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read off

vb. 1 (context transitive English) To dictate from a list 2 (context transitive English) To read from a scale or measure.

Usage examples of "read off".

Freedman read off the account number, the dates, and the values of each transfer.

The orders are read off, recorded, and sent to be filled, like lightning.

Once it gets to London, the noise (which is being read off an identical phonograph record there) is subtracted from his voice, and the result sent into Alan Turing’.

He looked them over, turned, shoved the card into the scope that transmitted the finger-print image to the CBI master file, read off the name that popped onto the four-inch screen.

Peter took the book and read off three lines without the slightest hesitation.

A load of bunk you read off some cheesy star tabloid news wire, about a mystery man who lives forever?

He looked at me incredulously as I read off with ease the smallest print at considerable distance.