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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ My millet all bundled and stacked.
▪ The far edge of the acacia grove was bordered by a shoulder-high wall topped by woven millet stalks.
▪ The first was a thump thump thump, reminiscent of the women pounding millet back in Mbarara.
▪ The road cut through a vast cropland, with waist-high corn and sorghum nearby and waves of golden millet in the distance.
▪ They had a home in town and a mountain estate of orchards and millet fields in the village.
▪ We grew maize, millet and beans.
▪ Wild bird cover: Spring plants for nesting, beg maize, millet, sunflowers, kale.
▪ You can obtain starches from breads and crispbreads made with non-wheat flour, and other starchy foods such as millet and rice.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

millet \mil"let\ (m[i^]l"l[e^]t), n. [F., dim. of mil, L. milium; akin to Gr. meli`nh, AS. mil.] (Bot.) The name of several cereal and forage grasses which bear an abundance of small roundish grains. The common millets of Germany and Southern Europe are Panicum miliaceum, and Setaria Italica.


Arabian millet is Sorghum Halepense.

Egyptian millet or

East Indian millet is Penicillaria spicata.

Indian millet is Sorghum vulgare. (See under Indian.)

Italian millet is Setaria Italica, a coarse, rank-growing annual grass, valuable for fodder when cut young, and bearing nutritive seeds; -- called also Hungarian grass.

Texas millet is Panicum Texanum.

Wild millet, or

Millet grass, is Milium effusum, a tall grass growing in woods.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

cereal grain, c.1400, from Middle French millet, diminutive of mil "millet," from Latin milium "millet" (see mallet). Cognate with Greek meline, Lithuanian malnus (plural) "millet."


Etymology 1 n. Any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food, widely cultivated in the developing world. Etymology 2

n. (context historical English) A semi-autonomous confessional community under the Ottoman Empire, ''especially'' a non-Muslim one.

  1. n. any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa, Setaria, Sorghum, and Eleusine

  2. French painter of rural scenes (1814-1875) [syn: Jean Francois Millet]

  3. small seed of any of various annual cereal grasses especially Setaria italica


Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets are important crops in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa (especially in India, Mali, Nigeria, and Niger), with 97% of millet production in developing countries. The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high-temperature conditions.

The most widely grown millet is pearl millet, which is an important crop in India and parts of Africa. Finger millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet are also important crop species. In the developed world, millets are less important. For example, in the United States, only proso millet is significant, and it is mostly grown for bird seed.

While millets are indigenous to many parts of the world, it is believed that they had an evolutionary origin in tropical western Africa, as that is where the greatest number of both wild and cultivated forms exist. Millets have been important food staples in human history, particularly in Asia and Africa. They have been in cultivation in East Asia for the last 10,000 years.

Millet (Ottoman Empire)

In the Ottoman Empire, a millet was a separate legal court pertaining to "personal law" under which a confessional community (a group abiding by the laws of Muslim Sharia, Christian Canon law, or Jewish Halakha) was allowed to rule itself under its own system. After the Ottoman Tanzimat (1839–76) reforms, the term was used for legally protected religious minority groups, similar to the way other countries use the word nation. The word Millet comes from the Arabic word millah (ملة) and literally means "nation". The millet system has been called an example of pre-modern religious pluralism.

Millet (disambiguation)

Millet is a cereal grain.

Millet may also refer to:

Millet (manufacturer)

Millet is a French-based company specializing in outdoor equipment such as backpacks and sleeping bags, owned by Lafuma. They also offer a wide variety of other equipment, earning comparisons to United States-based companies such as Timberland and Columbia Sportswear.

Millet is not related to Millets, a UK chain of shops selling outdoor clothing.

Millet (surname)

Millet is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Aimé Millet, French sculptor
  • Andrea Millet, Italian luger
  • Catherine Millet, French writer
  • Floyd Millet, American college football coach
  • Francis Davis Millet, American painter and writer
  • Francisque Millet, 17th-century Flemish-French painter
  • Jean-François Millet, 19th-century French painter
  • Lydia Millet, American writer
  • Nicholas Millet, American-Canadian Egyptologist
  • Nisha Millet, Indian Olympic swimmer
  • Pierre Millet, French Jesuit missionary
  • Richard Millet, French author
  • Robert L. Millet, American religious scholar

Usage examples of "millet".

Indian corn, sorghum, clover, leguminous plants, crops of the brassica genus, the cereals, millet, field roots, etc.

When fed to milch cows, some meal added, carbonaceous in character, as corn or non-saccharine sorghum seed, may prove a paying investment, and it may also be advisable to alternate the green alfalfa, morning or evening, with such other green crops as oats and peas, millet, rape, corn or sorghum when in season, to provide variety.

Choose barley, bran, brown rice, bulgur, couscous, millet, oats, polenta, or quinoa as a cooked cereal or grain with your dinner.

Instead of nutritive energy, which by assimilation produces perfect bodily textures, this function, in the scrofulous diathesis, is deranged by debility, and there is left in the tissues an imperfectly organized particle, incapable of undergoing a complete vital change, around which cluster other particles of tubercular matter, forming little grains, like millet seed, or growing, by new accretions of like particles, to masses of more extensive size.

If there is a border between male and female that is not acknowledged by transgenderism, it is that of the life experience boundary cited by Millet.

The staples were wheat and rice from the original Anatolian agricultural package, but supplemented by quince originally from the Caucasus, millet from Central Asia, cucumber, sesame, and citrus fruit from India, and apricots and peaches from China.

They joked about how soon the men would be reduced to cooking their millet gruel over a fire of broken chopsticks and fingernail parings.

They should, therefore, be made to precede such crops as the small cereals, corn, the sorghums, the millets and cotton.

The millets are objectionable as nurse crops through the denseness of the shade which they furnish and also because of the heavy draught which they make on soil moisture.

I pray to Lady Horsehead and King-of-Oxen and the Transcendent Pig and Prince Millet and Hun-po Chao, patron deity of the armpits!

Theodora would happily be pounding millet under Malawian skies and he would be -- what?

He spoke of Timbuctoo the store-place, the metropolis and market of Central Africa, with its piles of ivory, its piles of virgin gold, its sacks of rice, millet, and ground-nuts, its cakes of indigo, its tufts of ostrich plumes, its metals, its dates, its stuffs, its iron-ware, and particularly its slabs of rock salt, brought on the backs of beasts of burden from Taudeni, the frightful Saharian city of salt, whose soil is salt for leagues around, an infernal mine of that salt which is so precious in the Soudan that it serves as a medium of exchange, as money more precious even than gold.

The men vanished in the high stalks, leaving nothing behind but a scatter of embarrassed officers and, astonishingly, the two panicked gun teams which had inexplicably stopped short of the millet and now waited patiently for the gunners to catch them.

I walked only two days, Claude walked two--both of afraid to make Millet celebrated too close to home--but Carl walked only half a day, the bright, conscienceless rascal, and after that he travelled like a duke.

Rice, broomcorn, early wheat mixed with millet, Ribs of fatted ox, tender and succulent, Stewed turtle and roast kid, served with sauce of yams, Geese cooked in sour and bitter, casseroled duck, fried flesh of the great crane, Braised chicken, tortoise seethed in soup of Wu, Fried honey cakes and malt-sugar sweetmeats, And jadelike wine, honey-flavored, fills your cup, Strained of impurities, cool and refreshing.