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lion cub

n. (qualifier: male or female) A young lion.

lion cub

n. a young lion

Usage examples of "lion cub".

Tested and marked, by Baby, by the cave lion cub my totem gave me.

The lion cub was flat on its belly in the dappled shadow of the thicket, and its own dappled baby spots blended beautifully against the bed of dried leaves and leaf mould on which it lay.

On it, crouched as if to make itself as small as possible, was a lion cub.

Tholie wanted to know how she could even consider taking in a lion cub.

She had once brought an injured young cave lion cub to her valley and fed him meat and broth instead of milk.

Whinney wasn't too happy about it, the lion scent scared her, but I got both the deer and the lion cub back to my cave.

The fourth citizen's icon had stabilized as the tall flesher in the purple robe who'd adopted the lion cub, in the library.

The Rush distortion that was the lefts major expose, the contretemps to end all contretemps, the anti-Rush reporters favorite bit from the meticulously researched FAIR report,85 was Rushs claim that after a California woman had been mauled to death by a mountain lion, a fund for her children had received about $9,000 and a fund for the orphaned lion cub (the lion was killed) set up by a bunch of animal rights activists had received $21,000.

The heavily built man, wearing - incredibly - a toga-style white robe and holding on a leather leash what appeared to be a lion cub, stepped forward and said in German, 'I am glad to meet you, Mrs Thibodeaux.