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call attention

v. point out carefully and clearly [syn: signalize, signalise, point out]

Usage examples of "call attention".

I am trying to call attention to the elephant in the room that everybody is too polite - or too devout - to notice: religion, and specifically the devaluing effect that religion has on human life.

Hoy: an untranslated exclamation, common to all tongues of the Free Folk, used to express surprise or to call attention.

If he did use explosives on the hunters, it would only call attention to this area—.

He had learned long ago that a sensible wizard does not call attention to himself without good cause.

Even driving half the night again would not guarantee another inn ahead, and driving on this late might call attention.

Pucky remained lying down and tried not to call attention to himself.

He didn't have the interest of a senior officer nor the sort of family money that would allow him to cut a figure socially and call attention to his undoubted abilities.

Nothing you say will have any effect except to call attention to—.

An icon at the top of Daniel's display pulsed to call attention to itself.

The solid gold of learning and wisdom was not enough: the artist's skill must call attention to the value of the metal so that the taste might be charmed while the mind was satisfied.

One has grown accustomed in this day and age to finding it strange to call attention to a hunger artist, and in accordance with this custom the verdict was carried against him.

For another, the sensations and sounds surrounding him indicated it would be unwise to call attention to his new consciousness.

They may make sounds to call attention to themselves or to warn of danger, but I'm not sure they communicate other than by reading and broadcasting feelings.

The Viisiiviisii was not a good place to call attention to oneself.