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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
tub of lard
▪ As long as his eyes were locked on the silver of the lard can he was safe.
▪ Boiled lard in a pan of water, cooled, strained and mixed with oil of lavender was used.
▪ Cut down on all fats, particularly those from animal sources especially lard, suet, double cream and full-fat cheeses.
▪ Huge tubs hold bubbling black beans -- no lard, no lie.
▪ Nothing but paint on a piece of lard.
▪ Some group members were tempted by the variety of sausages and breakfast meats, butter, cheese, lard and pate.
▪ Then she reached into a can and scooped half a handful of lard.
▪ Inevitably it has had to lard its work with contingencies and question marks.
▪ It is rarely necessary to lard farm-raised game, since the meat is seldom as lean as its wild counterpart.
▪ Many hare devotees like to lard hare with strips of pork fat seasoned with herbs and Cognac.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hog \Hog\ (h[o^]g), n. [Prob. akin to E. hack to cut, and meaning orig., a castrated boar; cf. also W. hwch swine, sow, Armor. houc'h, hoc'h. Cf. Haggis, Hogget, and Hoggerel.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) A quadruped of the genus Sus, and allied genera of Suid[ae]; esp., the domesticated varieties of Sus scrofa, kept for their fat and meat, called, respectively, lard and pork; swine; porker; specifically, a castrated boar; a barrow.

    Note: The domestic hogs of Siam, China, and parts of Southern Europe, are thought to have been derived from Sus Indicus.

  2. A mean, filthy, or gluttonous fellow. [Low.]

  3. A young sheep that has not been shorn. [Eng.]

  4. (Naut.) A rough, flat scrubbing broom for scrubbing a ship's bottom under water.

  5. (Paper Manuf.) A device for mixing and stirring the pulp of which paper is made.

    Bush hog, Ground hog, etc.. See under Bush, Ground, etc.

    Hog caterpillar (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the green grapevine sphinx; -- so called because the head and first three segments are much smaller than those behind them, so as to make a resemblance to a hog's snout. See Hawk moth.

    Hog cholera, an epidemic contagious fever of swine, attended by liquid, fetid, diarrhea, and by the appearance on the skin and mucous membrane of spots and patches of a scarlet, purple, or black color. It is fatal in from one to six days, or ends in a slow, uncertain recovery.
    --Law (Farmer's Veter. Adviser.)

    Hog deer (Zo["o]l.), the axis deer.

    Hog gum (Bot.), West Indian tree ( Symphonia globulifera), yielding an aromatic gum.

    Hog of wool, the trade name for the fleece or wool of sheep of the second year.

    Hog peanut (Bot.), a kind of earth pea.

    Hog plum (Bot.), a tropical tree, of the genus Spondias ( Spondias lutea), with fruit somewhat resembling plums, but chiefly eaten by hogs. It is found in the West Indies.

    Hog's bean (Bot.), the plant henbane.

    Hog's bread.(Bot.) See Sow bread.

    Hog's fennel. (Bot.) See under Fennel.

    Mexican hog (Zo["o]l.), the peccary.

    Water hog. (Zo["o]l.) See Capybara.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c. (possibly early 13c.), "rendered fat of a swine," from Old French larde "joint, meat," especially "bacon fat" (12c.), and directly from Latin lardum "lard, bacon, cured swine's flesh," probably cognate with Greek larinos "fat," laros "pleasing to the taste."


"prepare (meat) for roasting by inserting of pieces of salt pork, etc., into it," mid-14c., from Old French larder "to lard" (12c.), from lard "bacon fat" (see lard (n.)). Figuratively, of speech or writing, from 1540s. Related: Larded; larding.


n. 1 fat from the abdomen of a pig, especially as prepared for use in cooking or pharmacy. 2 (context obsolete English) fatty meat from a pig; bacon, pork. vb. 1 (context cooking English) to stuff (meat) with bacon or pork before cooking 2 to smear with fat or lard 3 to garnish or strew, especially with reference to words or phrases in speech and writing 4 To fatten; to enrich. 5 (context obsolete intransitive English) To grow fat. 6 To mix or garnish with something, as by way of improvement; to interlard.


n. soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog

  1. v. prepare or cook with lard; "lard meat"

  2. add details to [syn: embroider, pad, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up, dramatize, dramatise]

Lard (surname)

Lard is a surname which is a variation of the Scottish name and title " Laird". In the United States, Laird has many different spellings, including Lard, Leaird, Leard, and Leird, presumably due to oral census takers. The name may refer to:

  • Allan Lard (1866–1946), American golfer
  • Rebecca Hammond Lard (1772–1855), American poet
  • Keith Lard, fictional character in Peter Kay television series
Lard (disambiguation)

Lard is pig fat.

Lard may also refer to:

  • Lard (band), a U.S. musical band
  • Lard (surname)
  • Lard, Iran (disambiguation), villages in Iran
  • Allan Lard (1866–1946), an American golfer
  • Keith Lard, a fictional character in That Peter Kay Thing television series
  • Rebecca Hammond Lard (1772–1855), an American poet
  • Marc Riley (b. 1961), a British musician formerly known by the pseudonym Lard
Lard (band)

Lard is a hardcore punk/ industrial band founded in 1988 as a side project by Jello Biafra ( vocals), Al Jourgensen ( guitar), Paul Barker ( bass), and Jeff Ward ( drums). Biafra is perhaps best known as the former frontman of the hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys. Jourgensen is the founder and only continuous member of industrial metal band Ministry, of which Barker was an official member between 1986 and 2004, and Ward was also once a touring member. Over the years, several other members of Ministry played with Lard, namely Bill Rieflin, Mike Scaccia, and Rey Washam.

