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The Collaborative International Dictionary

crepitant \crep"i*tant\ (kr?p"?-tant), a. [See Crepitate.] Having a crackling sound; crackling; rattling.

Crepitant rale (Med.), a peculiar crackling sound audible with inspiration in pneumonia and other lung disease.


a. crackling; rattling

Usage examples of "crepitant".

They were heading straight for the source of the invisible emanations of crepitant fear that Kent had first sensed back in the swamp.

Small wonder that the throbbing agony of so many tortured minds should combine to taint the very air with a shuddering miasma of crepitant dread!

The thought came to him that he was trapped, for the sound of a crepitant rushing was very close.

A soft, crepitant rustling or whispering came from the battery of tubes and the stacked bombs near them.

Stevens laughed, then cried out as the movement triggered off a crepitant agony in his boneshattered leg.

A great age for a man in these times, but she did not like the crepitant sound of his breathing.