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Usage examples of "sier".

That is the fidelity of a woman speaking, for Sier Valence has already said that he has abjured his oaths for the sake of this woman, and she does not deny it.

Sier Quesnes was dressed in barbaresque fashion, in a bournous of cendal shot with gold thread.

Sier Quesnes was dressed in barbaresque fashion, in a bournous of cendal shot with gold thread.

He had passed most of the previous day reading over all the inventories and similar documents which had been presented to the funda by the French Hospitaler, Sier Valence Rainaut.

Pensate a quante persone muoio­no di cancro, ogni anno, in ogni Secolo che non possiede dei sieri anticancro di nessun tipo.

Esceriel, summon these: all the Siers in Chaya, and the kyllan-Siers of those who are not here.