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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Sea salt crystallizes from tidal pools when the water evaporates.
▪ The recent events really crystallized my opposition to war.
▪ Griner clipped pictures from magazines to crystallize ideas he had for an addition to be built on the ground floor.
▪ His requirements were crystallized into a list of specific organizational demands, twenty-two in all, each one of them hard fought.
▪ It is merely that Gandhi was ready for a back-to-nature move and a passage in Ruskin crystallized his determination.
▪ Olivine and plagioclase continue to crystallize in the upper layer until critical concentrations are again reached and another pulse of sedimentation occurs.
▪ Quartz, on the other hand, is the most stable and crystallizes at the lowest temperature.
▪ So crystallize a substance once: there will soon be microscopic traces of it everywhere about your laboratory.
▪ The sperm, as it cools, tends to crystallize into lumps.
▪ What state it was in before it crystallized he does not explain; certainly it was not glassy.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

crystallize \crys"tal*lize\, v. i. To be converted into a crystal; to take on a crystalline form, through the action of crystallogenic or cohesive attraction; to precipitate from a solution in the form of crystals.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from crystal + -ize. Figurative use is from 1660s. Related: Crystallized; crystallizing.\n


vb. 1 (context transitive chemistry physics English) to make something form into crystals 2 (context intransitive English) to assume a crystalline form 3 (context transitive English) to give something a definite or precise form 4 (context intransitive English) to take a definite form 5 (context transitive English) to coat something with crystals, especially with sugar

  1. v. cause to take on a definite and clear shape; "He tried to crystallize his thoughts" [syn: crystallise, crystalise, crystalize]

  2. make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault" [syn: clear, clear up, shed light on, crystallise, crystalize, crystalise, straighten out, sort out, enlighten, illuminate, elucidate]

  3. cause to form crystals or assume crystalline form; "crystallize minerals" [syn: crystallise, crystalize, crystalise]

  4. assume crystalline form; become crystallized [syn: crystalize, crystalise, effloresce]

Crystallize (Lindsey Stirling song)

"Crystallize" is a song by American dubstep-violinist Lindsey Stirling from her self-titled studio album, Lindsey Stirling. The song was released as a music video on YouTube on February 23, 2012. The video proved to be a success, with more than 42 million views at the end of the year, and was the eighth-most watched video of 2012. The song became Lindsey Stirling's album's lead single due to its success. The song appeared on three Billboard charts and, according to Nielsen SoundScan, by April 2013 it had reached 234,000 digital sales. On February 4, 2014, almost two years after the release of the video, "Crystallize" earned Stirling's first RIAA certified gold record by selling 500,000 copies in the United States. At the end of 2013, on the year-end chart, "Crystallize" finished first in the chart of Classical Digital Songs. On July 27, 2014, the official music video reached 100 million views, being Stirling's first YouTube video in doing so.

Crystallize (Kylie Minogue song)

"Crystallize" is a song by Australian recording artist Kylie Minogue. It was written by Minogue, Dev Hynes and Scott Hoffman ( Babydaddy from the Scissor Sisters).

Usage examples of "crystallize".

Clement during his latter days to encroach on the perquisites and possessions of the minor Italian States was crystallizing into a fixed purpose of ecclesiastical aggrandizement on the part of the new Pope.

As he listened, Alec felt despair crystallizing into a hard lump in his throat.

Puzzled by this, Sanders walked on, and then saw that Aragon was taking the craft down-river to the point of the bank where the crystallized body of Matthieu had been cast up two months earlier.

Being isomorphous with aragonite, it crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, but simple crystals are not known.

In a few pages, the man crystallizes everything Cyfer and Ressler have struggled so fitfully to consolidate.

She had a passion for crystallized ginger and creme fraiche, which was hard to find anywhere else, and we both had a nostalgia for smoked turkey and Smithfield ham, which Mother, a Virginian, had seen to it were staples of our childhood.

No airless, germless, hygienic void with methane as gas or crystallized at greater astronomical units from the sun.

The missing heart band from the gimmal ring was a small thing, but it had crystallized vague suspicions into a firm belief that Helen Seaton had been murdered.

Inulin is allied to starch, and its crystallized camphor is separable into true helenin, and alantin camphor.

And the colors wove into a tapestry that blurred, steadied, and crystallized into a vision so complete in every detail that Kirin shrank back a step, as if he stood before a yawning door through which a mis-step might hurl him to spinning worlds below.

The elusive specter had apparently never had sufficient identity for a legend to crystallize about it, and after a time the Boynes had laughingly set the matter down to their profit-and-loss account, agreeing that Lyng was one of the few houses good enough in itself to dispense with supernatural enhancements.

Outwardly this formation resembled quartz in that it crystallized in the trigonal trapezohedral class of the rhombohedral subsystem of hexagonal symmetry.

Whatever the plans of the Tao Fan, they were due to crystallize very shortly.

Junk Moon had crystallized, successors had to be chosen, and fresh scientists were arriving daily, representing any discipline that might shine light on Amphora and how to destroy it.

The best-known locality is Fronolen near Tremadoc in North Wales, where crystals of the thin tabular habit occur with crystallized quartz, albite and anatase on the walls of crevices in diabase.