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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ At this time heirs were not selected exclusively through primogeniture, but by election.
▪ But despite its drawbacks, primogeniture did offer a rule of thumb that commanded widespread respect.
▪ In a kind of republican primogeniture, autocratic leaders groom their sons to succeed them.
▪ It implied, first, primogeniture amongst males, i.e. inheritance by the eldest son, if there was one.
▪ So primogeniture was not automatically accepted; and where it was, it could create problems of a rather different sort.
▪ The practice of primogeniture was a good way to keep wealth-and its polygamy potential-intact through the generations.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Primogeniture \Pri`mo*gen"i*ture\ (?; 135), n. [LL., fr. L. primus first + genitura a begetting, birth, generation, fr. genere, gignere, to beget: cf. F. primog['e]niture, L. primogenitus firstborn. See Prime, a., and Genus, Kin.]

  1. The state of being the firstborn of the same parents; seniority by birth among children of the same family.

  2. (Eng. Law) The exclusive right of inheritance which belongs to the eldest son. Thus in England the right of inheriting the estate of the father belongs to the eldest son, and in the royal family the eldest son of the sovereign is entitled to the throne by primogeniture. In exceptional cases, among the female children, the crown descends by right of primogeniture to the eldest daughter only and her issue.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"right of succession of the first-born," c.1600, from French primogeniture and directly from Medieval Latin primogenitura, from Late Latin primogenitus "first-born," from Latin primo (adv.) "first in order of time," from primus "first" (see prime (adj.)) + genitus, past participle of gignere "to beget" (see genus). Earlier it meant simply "fact of being first-born" (1590s).


n. 1 The state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents. 2 An exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son.


n. right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son


Primogeniture is the right, by law or custom, of the legitimate, firstborn son to inherit his parent's entire or main estate, in preference to daughters, elder illegitimate sons, younger sons and collateral relatives. The son of a deceased elder brother inherits before a living younger brother by right of substitution for the deceased heir. In the absence of any children, brothers succeed, individually, to the inheritance by seniority of age (subject to substitution). Among siblings, sons inherit before daughters. In the absence of male descendants in the male-line, there are variations of primogeniture which allocate the inheritance to a daughter or a brother or, in the absence of either, to another collateral relative, in a specified order (e.g. male-preference primogeniture, Salic primogeniture, semi-Salic primogeniture).

The principle has applied in history to inheritance of real property (land) as well as inherited titles and offices, most notably monarchies, continuing until modified or abolished.

Variations on primogeniture modify the right of the first-born son to the entirety of a family's inheritance (see appanage) or, in the West since World War II, eliminate the preference for males over females (absolute primogeniture). Most monarchies in Europe have eliminated male preference in succession: Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

An example of monarchy which uses a succession system not based on primogeniture at all is the succession to the Saudi Arabian throne, which uses a form of lateral agnatic seniority, as did the Kievan Rus', the Mongol empire or the later Ottoman Empire.

Usage examples of "primogeniture".

Sira, had conspired with the malcontents to assert and anticipate the rights of primogeniture.

Yet even this equal conduct served only to inflame the contest, whilst the fierce Caracalla asserted the right of primogeniture, and the milder Geta courted the affections of the people and the soldiers.

I entreat him likewise to forward my certificate of baptism, the seal with the armorial bearings of my family, and a legal certificate of my birth to the French ambassador in Venice, who will send the whole to the duke, my father, my rights of primogeniture belonging, after my demise, to the prince, my brother.

The primogeniture of the line of Hashem, and the holy character of grandson of the apostle, had centred in his person, and he was at liberty to prosecute his claim against Yezid, the tyrant of Damascus, whose vices he despised, and whose title he had never deigned to acknowledge.

Yet even this equal conduct served only to inflame the contest, whilst the fierce Caracalla asserted the right of primogeniture, and the milder Geta courted the affections of the people and the soldiers.

In this sense, in defiance of morality and health, did the capitalist bourgeoisie, which had replaced the old nobility, virtually re-establish the law of primogeniture.

The primogeniture of the line of Hashem, and the holy character of grandson of the apostle, had centred in his person, and he was at liberty to prosecute his claim against Yezid, the tyrant of Damascus, whose vices he despised, and whose title he had never deigned to acknowledge.

But the will of Chosroes was no longer revered, and Siroes, ^* who gloried in the rank and merit of his mother Sira, had conspired with the malecontents to assert and anticipate the rights of primogeniture.

Could I who have held up my voice in the Music Hall of Lacedaemon amidst the glories of the West, in the great and free State of Illinois, against the corruption of an English aristocracy could I, who have been listened to by two thousand of my countrywomen and men while I spurned the unmanly, inhuman errors of primogeniture could I, think you, hold my tongue beneath the roof of a feudal lord!

Now that the requirement of male primogeniture has been met, I claim the nearest right by blood to the Countship of the Vorrutyer's District, and in light of my late brother's expressed views, I claim Count's choice as well.

And with respect to the first, I proposed to abolish the law of primogeniture, and to make real estate descendible in parcenary to the next of kin, as personal property is by the statute of distribution.

John Jacob Astor III who outranks her, at least according to primogeniture, for J.

The law of primogeniture was established, and the right of the feudal law was superior to that of the political or civil institution.

To trail the genealogies of these high mortal miseries, carries us at last among the sourceless primogenitures of the gods.

DeMob gave me a reasonably secure cover identity as a playboy remittance man from a primogeniture polity, sent to while away his youth in less hidebound (and politically loaded) biomes, and it’.