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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
toll bridge
▪ And for the toll bridge owners it could prove an expensive gamble.
▪ It would be preferable to the plans for an ugly toll bridge.
▪ The causeway near the mill, crossing the creek, is a toll bridge, with tollbooth intact.
▪ This toll bridge was at Whitney suffered damage from the fast flowing flood, and parts of Hereford are already underwater.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Toll bridge

Toll \Toll\, n. [OE. tol, AS. toll; akin to OS. & D. tol, G. zoll, OHG. zol, Icel. tollr, Sw. tull, Dan. told, and also to E. tale; -- originally, that which is counted out in payment. See Tale number.]

  1. A tax paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, or the like.

  2. (Sax. & O. Eng. Law) A liberty to buy and sell within the bounds of a manor.

  3. A portion of grain taken by a miller as a compensation for grinding.

    Toll and team (O. Eng. Law), the privilege of having a market, and jurisdiction of villeins.

    Toll bar, a bar or beam used on a canal for stopping boats at the tollhouse, or on a road for stopping passengers.

    Toll bridge, a bridge where toll is paid for passing over it.

    Toll corn, corn taken as pay for grinding at a mill.

    Toll dish, a dish for measuring toll in mills.

    Toll gatherer, a man who takes, or gathers, toll.

    Toll hop, a toll dish. [Obs.]

    Toll thorough (Eng. Law), toll taken by a town for beasts driven through it, or over a bridge or ferry maintained at its cost.
    --Brande & C.

    Toll traverse (Eng. Law), toll taken by an individual for beasts driven across his ground; toll paid by a person for passing over the private ground, bridge, ferry, or the like, of another.

    Toll turn (Eng. Law), a toll paid at the return of beasts from market, though they were not sold.

    Syn: Tax; custom; duty; impost.

toll bridge

n. a bridge at which a toll is charged for passage

Toll bridge

A toll bridge is a bridge over which traffic may pass upon payment of a toll, or fee.

Usage examples of "toll bridge".

I saw the way your eyes lit up when those country bumpkins started talking about the fat man and his toll bridge.

Anyway, the loafers in the tavern were talking about a rich man called Gosti Big Belly who owns and operates a toll bridge that just happens to be the only way to cross a certain river that stands between the rest of Arum and the region where gold's just been discovered.

The people thronged the railing, pushing and shoving in an effort to see what it was that now came drifting slowly out from beneath the shadow of the toll bridge.

Somebody really should build an inn here, convenient to the river, the toll bridge, and the fork in the highway.

Nice Memorial Toll Bridge over the Patuxent River that indicates the Iowa has steamed past.

Nice Memorial Toll Bridge over the Patuxent River that indicates theIowa has steamed past.

Nice Memorial Toll Bridge to begin his regular milk route, it appeared that an airplane had crashed through the supporting girders almost on top of his truck.