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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Crane \Crane\ (kr[=a]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Craned (kr[=a]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Craning.]

  1. To cause to rise; to raise or lift, as by a crane; -- with up. [R.]

    What engines, what instruments are used in craning up a soul, sunk below the center, to the highest heavens.

    An upstart craned up to the height he has.

  2. To stretch, as a crane stretches its neck; as, to crane the neck disdainfully.
    --G. Eliot.


vb. (en-past of: crane)

Usage examples of "craned".

With an exasperated sigh, Paulin went to the shuttered window and threw it open on the most extraordinary scene: five men struggling to lift Chalkin to Craigath's back while the dragon, eyes whirling violently with red and orane, craned his neck about to see what was happening.

Maxil craned over the heads around us and then pulled me roughly after him.

Then he craned his head about, able to take in more details now that the first shock of the space-lake had passed.

As he tenderly oiled the reddish skin, Claire craned her neck to glimpse with greedy eyes at the perfection of the tiny form.

Varian craned her neck and saw the three escort giffs emerge from the fog, the sun gilding their fur.

She craned her neck up to look at him and he courteously dropped to a sitting position on the new table he had assembled.

Eric craned his neck up, looking through the iron slats of the fire escape at the observers.

He finger-combed sweaty silvering red hair back from his forehead and craned his neck so he could see the plasfilm.

When she craned her head round, making noises in her throat, her bloodshot, weary eyes pleading, he drank too.

He craned his sinuous neck around in a wide sweep, eyeing the forest lest Thread had actually started burrowing.

He extended his wings to flight position, neck craned toward the one land entrance to the dragonweyr.

He craned his neck around, his great eyes gleaming affectionately at his rider.

Ruth craned his neck back at his rider, his eyes beginning to whirl faster, flicks of yellow appearing.

Beauty, who had remained discreetly covered by Menolly's hair, now craned her neck about, smelling the raw meat in the bowl Camo carried.

Jerint sounded approving and now craned his head forward, withdrawing the instant Beauty gave one of her little chirps and frowning in surprise that she reacted to his curiosity.