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The Collaborative International Dictionary
East Indian

East Indian \East" In"di*an\ (?; see Indian). Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies. -- n. A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.

Usage examples of "east indian".

Meanwhile, in the wider sphere of action, the English had driven the French from all of their East Indian possessions and part of their North African claims.

In the early part of the seventeenth century, there was a direct trade in Aloes between England and Socotra, and in the records of the East Indian Company there are notices of the drug being bought of the King of Socotra, the produce being a monopoly of the Sultan of the island.

Chase had been ready to hoist the red up his mizzen, for the commander of the East Indian station had been a rear admiral of the red, but when he saw the white break at the Conqueror's stern he ordered that flag brought up from the storeroom.

Chase had been ready to hoist the red up his mizzen, for the commander of the East Indian station had been a rear admiral of the red, but when he saw the white break at the Conqueror’.

He served afterwards with credit in Holland, was made commander of the East Indian fleet in 1618, had a naval engagement with the Dutch near Bantam in 1619, and died in 1620 from the effects of the climate.

The East Indian hemp is coarse, and is in small hanks plaited about the thickness of a man's arm.