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ground balls

n. (ground ball English)

Usage examples of "ground balls".

He must have been dreaming of hard ground balls spanked cleanly through the infield.

She was wearing her baseball uniform, her knees all torn up from fielding ground balls, her hair falling out of a ponytail.

Bart was in a silly mood, and he hit all kinds of funny balls to the kids: high, high pop-ups, bouncing ground balls, stuff like that.

He and Danny Fitzpatrick, his shortstop, had taken endless ground balls and practiced 6-4-3 and 4-6-3 double plays till each knew in his sleep what the other was going to do.

He also said you needed to start charging ground balls if you were serious about playing third base.

On the ground balls of black slime rolled about with vicious energy pursuing the villagers, who in terror fled anywhere, everywhere.

Amy Phillipson was astoundingly fleet chasing ground balls, and the old father-in-law could hit anything Theo pitched.