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for each one

adv. to or from every one of two or more (considered individually); "they received $10 each" [syn: each, to each one, from each one, apiece]

Usage examples of "for each one".

Carruthers led him from woman to woman, allowing him ten minutes for each one.

I estimate that ten hours of training should suffice for each one.

The ships might be gone a long time, for each one would explore more than one solar system.

He touched his temple for each one in turn as he let go of her arm.

We sure appreciate the way you include a sheet for each one of us with our names written on the fold.

They had sense enough to retire into obscurity, and stay there, and this saved their lives, for each one of them had made deadly enemies among those whom they had maltreated, who, had they known where they were, would have walked every step of the way thither to kill them.

But, if two, or three, or many more, had the same joy, thou wouldst rejoice as much for each one as for thyself, if thou didst love each as thyself.