criticized the state's deafening silence on the issue of immigration.
▪ All that remained on the barren expanse was a deafening silence.
▪ But while those hotspots are continuously monitored by diplomats and the media, the Chechen misery prompts nothing but a deafening silence.
▪ Once again the answer was a deafening silence.
▪ The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
▪ We submitted a carefully considered response at the end of June, since when there has been a deafening silence. 3.
heavy silence/atmosphere
▪ A heavy silence fell upon the room.
▪ A heavy silence sank down on them.
▪ For at least two minutes a heavy silence filled the hut.
▪ He has a ready supply, and despite the heavy atmosphere and flat light it carries us out to Langdale.
▪ Most unwillingly they went and stood before the hero in heavy silence.
▪ Not a bird, not an insect, not a zephyr relieves that hot, heavy silence.
▪ She knew that if she didn't speak Carla would get more and more nervous, eventually breaking the heavy silence herself.
▪ There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
lapse into unconsciousness/silence/sleep etc
▪ But ultimately, words fail them and they lapse into silence.
▪ I would talk and laugh with my companions but withdraw, lapsing into silence, when I was offered any food.
▪ Soon after that she would lapse into sleep, then unconsciousness, then a state of deep coma.
▪ Without my prompting, Jack often lapsed into silence.
pregnant pause/silence
▪ The problem with his lofty sentiments and pregnant pauses was that they were completely eclipsed by his reputation.
▪ There was a long silence - what I think might be called a pregnant pause.
reduce sb to tears/silence etc
▪ At mealtimes, Kornemann would rail at his wife in front of the boys, reducing her to tears.
▪ He has in his grasp the ability to reduce anyone to tears, through a snappy headline or lurid story.
▪ Initially, it was the existential absurdity of his predicament that reduced Sooty to silence.
▪ It becomes the subject of innumerable short stories and songs, of films that reduce their audiences to tears.
▪ Outside in her car she kept a tight grip on herself, refusing to let her humiliation reduce her to tears.
▪ She would come home in tears and reduce my wife to tears.
▪ They might stop me having visitors if they think I reduce them to tears.
shatter the silence/peace
silence/a hush/sadness etc falls
swear sb to secrecy/silence
▪ Amy told no one else except her younger brother Howard, and she swore him to secrecy.
▪ He swore his family to secrecy and tried to continue living a normal life, making regular stage appearances and several movies.
▪ Jett swore me to secrecy, with particular reference to you.
▪ Lois had sworn her to secrecy.
▪ No, surely he would swear her to secrecy - if he really did agree in the end to Miguel's request.
▪ She swore him to secrecy and asked him to build the barrel.
▪ They swore one another to secrecy.
▪ This time I had taken the precaution of tipping off the organizers in advance and swearing them to silence.
veil of secrecy/deceit/silence etc
▪ He had apparently recovered from his visit to Johanna, hiding his feelings behind the usual veil of secrecy.
▪ Justice can not prevail under a veil of secrecy or behind doors that do not open.
▪ The client has thrown a veil of secrecy over the development, with contractors reluctant to discuss the project.
wall of silence/secrecy
▪ A wall of silence has now descended over the key players.
▪ Blount met with a convenient wall of silence.
▪ But the wall of silence that protected behind the scenes negotiations produced no answers.
▪ Only Jim Crane, ambitious but a little more human than the other hacks, can break Alice's wall of silence.
▪ Other cracks in the wall of secrecy have appeared in recent years, as we shall see in Chapter 5.
▪ Very soon a cold stone wall of silence had tormented them to wounded exasperation.
▪ "What did you do during the war?" Rob asked. There was a deathly silence, and everyone looked down at the table.
▪ A voice echoed in the silence.
▪ After years of silence, we were talking on the phone every few weeks.
▪ Nothing disturbed the silence of the night.
▪ The school observed a minute of silence in honor of the students who had died.
▪ There was a long silence before anyone answered.
▪ And then silence again and the whole sequence begins anew.
▪ Enigmatically, Boon sits in silence for a while.
▪ He lit his cigar and we sat in silence for a long moment.
▪ I resented her silence too, it cut me out.
▪ The only sound to break the silence of the night was the soft mutter of my engine.
▪ Yearn to be surrounded by marble, priceless manuscripts and silence?
▪ Youths fired an arrow through the window of one house and set light to another in an attempt to silence them.
