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The Collaborative International Dictionary
cart horse

carthorse \cart"horse`\, cart horse \cart" horse`\n. a horse kept for pulling carts; a horse bred or used for drawing heavy loads.

Syn: drayhorse.

cart horse

n. draft horse kept for pulling carts [syn: carthorse, drayhorse]

Usage examples of "cart horse".

Justen eased the gray next to the bay and began guiding his brother's mount toward the inn, toward the west end of the narrow valley, vaguely aware that the single remaining marine rode the rocket cart not more than a score of cubits ahead and that Firbek held the harness of the cart horse.

I flicked the reins gently, not wanting to move the cart horse into a trot that might jolt the chairs-and me-but wanting to move more quickly.

A cart full of cut wood creaked toward the castle, the cart horse being led by Kyseen, who flicked the long leather leads not quite impatiently.

He was assigned the largest available, an ancient and docile cart horse, but he knew he must look as absurd as Nnanji.

Siuan came up to them, leading the cart horse as if afraid the placid animal might bite.

The Wise Ones no more expected them to disobey, Sevanna no more expected them to spy on her, than they expected a cart horse to sing.