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bare minimum

n. The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose.

Usage examples of "bare minimum".

Throughout the rest of the ship emergency lighting was provided by hand-hung nickel-cadmium lamps: a twist of the base of such a lamp provided at least a bare minimum of illumination.

Find the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, at a bare minimum.

So they were taught a bare minimum about how to handle a sword, just enough to keep them from slicing their fingers or stabbing bystanders-not enough to fight with them, just to keep them from looking too silly when protocol required them to wear swords.

So they were taught a bare minimum about how to handle a sword, just enough to keep them from slicing their fingers or stabbing bystanders—.

And to achieve even that, he had to cut the transit windows to the bare minimum, which was going to give ACS fits.

Split the first step into two parts, cut the ship down to the bare minimum for one man and jettison the remainder.

The bare minimum to keep one man alive for a maximum of two hundred hours.

We're about down to a bare minimum for local defense, and Ivan's begun to attack our northern radar installations.

But for those two years, at a bare minimum, they simply won't have the platforms to mount whatever new weapons or defenses they introduce.

Worse, she's probably realized that even if she could opt out on behalf of the Split System, despite the plebiscite vote-which would be political suicide for her personally, at a bare minimum-Split would simply find itself encysted within the Star Kingdom once the rest of the Cluster joined it.

He did good work, but only the bare minimum, leaving Kendra to pick up the slack.