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The Collaborative International Dictionary
incandescent lamp

Tungsten lamp \Tung"sten lamp\ An electric glow lamp having filaments of metallic tungsten, and contained in a glass bulb which is evacuated or has an inert gas, to avoid oxidation of the tungsten; a common form of light bulb. Such lamps, owing to the refractory nature of the metal, may be maintained at a very high temperature and require an expenditure of only about 1.25 watts per candle power, depending on the total wattage and the design of the bulb. By mid-20th century tungsten lamps became the most common type of incandescent (as contrasted with fluorescent) lamp; thus the phrase

incandescent lamp or

incandescent light typically refers to a tungsten lamp.

incandescent lamp

n. A light bulb whose metallic filament is heated by an electric current.

incandescent lamp

n. electric lamp consisting of a glass bulb containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated [syn: light bulb, lightbulb, bulb, electric light, electric-light bulb]

Usage examples of "incandescent lamp".

The bed was on a shelf so carefully fitted to the wall that it might well have grown out of it, and, from behind an amber shade, an incandescent lamp provided illumination with the softness of candlelight.

An electric light cane, with a little incandescent lamp and a battery hidden in it.

He reached up, pulled the gooseneck incandescent lamp closer to the sheets of paper he had been reading.

Alone in my hotel room I had the experience of personally switching on and off the electric incandescent lamp in the centre of the ceiling.

He wished then for an incandescent lamp but thrust that wish away.

This was a righteous passion, more vehement than abhorrence, brighter even than the pain that had seemed to make of him an incandescent lamp.

Then he was standing on a yielding floor, blinking in the soft light of a primitive incandescent lamp, feeling the warmth and strange, spicy odor of an alien room.

As you probably know, the firefly is an almost incredibly efficient source of light-at least 96% efficient Now how efficient would you say the ordinary commercial tungsten-filament incandescent lamp is?

From behind him, a brilliant incandescent lamp with a reflector in back of it glared into Ussmak’.

At regular intervals appeared an incandescent lamp in a niche in the wall, a votive candle to Edison's electric god.

When Lucius had complied, Marcus took a very small incandescent lamp and placed it behind the eye, onto which he focused his camera.

He gestures Britt and Kelly toward a comfortable grouping of furniture bathed in the warm light of an incandescent lamp near the back corner of the room.

Karish stepped into the room, dimly lit by a single incandescent lamp suspended from the ceiling.