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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Kitchen Hazards Never leave a chip pan unattended; better still, replace it with a thermostatically-controlled deep fryer.
▪ Using an electric skillet or deep fryer, heat about 2 inches of oil to 375 degrees.
▪ Does the fryer break down into easily manageable parts?
▪ Kitchen Hazards Never leave a chip pan unattended; better still, replace it with a thermostatically-controlled deep fryer.
▪ Using an electric skillet or deep fryer, heat about 2 inches of oil to 375 degrees.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fryer \Fry"er\, n.

  1. Something or someone that fries.

  2. A young chicken or other food item suitable to be cooked by frying.

  3. A pot equipped with a removable basket, designed to be used for frying objects; -- also called deep fryer.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also frier, 1851 of fish for frying, 1923 of chickens; from fry (v.).


n. 1 A container for frying food. 2 A young chicken suitable for frying; a pullet


n. flesh of a medium-sized young chicken suitable for frying [syn: frier, pullet]

Fryer (surname)

Fryer is a surname.


A fryer is a container for frying food.

Fryer may also refer to:

Usage examples of "fryer".

The woman behind the counter offered a donut off the rack, but a fresh batch was coming out of the fryer, so Pollard opted to wait.

I owe much to many wonderful people: Chris Keeslar and everyone at Dorchester Publishing, cover artist John Ennis, Romance Writers of America, Laurie Gold, Carolyn Stahl, Laura Novak, Pamela Fryer, the Lollies, Catherine Asaro, the paranormal romance listserve, the staff at Harley Davidson motorcycles in Rocklin, California, Joey Febres, West Coast Taekwondo, Jesse Crowder, Susan Wiggs, Chris and Carolyn Gilson, every one of my treasured readers, and last but never least, my children Connor and Courtney, who make it all worthwhile.

As always, I owe much to many wonderful people: Chris Keeslar and everyone at Dorchester Publishing, cover artist John Ennis, Romance Writers of America, Laurie Gold, Carolyn Stahl, Laura Novak, Pamela Fryer, the Lollies, Catherine Asaro, the paranormal romance listserve, the staff at Harley Davidson motorcycles in Rocklin, California, Joey Febres, West Coast Taekwondo, Jesse Crowder, Susan Wiggs, Chris and Carolyn Gilson, every one of my treasured readers, and last but never least, my children Connor and Courtney, who make it all worthwhile.

None of the electric deep fryers had accurate thermostats, but all worked tolerably well when a frying thermometer was immersed in the oil and a sharp eye was kept on the temperature.

Nora brings out the parboiled fryers, and Lowery places them on the grill with a long two-pronged fork.

Mom brings Lowery a bowl of Catalina Dressing with which to baste the fryers.

Cackleberry Poulette carried the ailing fryer to his awaiting limousine and rode in silence back to Poulette Farms Poultry corporated.

Girard, Weeds, Meacham, Bacon, Fryer and others report cases of perforating gunshot wounds of the chest with recovery.

The woman behind the counter took our order then slouched over to the fryers to refry some chips.

She picked the clothes clean of all visible bugs, covered herself with antifungal powder until she looked like something that was ready for the deep fat fryer, and forced herself into the clammy outfit.

The immense and spotlessly clean kitchen was filled with ovens, cooktops, griddles, huge woks, deep fryers, warming tables, sinks, chopping blocks.

Of the witnesses he called, Fryer, Cole, Purcell, and Peckover bore out all that he said, with the exception of his reason for not being on deck in time to go with the launch.

Somehow Profane managed to get frozen strawberries in the French dressing and chopped liver in the Waldorf salad, plus accidentally dropping two dozen or so radishes in the French fryer (though these drew raves from the customers when he served them anyway, too lazy to go after more) From time to time the Brazilian would come charging through the kitchen crying.

For the rest, he mopped the floors, scoured the ovens and the deep fryer, and, before he left in the evening, pulled the switch that lit up the grinning, eyerolling, foot-flapping bunny on the roof.

Even though it was evening, her car had been sitting in the sun all day and it felt as if we were riding inside a deep fryer.