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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Burh \Burh\, n. See Burg. [Obs.]


n. A fortified dwelling place belonging to a king or noble; a prehistoric fort.


A burh or burg was an Old English fortification or fortified settlement. In the 9th century, raids and invasions by Vikings prompted Alfred the Great to develop a network of burhs and roads to use against such attackers. Some were new constructions; others were situated at the site of Iron Age hillforts or Roman forts and employed materials from the original fortifications. As at Lundenburh (medieval London), many were also situated on rivers: this facilitated internal lines of supply while aiming to restrict access to the interior of the kingdom for attackers in shallow- draught vessels such as longships.

Burhs also had a secondary role as commercial and sometimes administrative centres. Their fortifications were used to protect England's various royal mints.

Usage examples of "burh".

However, they will not catch the women, with the hiding places there are in that burh, ere we have caught them.