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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
meddlesome neighbors
▪ Guards tried to shoot the meddlesome hound several times, but Judy survived and was liberated in 1945.
▪ Heaven rid him of meddlesome politicians!
▪ Inevitably, that means he will have to be meddlesome.
▪ It shares the conventions of ancient drama: unbreakable vows, divided kingdoms, miraculous births, meddlesome and slippery gods.
▪ More government, bigger government, more meddlesome government.
▪ They say he is not nearly as meddlesome as we all might suspect.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Meddlesome \Med"dle*some\, a. Given to meddling; apt to interpose in the affairs of others; officiously intrusive. -- Med"dle*some*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from meddle + -some (1). Earlier was medlous "quarrelsome, meddlesome" (mid-15c.). Related: Meddlesomely. Character name Meddlesome Mattie attested from 1814.


a. inclined or having a tendency to meddle or interfere in other people's business.


adj. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" [syn: interfering, meddling, officious, busy, busybodied]

Usage examples of "meddlesome".

The Deified were at their meddlesome worst, carping and second-guessing.

Menzies, while charming enough, had been intrusive and meddlesome about certain technical details, and Lipper was worried he might micromanage the installation as well.

Tale by Rebecca Moesta Dodging a pair of potentially meddlesome storm-troopers, Reegesk clutched his treasures and scurried with rodentlike efficiency into the narrow alley beside his favorite drinking establishment in Mos Eisley.

Fires were set by two meddlesome sprights with a powerful wand, blazing the trees with a sudden fierceness like giant bonfires against the morning.

All these places are given as the point where this meddlesome Englishman has bidden the traitor de Tournay and others to meet his emissaries.

Waterdeep and her minions will be less likely to object if presented with an accomplished fact, but a prolonged war would surely draw the attention of the meddlesome southerners.

Victor Emmanuel laughed long and loudly, and so did his retinue, for Zanni was poking fun at the king's own bete noire, the Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and his meddlesome mother, the Dowager Empress Sophia.

I mean, a couple of white cops got to bust a bunch of meddlesome black dudes in Camden, and that was gold stars on them.

If it hadn't been for those damn' meddlesome posthumanists –" Her wrinkled, unnaturally aged face scowls at him furiously from underneath hair that has faded to the color of rotten straw, but he senses a subtext of self-deprecating irony that he doesn't understand.