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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To make nothing of

Nothing \Noth"ing\, n. [From no, a. + thing.]

  1. Not anything; no thing (in the widest sense of the word thing); -- opposed to anything and something.

    Yet had his aspect nothing of severe.

  2. Nonexistence; nonentity; absence of being; nihility; nothingness.

  3. A thing of no account, value, or note; something irrelevant and impertinent; something of comparative unimportance; utter insignificance; a trifle.

    Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought.
    --Is. xli. 2

  4. 'T is nothing, says the fool; but, says the friend, This nothing, sir, will bring you to your end. --Dryden. 4. (Arith.) A cipher; naught. Nothing but, only; no more than. --Chaucer. To make nothing of.

    1. To make no difficulty of; to consider as trifling or important. ``We are industrious to preserve our bodies from slavery, but we make nothing of suffering our souls to be slaves to our lusts.''

    2. Not to understand; as, I could make nothing of what he said.

Usage examples of "to make nothing of".

This silly letter had to be the reason those men had come after him, but even Thom had been able to make nothing of it, though he muttered about “.

She had done some thrilling things and seemed to make nothing of it.

Feeling like a fool, I tried to make nothing of it, but I caught a look in Betty's eye.