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level off

vb. (context intransitive idiomatic English) to get to a stable level, to cease oscillate

level off

v. become level or even; "The ground levelled off" [syn: level]

Usage examples of "level off".

On the land side, just past Big Rock, where massive mudslides are the rule and thirty-foot-wide beach properties level off at a million and a half bucks.

It would level off about fifty feet above our heads, and there on the plateau would be the thing that had lured me over these barren wastes.

Cursing Roger for not checking the kerosene level, I stood and held the light at shoulder level off to my left.

At first the angle of the ramp was a steep one, but it began to level off until they found themselves in a large room, coming around the base of a partition into a lighted space filled with the buzz of running machinery.

The helicopter dropped, began to level off, then wavered uneasily for a few seconds before it stabilized.

He tried to calculate how high the boat would go before its weight caused it to level off.

The pain in his stomach began to level off, and he took his hand away, trying to gather himself.

Under their concentrated blast the wing staggered, tried to level off, and then hurtled on into the night, leaving a scarlet path of destruction which not only engulfed the fortress of the Cos but the Horde pocketed below.

We'll level off here and do a low approach to the runway, straight ahead at a thousand feet.