Like most of Biafra's work, Lard's songs are angrily political (the War on Drugs is a particularly common theme) but often have a tinge of humour.

, Lard have not officially toured and have only performed live a handful of times, mostly around the San Francisco area (where Jello lives and operates his Alternative Tentacles record label). The band played during Ministry's 1988 tour and throughout their 1989-1990 dates, once in Chicago after wrapping the recording of The Last Temptation Of Reid, once at the conclusion of a Ministry concert in Los Angeles (March 24, 2003), and at the San Francisco (September 26, 2004),Portland (September 28, 2004) and Seattle (September 29, 2004) dates of Ministry's Evil Doer tour. Because its key members are active with other projects, it is unlikely that the band will tour.

According to a March 2009 interview with Jourgensen, he and Biafra are working on a new Lard album, which is being recorded in Jourgensen's El Paso studio. However, according to a January 2010 interview with Jello Biafra, he indicated that a new Lard album was unlikely, saying "Me and Al have talked about it for years, but we’ve never been able to nail down a time to try and put it together.".


Lard is pig fat in both its rendered and unrendered forms. It is obtained from any part of the pig where there is a high proportion of adipose tissue. It can be rendered by steaming it or boiling it in water and then separating the insoluble fat from the water, or by the use of dry heat. It is a semi-soft white fat with a high saturated fatty acid content and no transfats, and refined lard is usually sold as paper-wrapped blocks. Being a product obtained from a pig, it is not an acceptable food ingredient in some cultures.

Lard is commonly used in many cuisines around the world as a cooking fat or shortening, or as a spread similar to butter. It is an ingredient in various savoury dishes such as sausages, pates and fillings, and it is particularly favored for the preparation of pastry because of the "flakiness" it brings to the product. Its use in western contemporary cuisine has diminished with the increased popularity of vegetable oils, but many contemporary cooks and bakers still favor it over other fats for certain select uses. The culinary qualities of lard vary somewhat depending on the part of the pig from which the fat was taken and how the lard was processed.

Usage examples of "lard".

A decoction of the leaves and flowers was given internally, and the bruised herb blended with lard was applied outside.

When bruised and mixed with lard, it makes a most useful opbdeldoc to be rubbed in for irritable spines of indolent scrofulous tumours or gout, until the skin surface becomes red and glowing.

Rubbed together with cerate, or lard, powdered Savin is used for maintaining the sores of blisters, and of issues, open when it is desired to keep up their derivative action.

After them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours: coopers, bird fanciers, millwrights, newspaper canvassers, law scriveners, masseurs, vintners, trussmakers, chimneysweeps, lard refiners, tabinet and poplin weavers, farriers, Italian warehousemen, church decorators, bootjack manufacturers, undertakers, silk mercers, lapidaries, salesmasters, corkcutters, assessors of fire losses, dyers and cleaners, export bottlers, fellmongers, ticketwriters, heraldic seal engravers, horse repository hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors.

Then came venisonboth joints and racks, larded and roastedwith the inevitable accompaniment of frumenty, fritters of forcemeat with chopped onions and garlic, lampreys in a sauce that made the previous hot sauces seem exceedingly mild by comparison, roasted whole breams stuffed with breadcrumbs and chopped mussel, whole capons stewed in broth with leeks and herbs and wine .

It was the odor of hogs going up to the Ohio heavens--of hogs in a state of transit from hoggish nature to clothes-brushes, saddles, sausages, and lard.

Looking closely she sees that it consists of ants: a monstrous file composed of thousands of tiny creatures that scurry to and from the kitchen dresser, crossing the entire kitchen and climbing up the walls, to reach the lard that fills the majolica soup tureen shaped like a duck.

Lorsque Raphaelle entra, il etait en manches de chemise, occupe a couper du lard en petits morceaux.

Or, instead of mashing the salsify after boiling, some prefer to drain it, and to dip each piece in batter and fry it in hot lard.

But a North Dakota statute requiring that lard compound or substitutes, unless sold in bulk, should be put up in pails or containers holding one, three, or five pounds net weight, or some multiple of these numbers, was held not to be repugnant to the Pure Food and Drugs Act.

Val di Lamane and Faenza, by the capture of Farlimpopoli, and the surrender of Rimini, which Pandolfo Malatesta, its lard, exchanged for the seigniory of Cittadella, in the State of Padua, and far the rank of gentleman of Venice.

Most housing had been swallowed by beds of swampy fuzz, but a few buildings were so larded with chemical fungicides and brews of biological toxins that local bacilli and thallophytes had never established a foothold.

The Vegsvin, Non, Thyn, Geirvimul, and Vid were so far off across the frozen lard that no word of their condition came to Folkvang.

Another ointment, concocted from the green berries, with camphor and lard, is ordered by the London College as curative of piles.

Dip the slices of parsnip into the batter, then in bread crumbs and fry in boiling lard or drippings until a golden brown.