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greenhouse gases

n. (plural of greenhouse gas English)

Usage examples of "greenhouse gases".

She could see him doing it, in quick flashes or bursts: ice age-thinner atmosphere-terraforming slowed-new ecosystems destroyed- perhaps compensate-greenhouse gases.

Hansen developed one of the major computer climate models and employed it to predict what will happen to our climate as the greenhouse gases continue to build up.

Industrial poisons, greenhouse gases, and substances that attack the protective ozone layer, because of their abysmal ignorance, do not respect borders.

We expect the defense to argue like this: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you've all heard the claim that something called global warming' is occurring because of an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The theory is that because of a fall in solar radiation of about 6 percent and a dropoff in the production (or retention) of greenhouse gases, Earth essentially lost its ability to hold on to its heat.

Right now, most scientists have become convinced, the Earth's supply of 'greenhouse gases' is growing faster than it would otherwise do thanks to human activities such as farming (burning rainforests to clear land), driving cars, burning coal and oil for electricity, and farming again (cows produce a lot of methane: grass goes in one end and methane emerges at the other).

Right now, most scientists have become convinced, the Earth's supply of 'greenhouse gases' is growing faster than it would otherwise do thanks to human activi­.

We've been pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by the gigaton.

Earth needs energy sources that won't put greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The injection of so much heat, greenhouse gases, destruction of ozone—.

The injection of so much heat, greenhouse gases, destruction of ozone&mdash.

From beneath the thawing permafrost of Siberia, billions of tonnes of methane and other greenhouse gases are already being released.

It would get her out into the back country, where a lot of the feedstocks for the greenhouse gases were located.

Over the following decades, a full-spectrum mixture of artificial greenhouse gases was manufactured and released into the upper atmosphere to help trap the new energy.