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gen X

n. the generation following the baby boom (especially Americans and Canadians born in the 1960s and 1970s) [syn: generation X]

Usage examples of "gen x".

Musical scenes often developed in cities through a fertile cross-pollination of ideas, influences and personnel, such as the Madchester phenomenon of the early Nineties, or the Bromley contingent that was an incestuous nucleus for The Banshees, The Ants, The Cure, The Creatures, Gen X, PiL and others.

You see before you the kind of surfer boys and girls the Evil Emperor is really scared of, disguised as Gen X slackĀ­.

It wasn't just people in choir robes, but aging hippies in jeans and Birkenstocks, half a dozen Gen X'ers dressed in their Sunday best, and one skinny guy who was wearing the saffron robes of a Buddhist monk.