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vb. (en-third-person singular of: create)

Usage examples of "creates".

Many supporters of deterrence against Iraq have taken this experience as conclusive that the terror inspired by nuclear weaponry is so overpowering that it trumps all other considerations and produces extremely conservative behavior that creates an uneasy, but durable, peace between the two sides of any nuclear standoff.

Mind might discover various facts in nature, but mind creates culture.

The teller of the restaurant creates it to have seen raise the Blazer with a woman who had stopped to request a coffee and a sandwich.

This creates a sort of membrane strong enough to support insects and skipping stones.

When energy is pumped into them, it creates a link that bridges the gap between the two.

That barking, and the loneliness it creates, speaks of the feelings of men, men for whom an entire life was like one Sunday afternoon, an afternoon which was not altogether miserable, but rather hot and dull and uncomfortable.

A good pitcher, Hatteberg explained, creates a kind of parallel universe.