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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Equity \Eq"ui*ty\, n.; pl. Equities. [F. ['e]quit['e], L. aequitas, fr. aequus even, equal. See Equal.]

  1. Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, or desiring to give, to each man his due, according to reason, and the law of God to man; fairness in determination of conflicting claims; impartiality.

    Christianity secures both the private interests of men and the public peace, enforcing all justice and equity.

  2. (Law) An equitable claim; an equity of redemption; as, an equity to a settlement, or wife's equity, etc.

    I consider the wife's equity to be too well settled to be shaken.

  3. (Law) A system of jurisprudence, supplemental to law, properly so called, and complemental of it.

    Equity had been gradually shaping itself into a refined science which no human faculties could master without long and intense application.

    Note: Equitable jurisprudence in England and in the United States grew up from the inadequacy of common-law forms to secure justice in all cases; and this led to distinct courts by which equity was applied in the way of injunctions, bills of discovery, bills for specified performance, and other processes by which the merits of a case could be reached more summarily or more effectively than by common-law suits. By the recent English Judicature Act (1873), however, the English judges are bound to give effect, in common-law suits, to all equitable rights and remedies; and when the rules of equity and of common law, in any particular case, conflict, the rules of equity are to prevail. In many jurisdictions in the United States, equity and common law are thus blended; in others distinct equity tribunals are still maintained. See Chancery.

    Equity of redemption (Law), the advantage, allowed to a mortgageor, of a certain or reasonable time to redeem lands mortgaged, after they have been forfeited at law by the nonpayment of the sum of money due on the mortgage at the appointed time.

    Syn: Right; justice; impartiality; rectitude; fairness; honesty; uprightness. See Justice.


n. (plural of equity English)

Usage examples of "equities".

The bureaucracy had failed in its promise to protect Japan's central banks, three-quarters of whose assets were in equities and real estate.

Essentially, they were throwing away equities that had held their value to this point, for which procedure the timeless aphorism was "to throw good money after bad.

The Europeans will like that because it will limit the Japs' ability to scoop up their equities like they started doing yesterday.

It might even make sense, he thought, to purchase American interests through intermediaries—a good strategic move once the American equities market resumed its free fall.

Banks and other institutions that had made a strategic move to buy up Japanese equities as a counterbalance to Japanese acquisitions in European markets now started selling them off, immediately converting the yen holdings to other currencies.

Item three: Review preferred equities sheet [a list of stocks portfolio managers were allowed to purchase for the accounts of their discretionary clients].

Nick’s job was to sell fifty percent of the Swiss franc value of the equities in each of these portfolios and issue an order to buy USB shares for the equivalent amount.

He slid his chair back and tapped his neighbor Hassan Faris, the bank’s chief of equities trading, on the shoulder.

Faris, our equities guru, sits with his back to me at the next station over.

Now not only was he going to be badly squeezed on the fourth deal, but the Internal Revenue Service had come in on an estate tax basis and froze the doctor's equities in the other three parcels, and actually could order sale of those equities in order to meet the estate tax bite.

Better for him because you can build some very fancy pyramids, using equities from one as security for loans on the next, and he can cut himself in for a piece by putting the deals together.

This, in turn, had made investors so fearful they were continuing to sell equities at an unprecedented rate, despite the government's assurances as to Japan's overall economic health.

With all that usurping going on, the equities of the thing were more than a little hazy to me.

And I guess by the time she got through meeting obligations and working out equities, the estate didn't amount to much.