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toss off

vb. 1 To drink up rapidly. 2 To assemble hastily. 3 (context British vulgar slang English) To masturbate.

toss off
  1. v. write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husdband saying she would not be home for supper" [syn: dash off, knock off, fling off]

  2. drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work" [syn: pop, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink down, kill]

Usage examples of "toss off".

She resisted, just barely, the temptation to toss off her clothing and let the capricious breezes play over her skin.

Astron shook his head, trying to toss off the behavior as he had all the rest.

The fourth, a little slip of a red headed girl he should have been able to toss off, had his arm in a bar-lock and was watching quite calmly out of the deepest blue eyes.

She rolled her shoulders to toss off the sensation, and the memory of the dreams.

Riker, for his part, had his chin propped up on his hand, but spared a moment to toss off a cheery wave at Dexter before the door closed.

Clearly she was about to toss off an answer, but then she stopped and considered a moment before she responded.

Frozen through, despite heavy underwear and bulky boots, gloves, and a sweater, Pug was glad to toss off several glassfuls with the general.

You can toss off your witticisms, play the clown if you so desire.

To do any of those things, I should start by enchanting her, fascinating her with my wit, deliver some of those fine lines movie stars toss off with such ease in screwball comedies.

Mokkeh was the lady's nickname (it is Yiddish for plague or pestilence) and suggested the bloodchilling imprecations she could toss off with spectacular fluency.