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goose eggs

n. (plural of goose egg English)

Usage examples of "goose eggs".

They broke their fast on black bread and boiled goose eggs and fish fried up with onions and bacon, at a trestle table by the river's edge.

Rubies, emeralds, pearls the size of goose eggs, diamonds to rival the stars.

It was just a few basic facts I was thinking of, such as whether you were one of these people who can eat goose eggs.

Their light was spilled like yolk from two goose eggs, drab gold, as if phagor and human blood were mingled over the stagnant waste.

It was covered with acetate overlay and ten or twelve cities were ringed with red-crayon goose eggs, in the way that a unit position is marked on an infantry map.

He sampled spiced goose eggs, cream cakes and fruit pies, bits of succulent meat, fish larvae, and other exotic delights.

But good or ill, the rain did nothing but increase, and the drops seemed to be something near the size of goose eggs.