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The Collaborative International Dictionary
malacca cane

malacca cane \malacca cane\ n. (Bot.), A walking cane made from the stem of a species of palm of the genus Calamus ( Calamus Scipionum), and of a brown color, often mottled. The plant is a native of Cochin China, Sumatra, and Malays.

malacca cane

n. a cane made from the stem of a rattan palm [syn: malacca]

Usage examples of "malacca cane".

By the head of the first table, smoking a cheroot, with a malacca cane-no gun-in his hand and looking more benign and scholastic than ever, was the man I had known as Professor Wither-spoon.

Her round, wan eyes seemed roused to bitter life as they rose from the curved high heels of the buckled slippers to the tight little skirt, and thence with startled ferocity to the Malacca cane, which plainly appeared to her as a decoration not more astounding than it was insulting.

A chunky malacca cane with a rubber tip hung on the rail beside him.

Inspector Kerry moved his square shoulders in a manner oddly suggestive of a wrestler, laid the malacca cane on the mantleshelf, and crossed to the table.

He seized his malacca cane and threatened me with it, and asked me how the devil I dared thus to speak of Mme.

Renny's voice sounded in a bawl of hoarse triumph, as he rushed to a corner and seized a slim black malacca cane, held it up.

From his right hand hung a heavy pigskin valise, from his left a black Malacca cane with a silver mount.

Clare East sent him *o the head with a note and the head gave him four strokes of his heavy Malacca cane, accompanying the beating with a few words of counsel.

The thin tapered end of a rhinoceros-hide riding whip curled with a snap around the seat of Henry's breeches, over the fresh bruises raised by the Reverend Gander's Malacca cane, and Henry shot erect clutching at his own buttocks with both hands and hopping up and down on the same spot.

She had tried to nonchalantly swing her black malacca cane in her hand, as if she hadn't a care in the world, and had made her way to Drury Lane, whistling and humming even as her heart pounded against her ribs.