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fusion reactor

n. (theoretically), a thermonuclear reactor that relies on the controlled fusion of light elements into heavier elements, with the attendant release of enormous amounts of energy. In practice, satisfactory results have not yet been achieved.

fusion reactor

n. a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fusion to generate energy [syn: thermonuclear reactor]

Usage examples of "fusion reactor".

The catwalk by the fusion reactor was not ideal for that, and Duffy felt that they all needed a change of scene in any case.

An inertial-confinement fusion reactor was, in effect, a supernova in a test tube.

He could already feel the deep hum of the fusion reactor reverberating throughout the building.

His little team had come up with a better superconductor for an even better fusion reactor.

The explosion is powerful enough even so, of course, to destroy the fusion reactor and anything in its immediate neighborhood, such as a ship carrying the reactor.

Although, gram for gram, I gather that fission fuel liberates less energy than fusion fuel, the fission reactor will produce the greater explosion because more of its fuel explodes than in the case of the fusion reactor.

The explosion is powerful enough even -so, of course, to destroy the fusion reactor and anything in its immediate neighborhood, such as a ship carrying the reactor.

That the first commercial fusion reactor is exceeding all performance expectations?

My number two cold-fusion reactor is down to thirty-percent efficiency.

The compact fusion reactor buzzed gently, its beat-wave accelerators ramming a mixture of electrons and pions into a stream of lithium ions at just under the speed of light.