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cash basis

n. a method of accounting in which each item is entered as payments are received or made [ant: accrual basis]

Usage examples of "cash basis".

Any business arrangement we might come to would have to be on a cash basis, and with security arrangements for my own people.

The presence of Dixon's auditor had forced them to keep on a cash basis-and only Strong knew how close to the line that had forced the partners.

The presence of Dixon's auditor had forced them to keep on a cash basis--and only Strong knew how close to the line that had forced the partners.

I figured to run on a cash basis only until things got started and sort of settled down, you see.

The presence of Dixon's auditor had forced them to keep on a cash basis&mdash.

Whatever their financial arrangements, they had evidently conducted them on a cash basis.

You needed to make a good living, because in a debtor sanctuary everything was on a strictly cash basis-cash in advance, at that, even for a haircut.