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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ basic skiing maneuvers
▪ The defense has tried a number of legal maneuvers to reduce the charges.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Maneuver \Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, v. t. 1. To change the positions of, as of troops of ships.


Maneuver \Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Maneuveredor Man[oe]uvred; p. pr. & vb. n. Maneuvering, or Man[oe]uvring.] [Cf. F. man[oe]uvrer. See Maneuver, n.]

  1. To perform a movement or movements in military or naval tactics; to make changes in position with the intention of getting an advantage in attack or defense.

  2. Hence: To make changes in one's approach to solving a problem, so as to achieve maximum advantage in a changing situation; -- used especially in competitive situations, as in politics, diplomacy, or sports.

  3. To manage with address or art; to scheme.


Maneuver \Ma*neu"ver\, Manoeuvre \Ma*n[oe]u"vre\, n. [F. man[oe]uvre, OF. manuevre, LL. manopera, lit., hand work, manual labor; L. manus hand + opera, fr. opus work. See Manual, Operate, and cf. Mainor, Manure.]

  1. Management; dexterous movement; specif., a military or naval evolution, movement, or change of position.

  2. Management with address or artful design; adroit proceeding; stratagem.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"planned movement of troops or warship," 1758, from French manoeuvre "manipulation, maneuver," from Old French manovre "manual labor" 13c.), from Medieval Latin manuopera (source of Spanish maniobra, Italian manovra), from manuoperare "work with the hands," from Latin manu operari, from manu, ablative of manus "hand" (see manual (adj.)) + operari "to work, operate" (see operation). The same word had been borrowed from French into Middle English in a sense "hand-labor" (late 15c.). General meaning "artful plan, adroit movement" is from 1774. Related: Maneuvers.


1777, from maneuver (n.), or else from French manœurvrer "work, work with one's hands; carry out, prepare" (12c.), from Medieval Latin manuoperare. Originally in a military sense. Figurative use from 1801. Related: Maneuvered; maneuvering.


n. 1 A movement, often one performed with difficulty. 2 (context often in the plural English) A large training field-exercise of military troops. 3 An adroit or cunning action; a stratagem. vb. 1 (context transitive English) To move (something) carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position. 2 (context figurative transitive English) To guide, steer, manage purposefully 3 (context figurative intransitive English) To intrigue, manipulate, plot, scheme

  1. n. a military training exercise [syn: manoeuvre, simulated military operation]

  2. a plan for attaining a particular goal [syn: tactic, manoeuvre]

  3. a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill; "he made a great maneuver"; "the runner was out on a play by the shortstop" [syn: manoeuvre, play]

  4. a move made to gain a tactical end [syn: manoeuvre, tactical maneuver, tactical manoeuvre]

  5. an action aimed at evading an opponent [syn: manoeuvre, evasive action]

  6. v. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling [syn: steer, manoeuver, manoeuvre, direct, point, head, guide, channelize, channelise]

  7. act in order to achieve a certain goal; "He maneuvered to get the chairmanship"; "She maneuvered herself into the directorship" [syn: manoeuver, manoeuvre]

  8. perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage in attack or defense [syn: manoeuver, manoeuvre, operate]


Maneuver (American English), manoeuvre (British English), manoeuver, manœuver (also spelled, directly from the French, as manœuvre) denotes one's tactical move, or series of moves, that improves or maintains one's strategic situation in a competitive environment or avoids a worse situation.

Usage examples of "maneuver".

Too much of the raft was aground, however, for this maneuver to prove of much use.

This ought to repay him amply for his little maneuvers in the carriage yesterday and his taunts and caresses last night.

She responded as eagerly and as well as she had in the pleasure voyages he had made with Blaise, and Dez asked for more power while he made increasingly intricate maneuvers, pushing himself as well as the finely crafted ship.

Whether Jack was guilty or innocent, Lonnie would hustle up every shred of exculpatory evidence and plot, plan, maneuver, and strategize to establish his defense.

The boxes were backbreakingly heavy, one hundred rounds of M-60 ammunition weighs seven pounds, and awkward to maneuver into some of the manjack positions, but once in place they gave every team three times the throw weight of fire they could otherwise expect.

He had played with the milkweed pods at the edge of the little flat square while his father and his grandfather went through the complicated sparring dances with wooden swords or bamboo pikes festooned on each end with colored ribbons to better describe the swing and swirl of the maneuver.

Some misbehaving users are very good at the Eddie Haskel maneuver - i.

The huge carrier machines had been unable to maneuver in pursuit of any offensive goal, their engines silently churning space while they concentrated on evasive action, dodging wave after wave of outclassed livecrewed ships.

I realized we overburned, I queried the deeby and Clarence gave me a list of maneuver options from his library.

Ainsley was beginning to realize how dangerous the conditions were after he left the main Ripon road and maneuvered his Aston-Martin down a narrow side lane, taking a shortcut to the village of Pennistone Royal.

But those who questioned the cardinal closely concluded that what he had encountered was a band of well-dressed and well-armed outlaws, imitating Texark cavalry maneuvers.

All I got for my oh-so-clever maneuver was scraped fingertips and a good view of Lara Raith in gunfighting mode.

Spartan was forced to maneuver the LRV up ramps, through a series of tight turns, and right to the very edge of a pit.

Encouraging Zoe to pay her bill by redecorating a room in his house had struck him as a particularly crafty maneuver that would allow him to continue some kind of relationship.

As flocks of dunlin or redshank stream and wheel and soar and quiver over our estuaries, so above the great tide-flooded cultivated regions of these worlds the animated clouds of avians maneuvered, each cloud a single center of consciousness.