▪ More important, an attempt by legislators to silence both prosecutors and judges defeats the spirit of co-equal branches of government.
▪ Kylie's voice - backed up by a sophisticated set of taped effects in case of emergency - had silenced many of her critics.
▪ This is because balding has helped women humble and silence our male critics.
▪ Buxton, perhaps despite himself, grew anxious not to alienate Tory support, even if that meant silencing more liberal voices.
▪ The threat of imperialist attack remains, and the bureaucracy uses this threat quite consciously to periodically silence the voices of opposition.
▪ Rationality equals oppression and the silencing of marginalized voices!
▪ Initially, it was the existential absurdity of his predicament that reduced Sooty to silence.
conspiracy of silence
▪ There has been a conspiracy of silence about violations of regulations.
▪ Curiously enough the Dunrossness District Plan avoids mentioning these negative aspects, so was there a conspiracy of silence here?
▪ Should you be acting as the peacemaker in your family, or the one who breaks the conspiracy of silence?
▪ Sometimes children need to break the conspiracy of silence.
▪ The conspiracy of silence about teenage sexuality had many results.
▪ The overall effect is precisely the same as if there were an organised conspiracy of silence among churchmen.
▪ The whole thing sometimes appears such an enigma that there might almost have been a conspiracy of silence.
▪ Then, there is the conspiracy of silence which is part of the legacy of Northern Ireland.
▪ There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening, says Christina Hardyment That's entertainment.
deafening silence
▪ Activists criticized the state's deafening silence on the issue of immigration.
▪ All that remained on the barren expanse was a deafening silence.
▪ But while those hotspots are continuously monitored by diplomats and the media, the Chechen misery prompts nothing but a deafening silence.
▪ Once again the answer was a deafening silence.
▪ The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
▪ We submitted a carefully considered response at the end of June, since when there has been a deafening silence. 3.
heavy silence/atmosphere
▪ A heavy silence fell upon the room.
▪ A heavy silence sank down on them.
▪ For at least two minutes a heavy silence filled the hut.
▪ He has a ready supply, and despite the heavy atmosphere and flat light it carries us out to Langdale.
▪ Most unwillingly they went and stood before the hero in heavy silence.
▪ Not a bird, not an insect, not a zephyr relieves that hot, heavy silence.
▪ She knew that if she didn't speak Carla would get more and more nervous, eventually breaking the heavy silence herself.
▪ There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
pregnant pause/silence
▪ The problem with his lofty sentiments and pregnant pauses was that they were completely eclipsed by his reputation.
▪ There was a long silence - what I think might be called a pregnant pause.
veil of secrecy/deceit/silence etc
▪ He had apparently recovered from his visit to Johanna, hiding his feelings behind the usual veil of secrecy.
▪ Justice can not prevail under a veil of secrecy or behind doors that do not open.
▪ The client has thrown a veil of secrecy over the development, with contractors reluctant to discuss the project.
wall of silence/secrecy
▪ A wall of silence has now descended over the key players.
▪ Blount met with a convenient wall of silence.
▪ But the wall of silence that protected behind the scenes negotiations produced no answers.
▪ Only Jim Crane, ambitious but a little more human than the other hacks, can break Alice's wall of silence.
▪ Other cracks in the wall of secrecy have appeared in recent years, as we shall see in Chapter 5.
▪ Very soon a cold stone wall of silence had tormented them to wounded exasperation.
▪ Angry residents are suing the church to silence the bell at night.
▪ At last, Switzer had a chance to silence his critics.
▪ I opened my mouth to speak but she silenced me with an angry look.
▪ Opponents of the regime are quickly silenced.
▪ Partick was livid, but Jane squeezed his arm to silence him.
▪ Police used violence and threats to silence the party's political opponents.
▪ The Mafia uses threats of physical violence or death to silence any opposition.
▪ Fong said nothing; he had started to object but was silenced by more abuse.
▪ Reformists allege that the killings were part of a campaign by state-sponsored death squads to silence dissent.
▪ The article silenced Diem, who had immediately surmised its source, but it did not sway Taylor.
▪ Then he became angry, and threatened that he would silence me for ever, if I would not agree.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Silence \Si"lence\, interj. Be silent; -- used elliptically for let there be silence, or keep silence.


