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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A layer of brown dust began to cover the white vestments of the priests.
▪ Church services too became more elaborate and ornamental with the lavish use of incense and ever richer vestments.
▪ He journeyed without royal vestments, wearing a disguise to escape detection and perhaps to save money.
▪ He was dressed in radiant white vestments and his hands were folded on his chest.
▪ His meals were always ready, his clothes clean and pressed, and his vestments for the Sunday service were immaculate.
▪ Old vestments lay scattered on top, their colours faded, the material no longer springy soft.
▪ Slugs would drag along the bathroom floor, trailing their vestments of brown slime.
▪ They had put on their vestments in an old farmhouse across from the field.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Vestment \Vest"ment\, n. [OE. vestement, vestiment, OF. vestement, vestiment, F. v[^e]tement, fr. L. vestimentum, fr. vestire to clothe, fr. vestis a garment, clothing. See Vest.] A covering or garment; some part of clothing or dress; specifically (Eccl.), any priestly garment. ``Royal vestiment.''
--Chaucer. ``Priests in holy vestments.''

The sculptor could not give vestments suitable to the quality of the persons represented.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, from Old French vestment (12c., Modern French vêtement), from Latin vestimentum "clothing, clothes," from vestire "to clothe" (see wear (v.)). Related: Vestments; vestmental.


n. 1 A robe or gown worn as an indication of office. 2 Any of the robes worn by members of the clergy etc., especially a garment worn at the celebration of the eucharist.


n. gown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergy


Vestments are liturgical garments and articles associated primarily with the Christian religion, especially among the Eastern Orthodox, Catholics ( Latin Church and others), Anglicans, and Lutherans. Many other groups also make use of liturgical garments; this was a point of controversy in the Protestant Reformation and sometimes since, in particular during the Ritualist controversies in England in the 19th century.

For other garments worn by clergy, see also clerical clothing.

Usage examples of "vestment".

The Metropolitan, in his Easter vestments, had gone up to the laurel-decorated platform under the blossoming lemon tree, and now opened the heavy silver Gospel.

Vestments, protesting against the charge of impiety brought against the Hebrews by other nations, for contemning the Heathen Divinities, declares it false, because, in the construction of the Tabernacle, in the Vestments of the Sacrificers, and in the Sacred vessels, the whole World was in some sort represented.

Sorbonne were astonished, and possibly scandalized, by the language, the rites, and the vestments, of his Greek clergy.

A tall, intense priest wearing a crimson vestment read from the Gospel, then delivered a sennon about trusting in God and not giving in to despair.

Eagle returned, escorting a single man resplendent in rich vestments surmounted by a scarlet cloak trimmed with gems at the collar.

Dionysms the Areopagite, the emperor, graciously recalling the Greek origin of this saint, sent a chorus of Greek priests, and the Franks were entranced not merely by their vestments and painted tapers, but by their dramatic genuflections and the ensemble of bass and treble voices.

Church of San Matteo, Suor Barbera prepared the violet-colored candles, the seasonal violet altar hangings, and the special violet and rose vestments for the priest.

Alone, unattended, and not in Eastertide vestments, but in the plain black robe of the order.

The wedding went off without incident, and our two frati, almost unrecognizable in the garish vestments of the Armeniyan Church, ably supported the Metropolitan in his conduct of the service.

The Christian Empire was an earthly reflex of the order of the heavens, hieratically organized, with the vestments, thrones, and procedures of its stately courts inspired by celestial imagery, the bells of its cathedral spires and harmonies of its priestly choirs echoing in earthly tones the unearthly angelic hosts.

In vulgar phrase, she had taken up the broomstick, and was just about to sally from the kitchen, when Jones accosted her with a demand of a gown and other vestments, to cover the half-naked woman upstairs.

While Father Looney was in the sacristy, tugging his vestments on with impatient grunts, I would enter alone and genuflect as I passed before the tabernacle lamp.

And because the blessing of the chrism, and of the holy oil, and of the oil of the sick, and other consecrated things, such as altars, churches, vestments, and sacred vessels, makes such things fit for use in performing the sacraments which belong to the priestly duty, therefore such consecrations are reserved to the bishop as the head of the whole ecclesiastical order.

The Reverend Rogers had gone to change into his vestments, ready to read the burial service, but when he reached the sawpit, the bodies had already been interred.

Unknown to him, Byron slides out of the stolen vestments onto the ground.