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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Reading desk

Reading \Read"ing\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to the act of reading; used in reading.

  2. Addicted to reading; as, a reading community.

    Reading book, a book for teaching reading; a reader.

    Reading desk, a desk to support a book while reading; esp., a desk used while reading the service in a church.

    Reading glass, a large lens with more or less magnifying power, attached to a handle, and used in reading, etc.

    Reading man, one who reads much; hence, in the English universities, a close, industrious student.

    Reading room, a room appropriated to reading; a room provided with papers, periodicals, and the like, to which persons resort.

reading desk

n. desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the proper height for a lecturer [syn: lectern]

Usage examples of "reading desk".

She was hunched forward over the reading desk and now leaned her elbows on the table.

The chamber was so small, in fact, that there was just space in the center for one reading desk, which we almost stumbled against as we stepped in.

Alten leaned on the reading desk with an elbow as he regarded Milward over the rim of his cup.

Alucius sat on a stool behind the reading desk and took a deep breath, trying to clear away all the thoughts and feelings that had besieged him in the last day.

He was in an armchair, and the chair was part of an ordinary-looking room, furnished in contemporary style with another, similar chair, reading desk, a large wooden table in the center, a side-table near the door set with an ornate vase of roses, and a thick carpet of dark brown pile that blended fairly well with the predominantly orange and brown decor.

They even forgot his insignificant appearance in the virtuosity with which he ran and poised and swooped upon the cold inflectionless wire of his voice, so that at last, when with a sort of swooping glide he came to rest again beside the reading desk with one arm resting upon it at shoulder height and his monkey body as reft of all motion as a mummy or an emptied vessel, the congregation sighed as if it waked from a collective dream and moved a little in its seats.

Conway heaped them on a reading desk and prepared to make an attempt to satisfy his professional curiosity about the patient in this roundabout fashion.

He waved a hand at the books stacked higher than Troanna's head on the reading desk.