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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Meddle \Med"dle`\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Meddled; p. pr. & vb. n. Meddling.] [OE. medlen to mix, OF. medler, mesler, F. m[^e]ler, LL. misculare, a dim. fr. L. miscere to mix.

  1. To mix; to mingle. [Obs.]

    More to know Did never meddle with my thoughts.

  2. To interest or engage one's self; to have to do; -- in a good sense. [Obs.]

    Study to be quiet, and to meddle with your own business.

  3. To interest or engage one's self unnecessarily or impertinently, to interfere or busy one's self improperly with another's affairs; specifically, to handle or distrub another's property without permission; -- often followed by with or in.

    Why shouldst thou meddle to thy hurt?
    --2 Kings xiv. 10.

    The civil lawyers . . . have meddled in a matter that belongs not to them.

    To meddle and make, to intrude one's self into another person's concerns. [Archaic]

    Syn: To interpose; interfere; intermeddle.


Meddling \Med"dling\, a. Meddlesome.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"action of blending," mid-14c., from present participle of meddle (v.). Meaning "action of taking part, interference" is late 14c. As a past participle adjective, from 1520s. Related: Meddlingly.

  1. That meddles. n. action of the verb ''meddle''. v

  2. (present participle of meddle English)

  1. adj. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" [syn: interfering, meddlesome, officious, busy, busybodied]

  2. n. the act of altering something secretly or improperly [syn: tampering]

Usage examples of "meddling".

The Odim clan was gathering in the courtyard, where slaves were still meddling inefficiently with long rods, climbing in and out of the biogas inspection pit, despite the sleet in the air.

Odim clan was gathering in the courtyard, where slaves were still meddling inefficiently with long rods, climbing in and out of the biogas inspection pit, despite the sleet in the air.

He said he never gambled, but still was satisfied that the meddling with cards in any way was immoral and injurious, and no man could be wholly pure and blemishless without eschewing them.

In theory, there should have been nothing the meddling American could do to derail Gomorrah, but Khan was not inclined to take chances where Seven was concerned.

She was a handsome and agreeable woman, but she did not inspire me with any passions, no doubt because my mind was occupied with another, otherwise I should have drawn a bill on sight, and paid myself without meddling with her purse.

Or she must find some way to use the meddling of the entelechy of the seventh sphere to her advantage: if Tempus sought out Datan and made an end to him, not Roxane or any other witch or adept of Wizardwall would scour the hills for souls to buy him peace.

In every proposed extension of the powers of Congress, that State has expressly and watchfully excepted that of meddling with the importation of negroes.

His ex-heir is junct and proved to be a witch, meddling with forces which have once toppled civilization on this planet.

Of all the meddling females who tried to relieve their boredom with candy-coated visits to the Heart of Hope Orphanage, Evelyn Marie Ruddick was probably the most and least surprising.

Several of the Free Soilers, among which I was included, were unwilling to have the matter tried again without a distinct assurance that there should be no meddling with the judiciary.

First Stephen, then Faith Cornwell and every other meddling busybody in Portsmouth, now this man.

On the 18th Brumaire, Monsieur and Madame Ragon, despairing of the royal cause, determined to give up perfumery, and live like honest bourgeois without meddling in politics.

But most of the enemy had gathered around their fallen comrade, and seized with some anxiety as to his condition, Miss Horn approached the group: the instant she turned towards it, the laird snatched his hand from hers, darted away like a hunting spider, and shot down the Strait Path to the low street: by the time his protectress had looked over the heads of the group, seen that the young miscreant was not seriously injured, and requested him to take that for meddling with a helpless innocent, the object of her solicitude, whom she supposed standing behind her, was nowhere to be seen.

Or had Cousin Zed resumed his insidious meddling, urging her to make the Reversionists an outright gift of the shares immediately, knowing the money-hungry groups would side with him in voting for the Galapharma takeover?

Preferring to deal only with the ever obliging Franklin, he dreaded the prospect of Adams meddling in what he, Vergennes, regarded as his exclusive domain, the power politics of Europe.