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The Collaborative International Dictionary
To make dainty

Dainty \Dain"ty\, a. [Compar. Daintier; superl. Daintiest.]

  1. Rare; valuable; costly. [Obs.]

    Full many a deynt['e] horse had he in stable.

    Note: Hence the proverb ``dainty maketh dearth,'' i. e., rarity makes a thing dear or precious.

  2. Delicious to the palate; toothsome.

    Dainty bits Make rich the ribs.

  3. Nice; delicate; elegant, in form, manner, or breeding; well-formed; neat; tender.

    Those dainty limbs which nature lent For gentle usage and soft delicacy.

    I would be the girdle. About her dainty, dainty waist.

  4. Requiring dainties. Hence: Overnice; hard to please; fastidious; squeamish; scrupulous; ceremonious.

    Thew were a fine and dainty people.

    And let us not be dainty of leave-taking, But shift away.

    To make dainty, to assume or affect delicacy or fastidiousness. [Obs.]

    Ah ha, my mistresses! which of you all Will now deny to dance? She that makes dainty, She, I'll swear, hath corns.

Usage examples of "to make dainty".

Long brown legs, straight and slender, were deflected at the ends to make dainty feet, and the bold whiskers glinted with the prismatic colors of the rainbow.