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finish off

vb. To finish completely.

finish off

v. finish a task completely; "I finally got through this homework assignment" [syn: get through, wrap up, mop up, polish off, clear up, finish up]

Usage examples of "finish off".

Those T'swa are likely to finish off the local gooks pretty quickly when they arrive.

For once, Allison had found the constraints of Grayson's quaint, antiquated sexism rather enjoyable, and she occasionally entertained herself with the hope that enough concentrated bile would finish off the miserable, small-souled cretin once and for all.

Although he managed to finish off the predators as well, through the use of a weapon which used the ceramic-type pellets you found on the site as projectiles.

How about asking your men to finish off printing and photographing that door, Superintendent?

If, therefore, we should succeed in drilling a shaft through the underground rocks deep enough and far enough so that it will end exactly below the base, we could finish off this whole unholy mess by detonating an atomic bomb at that spot.

Were those two men hunting for him to protect him, or to finish off the job?

I would probably have killed myself in the effort to finish off the loup-garou.

It appears we will be forced to finish off this galaxy with loss of life after all.

Let's get you out of here, so Senator and I can go finish off the job properly.