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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I look like a real dork in this uniform.
▪ The people who go there are dorks.
▪ But my favorite has to be the Animal Liberation Front dorks who staged a daring raid on a mink farm.
▪ Holy shit! what a dork.
▪ I feel I am too much of a dork.
▪ I hate that guy. stop it Marc you dork.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

dork \dork\ (d[^o]rk), n.

  1. a person who is stupid, socially inept, or ridiculous; -- always used disparagingly. [slang.]

    Syn: nerd; jerk. [PJC]

  2. the penis. [vulgar slang]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"stupid person," 1967, originally U.S. student slang, perhaps from earlier meaning "penis" (1964), itself probably an alteration of dick. Related: Dorky; dorkiness.


Etymology 1 n. 1 (label en vulgar slang) A penis. (from the 20th c.) 2 (label en pejorative slang) A quirky, silly and/or stupid, socially inept person, or one who is out of touch with contemporary trends. Often confused with nerd and geek, but does not imply the same level of intelligence. (from the 20th c.) Etymology 2

n. (label en archaic) (alternative form of dirk a long dagger English)


n. a dull stupid fatuous person [syn: jerk]

Dork (EP)

Dork is an EP by American punk rock band AFI, released on March 2, 1993 on Key Lime Pie Records. It is a split 7" with Loose Change (of which future AFI guitarist Jade Puget was a member), with AFI's Dork on one side and Loose Change's Stick Around on the other side.

This was AFI's first release, put out within a year of forming, and was limited to 210 copies, out of which 4 were test pressings and 6 were used for promotion, so only 200 copies were sold. It is now out of print and highly sought after among collectors, selling for over $700. The album was planned for reissue in 1995 but plans folded for unknown reasons. Counterfeits were sold on eBay for at least a year, triggering a warning response from the record label.

The cover is a picture of AFI drummer Adam Carson.


Dork is a word that is sometimes used as a pejorative term for a person (compare with " dweeb" and " fool"), and the word may also refer to:

  • Dork Sahagian, Armenian-American climate scientist
  • Dork, card game, also known as 'President' and other names
  • Dork (EP), an album by AFI
  • Dork: The Incredible Adventures of Robin ‘Einstein' Varghese, a novel by Sidin Vadukut

Usage examples of "dork".

What made him such a dork was that he was terrified of anyone finding out and so he had to act like he thought a strapping hetero should.

He gave the dork a small Sarc 1 smile as the guy turned and headed off.

It seemed that Dork had only one thing he wanted to talk about, however: porno pay.

After a while Dork returned to the subject of porno pay, and porno percentages, until Hick confirmed the arrival of the tape of the test-fuck of Charisma Trixxx.

They called preadolescent dorks who posted stupid things on BBSes, giving real hackers a bad name.

The dork factor kicked in, though, because he was wearing really dweeby dark socks with his ratty sneakers.

He wandered over to the couches near the coffee bar, but found only Blayne and one of his fellow football dorks, whose name Xander couldn’t remember.

Sarah whispered to me, "these dorks think I'm just playing hard-to-get.

Since the accident, he had become known as Wombat the Marauder to his victims, mostly inconsiderate dorks who had broken Caf rules only to find this man gripping them in an old Bosnian or Tunisian martial arts hold that shorted out the major meridians of their nervous system, and shouting at them in a percussive accent that crackled like fat ground beef on a red-hot steam griddle.

While media blowhards raved about Gore’s colossal intellect, every time the public actually heard Gore, they laughed at him for being such a dork.

While media blowhards raved about Gore's colossal intellect, every time the public actually heard Gore, they laughed at him for being such a dork.

Jaime told us that only about 2 percent of people who come to Belize do this, which was encouraging to hear, since, as a group trudging up the steep hill with our expensive cameras, expensive hiking boots, our fanny packs and our multicolored clothes and cute hats, we collectively looked like a bunch of dorks.

He cursed the motorists under his breath, then realized they couldn't be expected to stop when they saw a guy like Dork Knob prowling the top of the motor home with a handgun He had a better chance of winning if he continued to do the unexpected so he immediately crawled on his belly, fast as a marine under fire, to the rear of the Road king.

That's all he'd need, some city dork accidentally smushing one of JoLayne's precious babies.

At the end of the symphony they ran into a friend of theirs all dressed up in a cocktail dress and on a blind date with some dork and she said Why are you guys here?