Silence \Si"lence\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Silenced; p. pr. & vb. n. Silencing.]

  1. To compel to silence; to cause to be still; to still; to hush.

    Silence that dreadful bell; it frights the isle.

  2. To put to rest; to quiet.

    This would silence all further opposition.

    These would have silenced their scruples.

  3. To restrain from the exercise of any function, privilege of instruction, or the like, especially from the act of preaching; as, to silence a minister of the gospel.

    The Rev. Thomas Hooker of Chelmsford, in Essex, was silenced for nonconformity.
    --B. Trumbull.

  4. To cause to cease firing, as by a vigorous cannonade; as, to silence the batteries of an enemy.


Silence \Si"lence\, n. [F., fr. L. silentium. See Silent.]

  1. The state of being silent; entire absence of sound or noise; absolute stillness.

    I saw and heared; for such a numerous host Fled not in silence through the frighted deep.

  2. Forbearance from, or absence of, speech; taciturnity; muteness.

  3. Secrecy; as, these things were transacted in silence.

    The administration itself keeps a profound silence.
    --D. Webster.

  4. The cessation of rage, agitation, or tumilt; calmness; quiest; as, the elements were reduced to silence.

  5. Absence of mention; oblivion.

    And what most merits fame, in silence hid.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1200, "muteness, state of being silent," from Old French silence "state of being silent; absence of sound," from Latin silentium "a being silent," from silens, present participle of silere "be quiet or still," of unknown origin. Meaning "absence of sound" in English is from late 14c.\n


1560s, intransitive, "become still or silent;" 1590s, transitive, "make silent," from silence (n.). Related: Silenced; silencing.


interj. A common imperative instructing the addressed to remain silent. n. 1 The lack of any sound. 2 The act of refraining from speaking. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To make (someone or something) silent. 2 (context transitive English) To suppress criticism, etc.

  1. v. cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children in the church!" [syn: hush, quieten, still, shut up, hush up] [ant: louden]

  2. keep from expression, for example by threats or pressure; "All dissenters were silenced when the dictator assumed power"

  1. n. the state of being silent (as when no one is speaking); "there was a shocked silence"; "he gestured for silence"

  2. the absence of sound; "he needed silence in order to sleep"; "the street was quiet" [syn: quiet] [ant: sound]

  3. a refusal to speak when expected; "his silence about my contribution was surprising" [syn: muteness]

  4. the trait of keeping things secret [syn: secrecy, secretiveness]


Silence is the lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensity. By analogy, the word silence can also refer to any absence of communication or hearing, including in media other than speech and music. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to nonverbal communication and spiritual connection. Silence also refers to no sounds uttered by anybody in a room or area. Silence is an important factor in many cultural spectacles, as in rituals.

In discourse analysis, speakers use brief absences of speech to mark the boundaries of prosodic units. Silence in speech can be due to hesitation, stutters, self-correction—or a deliberate slowing of speech to clarify or aid the processing of ideas. These are short silences. Longer pauses in language occur in interactive roles, reactive tokens, or turn-taking.

According to cultural norms, silence can be positive or negative. For example, in a Christian Methodist faith organization, silence and reflection during the sermons might be appreciated by the congregation, while in a Southern Baptist church, silence might mean disagreement with what is being said, or perhaps disconnectedness from the congregated community.

Silence (Sonata Arctica album)

Silence is the second full-length album by Finnish power metal band Sonata Arctica, released in 2001 through Spinefarm Records. It is the only studio album to feature keyboardist Mikko Härkin, and the first album with original member Marko Paasikoski, who returned to the band the previous year. Stratovarius lead singer Timo Kotipelto sang guest vocals on the album.

Silence (Blindside album)

Silence is the third studio album by Swedish post-hardcore band Blindside. Produced by Howard Benson, it was released on August 20, 2002 through Elektra Records, as the band's major label debut.

Silence (Tara MacLean album)

Silence is the debut album by Canadian singer/songwriter Tara MacLean, released in 1996 (see 1996 in music).

Silence (Delerium song)

"Silence" is a song by Canadian electronic music group Delerium featuring Canadian singer and co-writer Sarah McLachlan. Over the years, it has been hailed as one of the greatest trance songs of all time, over a decade after its initial release. The Tiesto remix of the song was voted by Mixmag readers as the 12th greatest dance record of all time.

Silence (disambiguation)

Silence is a relative or total lack of sound.

Silence may also refer to:

Silence (band)

Silence is a Slovene electronic, synthpop and soundtrack music composing duo consisting of Boris Benko (singer and songwriter) and Primož Hladnik (keyboards and arrangements). Their fanbase and their tours are currently limited to Slovenia, Germany and parts of Eastern Europe. Outside the region, the band is probably mostly known for the album " Vain, A Tribute To A Ghost" and their collaboration with Laibach on the album Volk in 2006.

