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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clear \Clear\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cleared; p. pr. & vb. n. Clearing.]

  1. To render bright, transparent, or undimmed; to free from clouds.

    He sweeps the skies and clears the cloudy north.

  2. To free from impurities; to clarify; to cleanse.

  3. To free from obscurity or ambiguity; to relive of perplexity; to make perspicuous.

    Many knotty points there are Which all discuss, but few can clear.

  4. To render more quick or acute, as the understanding; to make perspicacious.

    Our common prints would clear up their understandings.

  5. To free from impediment or incumbrance, from defilement, or from anything injurious, useless, or offensive; as, to clear land of trees or brushwood, or from stones; to clear the sight or the voice; to clear one's self from debt; -- often used with of, off, away, or out.

    Clear your mind of cant.
    --Dr. Johnson.

    A statue lies hid in a block of marble; and the art of the statuary only clears away the superfluous matter.

  6. To free from the imputation of guilt; to justify, vindicate, or acquit; -- often used with from before the thing imputed.

    I . . . am sure he will clear me from partiality.

    How! wouldst thou clear rebellion?

  7. To leap or pass by, or over, without touching or failure; as, to clear a hedge; to clear a reef.

  8. To gain without deduction; to net.

    The profit which she cleared on the cargo.

    To clear a ship at the customhouse, to exhibit the documents required by law, give bonds, or perform other acts requisite, and procure a permission to sail, and such papers as the law requires.

    To clear a ship for action, or To clear for action (Naut.), to remove incumbrances from the decks, and prepare for an engagement.

    To clear the land (Naut.), to gain such a distance from shore as to have sea room, and be out of danger from the land.

    To clear hawse (Naut.), to disentangle the cables when twisted.

    To clear up, to explain; to dispel, as doubts, cares or fears.


vb. (en-past of: clear)

  1. adj. rid of objects or obstructions such as e.g. trees and brush; "cleared land"; "cleared streets free of fallen trees and debris"; "a cleared passage through the underbrush"; "played poker on the cleared dining room table" [ant: uncleared]

  2. freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated" [syn: absolved, clear, exculpated, exonerated, vindicated]

Usage examples of "cleared".

The suggestion was a good one, for thus many valuable minutes might be saved to us, and, throwing every ounce of my earthly muscles into the effort, I cleared the remaining distance between myself and the cliffs in great leaps and bounds that put me at their base in a moment.

My head struck the hard pavement with a resounding whack, and to that alone I owe my life, for it cleared my brain and the pain roused my temper, so that I was equal for the moment to tearing my enemy to pieces with my bare hands, and I verily believe that I should have attempted it had not my right hand, in the act of raising my body from the ground, come in contact with a bit of cold metal.

I did not waste time in circling the great board--with a single leap I cleared table and diners and sprang upon the balcony beyond.

Down went the Zodangans before that surging tide of war, and as my men cleared the lower decks I sprang to the forward deck where stood Zat Arras.

Then silence, and when the smoke had cleared, the revolving temple had shut off all sight or sound from the chamber in which the three beautiful women were imprisoned.

The navies of Helium and the First Born had cleared the fortresses and the temples of the therns when they had refused to surrender and accept the new order of things that had swept their false religion from long-suffering Mars.

When, after what seemed an eternity, I reached the shadows at the upper end of the lake I found that the river issued from a low aperture, to pass beneath which it was necessary that I compel Woola to lie flat in the boat, and I, myself, must need bend double before the low roof cleared my head.

At last, however, breakfast was cleared away, and Job, at my request, fetched the chest, and placed it upon the table in a somewhat gingerly fashion, as though he mistrusted it.

Then it cleared, and I saw as distinctly as I ever saw anything in my life--I saw, I say, our boat upon that horrible canal.

From the spot where the body lay came a fierce fizzing and cracking sound, which ceased, however, before the fumes had cleared away.

Two weary, worn-out men, one of them on the wrong side of forty, a rocking-stone to take off from, a trembling point of rock some few feet across to land upon, and a bottomless gulf to be cleared in a raging gale!

In front of this entrance, on a space which had been cleared of dead and of the shields and spears which were scattered in all directions as they had fallen or been thrown from the hands of their owners, stood and lay the survivors of the awful struggle, and at their feet were four wounded men.

She paused a little while, and cleared her throat, and then thrice she curtseyed low, once to Nyleptha, once to Curtis, and once to Good, and began to speak in measured tones.

Two miles were cleared in this direction, and then, after they had passed the last curtain of trees, appeared the plateau, carpeted with thick turf, and beyond that the infinite sea.

To do this, the opening through which the water rushed must first be cleared, and the level lowered by making a larger outlet.