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The Collaborative International Dictionary
off-line vs on-line offline off linepredicate

disconnected \disconnected\ adj.

  1. marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds.

    Syn: abrupt, broken off(predicate).

  2. not switched on or not connected to a power source; -- of electrical equipment. [Narrower terms: off-line (vs. on-line), offline, off line(predicate); unplugged]

    Syn: not ready, off.

  3. noncontinuous; not continuing in time or space. Opposite of continuous.

    Syn: disrupted, discontinuous.

  4. unconnected, detached. Opposite of connected.

    Syn: disjoined, separate.

  5. lacking orderly continuity; illogical or seemingly irrational; as, disconnected fragments of a story.

    Syn: confused, disjointed, disordered, disorganized, desultory, garbled, illogical, rambling, scattered, unconnected.