The music is characterized by melancholy, experimental sounds and vocal arrangements as well as meticulous production. The band is also known to incorporate various live instruments in their recordings, such as the piano, violin, viola, double bass, cello, valiha and other. The duo is recognized for their vast involvement in music writing for contemporary plays in Slovenian theater. Usually they will tour with the cast, or even be part of it, and perform the music live.

"Musicians from the End of the World" ("Glasbenika s konca sveta"), directed by Haidy Kancler and produced by RTV Slovenia, is a 30-minute film which candidly documents the lives and two-decade long career of Silence. It also follows the band on their testing journey to producing their first studio album release in 8 years. " Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World (Songs for Two Pianos, Tactful Synths and Voice)" contains the 10 songs unveiled in the documentary and is scheduled to be released on April 14, 2012 — the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

Silence (French band)

Silence are a French AOR band, formed in 1996 by musician Bruno Levesque. After releasing two instrumental albums, Bruno hired vocalist Jerome Cazard in 2001. The duo released another two albums before Jerome was replaced in August 2006 by Belgian singer, Ben Venet (formerly with Jayhawkers).

Silence (novel)

is a 1966 novel of historical fiction by Japanese author Shūsaku Endō. It is the story of a Jesuit missionary sent to 17th century Japan, who endures persecution in the time of Kakure Kirishitan ("Hidden Christians") that followed the defeat of the Shimabara Rebellion. The recipient of the 1966 Tanizaki Prize, it has been called "Endo’s supreme achievement" and "one of the twentieth century’s finest novels". Written partly in the form of a letter by its central character, the theme of a silent God who accompanies a believer in adversity was greatly influenced by the Catholic Endō's experience of religious discrimination in Japan, racism in France, and a debilitating bout with tuberculosis.

Silence (TV series)

Silence is a 2006 Taiwanese drama starring Vic Chou of F4, Korean actress Park Eun-hye, Cantopop singer Andy Hui and Kingone Wang. It was produced by Comic Ritz International Production and Chai Zhi Ping ( 柴智屏) and Hsiao Yi as producers and directed by Zhang Zhong

It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air China Television (CTV) from 21 May 2006 to 24 September 2006, on Sundays at 22:00. It was also shown on cable TV Eastern Television (ETTV) .

Silence (1969 play)
For the 1999 play of this title by Moira Buffini, see Silence (1999 play).

Silence is a short play by Harold Pinter first performed in 1969.

Silence (1971 film)

Silence (, translit. Chinmoku) is a 1971 Japanese drama film directed by Masahiro Shinoda based on the novel of the same name by Shusaku Endo on the entry of Jesuit missionaries to seventeenth century Japan. Mainly with Japanese dialogue, it has short sequences in English. It was entered into the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.

Silence (Facemob album)

Silence' is the second and final album by Facemob. It was released on November 19, 2002 through Rap-a-Lot Records and peaked at 84 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. Original member Devin the Dude did not participate on the album.

Silence (Slapshock album)

Silence is the Fifth album by the metal band Slapshock, released in 2006. The album introduced a metalcore sound, which was continued on their recent releases.

Silence (Stromae song)

"Silence" is a song by Belgian singer Stromae, released on 18 June 2010 as the seventh and final single from his album Cheese (2010). The song has yet only charted in Belgium and features no cover.

Silence (Charlie Haden album)

Silence is an album by the American jazz bassist Charlie Haden recorded in 1987 and released on the Italian Soul Note label two years later.

Silence (1999 play)
For the play of the same title by Harold Pinter, see Silence (1969 play).

Silence is a 1999 play by Moira Buffini, loosely based on the history of Dark Ages England but also drawing on New Millennium concerns at the time of its writing. It is set in Canterbury and Cumbria and on a journey between the two. It received its London premiere at the Arcola Theatre in August 2005.

Silence (2010 film)

Silence is an Kannada Movie film directed by Venugopal, starring Sharath Kumar, Nisha Shetty, Ramesh Bhat, Thriller Manju in the lead roles. The film is produced by M. Krishnamurthy with co-producers G. Krishamurhty, R. Appyaiah, Nagaraj Naidu under the banner of Sri Krishna Kumar Productions

Silence (Doctor Who)

The Silence are a fictional religious order in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, represented by humanoids with alien-like physical characteristics. Executive producer Steven Moffat created the Silence, intending them to be scarier than past villains in Doctor Who. Though the phrase "Silence will fall" recurred throughout the 2010 series of Doctor Who, the Silence were not seen until the 2011 series' opener " The Impossible Astronaut". Their origins are eventually revealed in the 2013 special " The Time of the Doctor".

