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roof tile

n. 1 (context obsolete English) A ridge-tile, a tile for the ridge of a roof. 2 A roofing tile.

Usage examples of "roof tile".

Overhead, a spray of water jetted from small openings that appeared in the corresponding roof tile.

Red roof tile, the only such roof in the village, glittered in the weak sunlight, and smoke drifted from three of the inn's dozen tall chimneys.

The light briefly illuminated two peopleone large, the other absurdly smallperched on a precarious cant of rippled roof tile.

She did, jumping nearly her own height and holding herself up easily, shaking tawny hair out of her eyes and peering against the bright light of morning reflecting off sea and roof tile.

A roof tile twisted loose as the wind squeezed under an eave and the whole roof shuddered.

As they approached the entrance, Raif stopped to pry a broken roof tile from the frozen mud.

All he could hear was the loud ringing in his ears, but he could see pieces of brick and roof tile thudding into the lawn at his right and shattering on the suddenly smoke-fogged sidewalk, and his nose stung with a sharp chemical tang like ozone.

Bits of roof tile skimmed past her head and shattered against the packing crates.

En garde as I was for the steps that were behind me, I tripped on a fallen roof tile and was pitched against the wall.