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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Doter \Dot"er\, n.

  1. One who dotes; a man whose understanding is enfeebled by age; a dotard.

  2. One excessively fond, or weak in love.


n. One who dotes; a man whose understanding is enfeebled by age; a dotard.

Usage examples of "doter".

And you doter lettuce, water chestnuts, mandarin orange sections and Now he did look at her, a brief flash from those dark eyes, slivered almonds, and top it off with poppy-seed dressing.

Secure in the knowledge that nothing could go wrong, he entered again the great hall of Askelon and was immediately swarmed by doters and well-wishers.

Secure in the knowledge that nothing could go wrong, he entered again the great hall of Askelon and was immediately swarmed by doters and well-wishers.