In creating the Silence shown in "The Impossible Astronaut", Moffat drew inspiration from Edvard Munch's 1893 expressionist painting The Scream as well as the Men in Black. The Silence continues Moffat's trend of using simple psychological concepts to make his monsters more frightening. In this case of the Silence, their existence is a secret because anyone who sees them immediately forgets about them after looking away, but retains suggestions made to them by the Silence. This allows them to have a pervasive influence across human history while being difficult to locate or resist.

Silence (2013 film)

Silence, also known as The Power of Silence, is a 2013 Malayalam thriller film directed by V. K. Prakash and starring Mammootty, Anoop Menon, Pallavi Purohit, Joy Mathew and Jayaprakash Kuloor.

Silence (2016 film)

Silence is an upcoming 2016 American historical drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Jay Cocks, based upon the novel of the same name by Shusaku Endo. The film stars Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson, Tadanobu Asano, and Ciarán Hinds. It is anticipated to be released in 2016.

Silence (David Murray album)

Silence is an album of duets by saxophonist David Murray and pianist Mal Waldron recorded in Brussels and released on the Canadian Justin Time label. Recorded in 2001 but not released until 2008, six years after Waldron's death, the album features some of his last recorded performances.

Silence (1931 film)

Silence is a 1931 American Pre-Code crime film directed by Louis J. Gasnier and Max Marcin and written by Max Marcin. The film stars Clive Brook, Marjorie Rambeau, Peggy Shannon, Charles Starrett, Willard Robertson, John Wray and Frank Sheridan. The film was released on August 29, 1931, by Paramount Pictures.

Silence (Unashamed album)

Silence is the debut album of the Christian hardcore band, Unashamed. It is the only release to feature bassist, Shane Sowers, and drummer, Chris Bartoni.

Silence (1963 film)

Silence was a Soviet two-part feature film, the film adaptation released in 1962 eponymous novel by Yuri Bondarev. The main prize of I All-Union Film Festival.

Silence (charity)

Silence ( Chinese: 龍耳) is a Hong Kong charity, with a focus on Deaf people who use Hong Kong Sign Language and their family and friends, and is also a member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

Usage examples of "silence".

His hot face had leaned forward a little too confidentially and he had assumed a very low Dublin accent, so that the young ladies, with one instinct, received his speech in silence.

And Granny Aching wrapped this silence around herself and made room inside it for Tiffany.

The absolute silence of this seldom used dungeon was broken by a creaking sound, exactly the sound, he realised, of the handle to the door below that gave admittance upon the prisoners.

All they knew they learned from aerograms, one from Admiral Durenne off the Isle of Wight saying that the Portsmouth forts had been silenced and the Fleet action had begun, and another from the Commodore of the squadron off Folkestone saying that all was going well, and the landing would shortly be effected: and thus they fully expected to have the three towns and the entrance to the Thames at their mercy by the following day.

What can this absolute and remarkable silence mean between two people who look as affectionately on each other as these two look, every time their eyes meet!

Upwards, now, in silence, the two men climbed until at last they reached a corridor which was aflare with dancing torchlight.

I think that, in such a case, to silence the agitator and save the boy is not only constitutional, but withal a great mercy.

They sat in silence, and after a moment Alec realized that they must be waiting for something.

The Marchese surveyed it for a moment in silence, and then alighting from his horse, asked eagerly for the Signora, and was directed into one of the saloons.

He put his hand out to see what it would touch and felt pain all over him like something that had been crouching there in the silence waiting for him to stir.

The allegation on the tapes that Vernon Jordan was trying to silence Lewinsky with a job was the perfect link to their investigation of Jordan, whom they suspected was trying to silence Webster Hubbell by helping him get a lucrative contract with Revlon.

This was so new and strange a thing for her who had built her life upon her own silence and aloneness that she pushed it from her foremind, telling herself that there might well be trouble in the foothills, and two fighters were better than one if that came.

Chinese and Tibet and the mountain, finally dropping into an exhausted silence as alpenglow lit Everest orange.

But Amado Ortega would have had no reason to sense danger in the unusual silence.

He stood on a mountain at sunrise, and saw the marvels of the amethystine clouds below his feet, heard an eternal and white silence, such as broods among the everlasting snows, and saw an eagle winging for the sun.